Before signing the Offer letter, have you completed your application in Careers@USF?

Please report to USFSP Human Resources on or before your first day of work to complete your new hire onboarding paperwork.

Before signing your Offer and completing the new hire onboarding paperwork, you should have a completed application on file in the Careers@USF on-line application system. Your application is necessary to electronically convert you from an applicant to an employee in our payroll system.

1.Access Careers@USF on-line at and click on the hyperlink to access Careers@USF.

2.New Applicants: set up a profile and application by clicking Apply without Selecting Job at the bottom of the page. If you have never completed an application, click Register Now then follow the prompts on each page. Once finished with all sections of the application, click Submit.

If you already have an application in the system and have been offered a position, you will only need to Login to view and accept the job offer shown in your Notifications. You will be prompted to add your date of birth and social security number to proceed.

Make sure to complete the entire application, the last step will be to click the SUBMIT button.

Any questions can be addressed to

, 20

Dear :

Upon the recommendation of the faculty and chair of the , we are pleased to offer you a non-tenure earning position as at an (academic year/annual) salary of at FTE. The appointment will commence on . Your appointment is subject to the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida and the United States, the rules and regulations of all applicable governing bodies of the University.

It is anticipated that your appointment will commence on, however this offer is contingent upon the successful completion of a criminal history background check. Upon signing this letter, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to initiate your background screen. If you do not initiate the background screen in a timely manner or if you the results have not been received by the above listed start date, then your start date will be revised. Please note, if the results of the background screen do not meet the university's standards, this letter of offer may be revoked. You may review the University's Criminal History Background Check Policy at

It is your obligation to report outside activity and conflict of interest under the provisions of Article 19, Conflict of Interest and Outside Activity of the USF-UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement (

The University is issuing this contractin accordance with USF System Regulation USF10-102, Personnel [Faculty] Recruitment, Selection, Appointment, and Article 8, Appointment, of the USF-UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement. This employment offer and contract will remain in force unless otherwise specified. Note: If hired without a search and using a waiver of advertisement, add this sentence: Your employment under this contract will cease on . No further notice of cessation of employment is required.

INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH IF FUNDED BY “NONRECURRING FUNDS” (e.g., contracts and grants, sponsored research funds and grants and donation trust funds):

This appointment is funded from non-recurring funds and is subject to the continuation of those funds. Therefore, this appointment is temporary and will end as specified above. In the event the funds are discontinued or reduced, this appointment may end sooner or result in a reduction of your FTE.

One of the great advantages about working for the University of South Florida St. Petersburg is our robust employee benefits program. Human Resources has prepared an online benefits orientation that will help to explain the offerings available and provide you with enrollment information. We strongly encourage you to view the presentation prior to your first day of employment. You will have 60 days from your date of hire to make elections for your health, life, and dental insurance coverage and 90 days for your retirement program. One of the benefits provided by the University is the selection to one of three retirement programs. You may review the list of all benefits offered to employees by visiting the HR website at

The USF/UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement (Article 6) prohibits discrimination against any employee based upon race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, age, military status, veteran status, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or employee rights related to union activity as granted under Chapter 447, Florida Statutes. Claims of such discrimination by the University may be presented as grievances pursuant to Article 20, Grievance Procedure and Arbitration.

It would be appreciated if you would arrange for three official transcripts for all graduate coursework completed and certifying the highest level of degree to be sent to by . Final appointment is subject to verification of your credentials.

On or before your hire date you must go to the Human Resources (HR) Office located in the Bayboro Building, Room 206, to complete the necessary paperwork that will put you on the payroll. Your department will schedule an appointment for you. To expedite this process, please be prepared to:

  • Provide documentation that establishes your identity and employment eligibility (in accordance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986). A list of acceptable documents for the I-9 form is attached.
  • Provide your passport, I-94, visa and appropriate immigration support documents based on visa class, if you are a foreign national.
  • Enroll in USF’s Direct Deposit program which is a condition of employment at the University. A voided check or a deposit slip is needed in order to complete the enrollment forms. If you do not currently have a bank account established, HR can provide you with information on available options.

On your first day, you may stop by the Cashier’s Office located in the Bayboro Building with your offer letter and pick up a temporary courtesy parking permit. You will be given directions to a facility where you may park and provided with information on obtaining a regular University parking permit.

The University conducts a New Faculty Orientation Program in August. New faculty members are expected to participate in this important event.

If you wish to accept this contract on the above terms, please sign the original copy of this letter where indicated and return it to Dean no later than . Your signature on this document shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to process a grievance with respect thereto in compliance with Article 20 Grievance Procedure and Arbitration.

