As part of your professional responsibilities as a lecturer at UH Maui College you are to fulfill the following:

  • Complete ALL hire documents ASAP. Work closely with your department secretary and the personnel office staff to ensure that all paperwork are correctly done and submitted. Your first paycheck will arrive 6-8 weeks from the date of final submission. So please plan accordingly.
  • Familiarize yourself with the “College Regulations” section of the UHMC catalog. (
  • Familiarize yourself with the “Faculty & Lecturer Handbook,” located on our website (
  • Hold all class meetings, including the final exam period.
  • Design your course(s) to meet the learning outcomes and other requirements indicated in the course outline. Check with your department chair for the course outline. Include Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) and assessment in your syllabi. Both are critical to student success.
  • Be on time for every class.
  • If no one is immediately following you in a classroom (check schedule on door), turn off a/c, all computers, audio visual equipment, lights and lock the doors after your class.
  • Regularly check hawaii.edu email for messages from students, department chair, department secretary and Maui Announcements.
  • Food and drink should not be brought into the classrooms/labs; the cumulative effect leads to sanitation problems. We are fortunate to have a very conscientious custodial staff; your full cooperation in maintaining a neat learning environment will be greatly appreciated (faculty handbook p. 15)
  • If you are unable to meet a class due to illness or emergency it is the instructor’s responsibility to inform students in as much advance as possible. Your syllabus might contain the following statement: “Check your email often in case there is any unplanned cancellation of this class.” Notify the department secretary of all class cancellations so that she can post a notice of class cancellation on the classroom door.
  • Lecturers do not get sick leave or vacation. If you cancel your class you may not get paid. Check with your department chair for exceptions. (faculty handbook p. 14)
  • One office hour per week must be held for each class taught. Office hours should be held on campus unless other arrangements are made with students, are printed in the syllabus and with the consent of the department chair. The hour should be scheduled at a time when most students in the class are available, and you should be present during that time.
  • Post office hours, class schedule, and contact information on office door by first week of semester.
  • Finals are to be given on the days and times scheduled, not before. They may consist of written tests, projects, presentations, or other forms of student learning outcome assessment. The schedule is printed in the schedule of classes booklet, on every classroom/lab door or on the web at our homepage.
  • You will enter your final grades into banner at the end of the semester during a window of about one week. After that time grades will have to be entered by hand in registrar’s office and may result in late grades for students. Do not put grades into Laulima only, but enter into Banner first and then Laulima.
  • Instructors who teach in the evening are requested to encourage and periodically remind students to return to their cars in pairs or groups to prevent any incidents. Security (984-3255) is on duty 24 hours to assist with any situations which might arise. For more campus security information refer to faculty & lecturer handbook, page 8.
  • Return office keys and access keycard to Iris in the mailroom and all other UHMC property to department secretary at the end of hire period. If you are returning in spring semester, keep your keys over the break.
  • Lecturer letters are offers for you to teach classes. Classes are contingent upon sufficient enrollment, availability of funds, and availability of full and part-time faculty. Salary is subject to adjustment due to the State of Hawaii's financial situation.
  • If you receive an underpayment or overpayment in your paycheck notify your department chair or Personnel immediately.
  • As part of UHMC’s monitoring of student learning quality, your course may be selected for participation in college-wide or program-level assessment activities which may require you to provide information about your course, including 1) samples of student work that demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes, 2) brief written descriptions of course activities that develop learning outcomes, and 3) brief written descriptions of your assessment of student work in relation to learning outcomes. Important note: College-wide and program-level assessment activities will not be used to assess your teaching quality.

I understand and will comply with these requirements.


Name (print)



Keep one copy for yourself and return one signed copy to your department chair/secretary.
