Institution Submitting Proposal: Utah Valley University

School: Woodbury School of Business

Department: Management

Program Title: BS Business Management: Marketing emphasis

Recommended Classification of Instructional

Programs (CIP) Code: 52.0201

Proposed Beginning Date: Fall, 2011

Institutional Signatures:


Matthew S. Holland, University President

Utah Valley University


Ian Wilson

Vice President for Academic Affairs


David McArthur

Department Chair


Norman Wright


Date: 03/21/2011

Section I: Request

The Department of Management within the Woodbury School of Business (WSB) at Utah Valley University requests the discontinuation of the Bachelor of Science in Business Management: Marketing emphasis effective Fall, 2011. The purpose of this change is to bring the marketing degrees into alignment with the other degrees in the Woodbury School of Business that have changed from emphases to bachelor’s degrees: accounting, economics, and finance. This will have no impact on curriculum, faculty, staff, or resources. The discontinuation of the emphasis is dependent on the Board of Regents approval of the B.A. and B.S. in Marketing degrees, which are scheduled to be discussed at the Board of Regents meeting on March 25, 2011. This action was approved by the UVU Board of Trustees on March 17, 2011.

Section II: Need

The Woodbury School of Business has opted to change current emphases to degrees. Changing the Marketing emphasis to a degree will make it consistent with the other degree requests from the WSB and will require no changes to the program other than resources required as the demand for the degree increases.

Section III: Institutional Impact

The discontinuation of the Marketing emphasis and the addition of the proposed Marketing degrees will have limited personnel and budgetary impact because all the faculty and resources are already in place to support the program. The BS Business Management: Marketing emphasis has been in place for over 15 years. The required and elective upper division courses supporting the degree are currently taught by qualified faculty who are in compliance with the accreditation requirements of AACSB. This includes faculty with proven records of scholarship and histories of applied research, and commitments to the process of teaching students how to use these principles in the workplace. All other resources are currently in place.

Section IV: Finances

Budgetary impact of the discontinuation of the emphasis will be limited. The discontinuation will produce no savings as the requested B.A. and B.S. in Marketing degrees will use the same faculty and resources. The proposed degrees will be administered by the Department of Marketing, which is already in place and will therefore not require any additional advising personnel, administrative staff, or other related administrative expenditures during the initial years of operation. This proposal will require no additional financial resources, and discontinuation of the emphasis will produce no savings.