We are enthusiastic at the prospect of your joining the faculty. Your background and qualifications will add unique strength to the Department and College, and hence to the University as a whole.


, Dean

College of

Date ______

My signature below indicates my acceptance of the offer as outlined above. I acknowledge I have received the invitation to self-identify Veteran status and/or a Disability included on the attached Post-Offer Steps.

Please return a signed copy of this letter via US Mail or fax (xxx)xxx-xxxx by Insert Date (NO LATER THAN 10 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE LETTER).


Signature(Candidate's Name)

CC: Human Resources

HR Processing Information (please insert information)

  • Department I.D.:[Department ID]
  • Job Code:[Job Code]
  • Position #:[Position Number]
  • Supervisor’s Name:[Supervisor's Name]
  • Supervisor’s Title:[Supervisor's Title]
  • Supervisor’s Position #:[Supervisor's Position Number]
  • Mail Point:[Mail Point]
  • Office Location:[Office Location]
  • Office Phone Extension:[Office Phone Location]
  • Pay Distribution #:[Pay distribution Number]

Enclosure:Acceptable Documents List

New Hire On-Boarding Guide

Welcome to the University of South Florida St. Petersburg.

We are excited to meet you and to help facilitate your onboarding to our institution.

Asanewemployee,our hope is this guide will help make your on-boarding process easier.

Step 1:Complete & Return the attached paperwork as soon as possible

Certificationof Employability. Consent and certification of release of information.

NewEmployeeInformation Sheet: Donot signthestate ofFloridaloyaltyoath atthe bottom unless you are in front of a notary. We do provide complimentary notary if needed.

Public Information Exemption Questionnaire: Used in determining whether or not an employee is exempt from the Public Information Law.

Florida Retirement System (FRS) - Certification Form: For compliance with the Florida Retirement System re-employment provisions.

Direct Deposit Authorization: You will need a blank voided check or your financial institutions direct deposit form. Direct deposit is required and you have 14 days to sign up.

Employee Acknowledgements. Acknowledgement and agreement of receipt of USFSP policies.

Step 2:Attend the New Hire On-Boarding Paperwork Appointment

At your appointment you will be required to execute:

Form I-9 – Employment Eligibility Verification. Please visit to view acceptable documents for the I-9.

W-4 - Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate.

If you are unable to have the New Employee Information Sheet notarized we can notarize it for you at your appointment time.

Step 3:CreateYourUSF Net ID (48 hours after your On-Boarding Paperwork Appointment)

Fromthis page– clickCreate YourNetID.

Add your First and Lastname and then your USF ID#or clickthe"Lookup yourUSFID Number"link.

Add your Birthdateand Social Security number(no dashes), typethewordsin thegraphicfield onyour screen and


Your USF IDnumber,alsoknown asyour UNumber,appears. Writeit downand then clickthe

Close USFIDNumberLookup linkatthetop.

Backon theEnterUserInformation page,add therequested information and clickActivate NetID.

Firsttimeuserswill seetheUSF Computerand NetworkAccessAgreement.Readand clickIagree.

Select your preferred NetIDfromtheavailablelist andclicktheSelectbutton.

Selecta secret question and enterananswer.Thisisused if you forget your password. ClickSubmit.

Youmustenrollin oropt out ofUSF'sEmergencyNotification System.If you chooseYes,enteryour mobilephone number,select thecampusand clickSubmit,thenClose Window.

Create your NetIDpassword. Onceyourpassword passesthestrength test,shown onthemeterat thetop,typeagainto verify and clickSetup NetID.

Your NetIDisset. ClickReturn to Main Menu.

ClickLogin formore optionstochange your GEMS SelfServicepassword.

Step 4:USFSP Email and USFSP Alias Email

USFSP email accounts are created when your USF NETID account is activated. To begin using your USF email account, log into Your email account begins with your USF NETID and ends with

Campus Computing provides USFSP Aliases for Full-time Faculty and Staff. Your USFSP alias begins with our USF NETID and ends with To request a USFSP alias please visit

Once your alias has been created, please visit this website to learn how to configure your USFSP alias:

Step 5:ChangeYourGEMSSelf-Service Password UsingtheNet ID Pages

AttheNetIDsign in page,add your newlycreated NetIDand passwordand clickSign In.

Writedownyour GEMSEmployee ID number and clickChangeyourGEMS SelfService Password.

Reset your GEMS Self-Servicepassword following therequirementsdisplayed. NOTE:tomakeit easier,you maywanttousethesamepasswordforyour NetIDandyourGEMSSelf Service.

Justaswith theNetID password,thepassword strength meterwill indicatewhenthepasswordis strong enough. ClickChange myPassword.


GEMS page

Step 6:Sign In toGEMSSelf-Service toreview your information and/or to make future changes.

Fromoffcampus,goto and clickGEMS Self-Service. Whenthepageopens, enteryourGEMS employeeID (including theleadingzeroes)and your newlycreated Self Service password.ClickSignIn.

Update PersonalInformation– Home Address, Phone,etc.

GEMS SelfServiceopens tothehomepage.ClickMainMenu,SelfService,Personal Information, PersonalInformation Summary.

PersonalInformation Summarydisplaysyourpersonal information – addresses,phonenumbers,etc. Checkeach categoryfor accuracy. To update any of the information,clickChange… buttons below each section.

Checkyour Emergency Contacts, Email Addresses and Ethnic Groupsfor accuracy, updateasneeded.

EthnicityQuestions: USFcollectsethnicityinformationon studentsand employeesfor federal reporting purposes using atwo-questionformat.Thefirstquestionasksif you areHispanic orLatinoand thesecond asksaboutyourrace. After updating the informationour choice,clickSave,OK, and then clickthe Returnto PersonalInformation linkjustbelowtheSave button.

Verifyyour Employee Information. If any information is incorrectcontact Human Resources.

Payrolland Compensation– DirectDeposit

Usethebreadcrumbsatthetop ofthescreen togobacktwostepsto Self Service. Click Payrolland Compensation,then Direct Deposit(seeimageatright).

Setup directdepositsoyour paycheckisdeposited automaticallyintoyour checking or savings account.Selecteitherchecking or savings–atthis time,USF onlyoffersoneaccountdistribution. Enter therouting numberand accountnumberofyourbankaccount,read theacknowledgment statement,and clickSave.

Payrolland Compensation– W-4TaxInformation

Using thebreadcrumbs,clickPayroll and Compensation then clickW-4Tax Information.

Enteryourwithholding allowancesand other choices and then clickSubmit.

Youmustverifyyouridentitybyentering your GEMS Self Servicepassword. ClickContinue.

Payrolland Compensation– W-2Consent

Using thebreadcrumbs,clickPayroll and Compensation then clickW-2/W-2cConsent.

Read theacknowledgement, if you consent to electronic W-2 and W-2c forms, checkthebox andthenclickSubmit.

ClickOK toconfirm.

Other Options inGEMSSelf-Service

Clickthrough thedrop down menustosee otheroptions:


ViewPaycheck and Compensation History

Review Benefits Summary

Review current job summary and job history

Training – enroll in training and review your training summary.

Use Self-Service to Self-Identify Veteran Status and/or a Disability.

GEMS Self Service allows USFSP employees to review and where appropriate add, update and delete their information.

Step 7:Request a Bayboro Account (Faculty & Staff)

A Bayboro Account is a domain user account that allows faculty and staff to access office computers, classroom computers and shared drives. Your Bayboro username is usually matched to your USF NETID username. Your Bayboro account is a separate account from your USF NETID account with access to separate resources. Please visit the following link to request.

Step 8:Phone and Voicemail

When you arrive to your office most likely a phone will already be available for you. If not, you should immediately contact your department to have them order a Cisco IP phone for you.

If your designated phone has someone else’s name and number assigned to it you can submit a request to have the information updated by visiting:

To learn more about the phone and voicemail please visit:

Step 9:Key Card

If you require access to buildings and labs on campus you will need to request a keycard.

Complete the Key Card Authorization Form at

Pay the $10.00 fee online at

Attach a copy of the receipt to the Key Card Authorization Form and submit to the Help Desk in Bay 226.

Step 10:USFSP Identification Card

The USFSP Card is the official identification card of the University of South Florida. The USFSPCard is a multi-functional card with digitized photo and electronic identification and validation for departments needing to verify student and/or employee status. Your first card is complimentary. Replacement cards – $15.00.

Complete the request form at

Take the completed form to the Nelson Poynter Library room 221 between 9-5:30 pm Monday – Thursday or on Friday between 9-5.

Common Terms/Definitions:

myUSF –online portal toprovideaccesstoonlineservices,including GEMS SelfService.

USFIDorUNumber– youruniqueIDnumberatUSF.

NetID– your user IDatUSF. Usetosign into myUSF.

GEMS– Global Employment System.

GEMS Self Service –Onlineaccesstoyour personal employmentinformation.

EmployeeID or EmplID–This 11digit number beginning with zeroesis your User IDfor GEMS Self Service.

For more information or forms, visit the Human Resources website:

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