School Admissions:

01244 981222

Person dealing with admissions: Mrs J Oddie

Headteacher: Mrs K Tyrie

Early Bird / 0815 - 0845
Morning Session / 0845 - 1145
Lunch Club / 1145 – 1230
Afternoon Session / 1230 – 1530


Data Protection Act. The school maintains a register of children awaiting places at our school. Personal information provided on this form is treated in confidence and complies with the requirements of the Act. This information may be shared with the Local Authority to help them plan for admissions to schools.


Data Protection Act. The school maintains a register of children awaiting places at our school. Personal information provided on this form is treated in confidence and complies with the requirements of the Act. This information may be shared with the Local Authority to help them plan for admissions to schools.

Child’s details
Surname (as shown on birth certificate)
Forename/s (as shown on birth certificate) / Child known as:
Male/Female / Date of Birth: / Day / Month / Year
Address (where the child is resident)
Post code
Telephone No. / Email:
Family details
Mother/First Carer’s Name
Daytime telephone number
Mobile Number
Father/Second Carer’s Name
Daytime telephone number
Mobile Number
Other children in the family
Name / Date of Birth / School
Have you any concerns about your child’s development? / YES / NO
If your answer is YES please tell us about your concern? (If necessary use a separate sheet and attach it securely to this form.)
Have you shared your concerns with any other services (GP, health visitor, Speech Therapist etc.)? / YES / NO
If the answer is YES what advice have you been given? (If necessary use a separate sheet and attach it securely to this form.)
Does your child have a medical condition? / YES / NO
If the answer to the above is YES please give brief details here. If necessary use a separate sheet and attach it securely to this form.
Are there any particular circumstances we should take into account when we are preparing to offer out places? / YES / NO
If the answer to the above is YES please give brief details here. If necessary use a separate sheet and attach it securely to this form.
It would be helpful if you could tell us how you heard about the school, e.g. from friends or neighbours, Local Authority, the website.
15 hours Please complete this section if you have 15 hours of free early years entitlement or only wish your child to attend for 15 hours per week.

5 Mornings - 0845 to 1145 /
5 Afternoons -1230 to 1530
30 hours Some working families may be eligible for 30 hours free child care. If you believe this is the case please check with your local authroity website for more details. If eligible, please tick box to confirm your interest.*
* Please note: 30 hours children, unless you wish to collect your child at 11.45 and return with them for the afternoon session (12.30) our offer for a full day place results in your child staying in our Lunch Club at a cost of £3.50 per day. We provide the staff and facilities and you provide a packed lunch for your child.
If you are interested in any of our Extended Services you can complete the list below and we will send you the appropriate information and forms at the relevant time.
Extended Services Available / Availability / Cost per session / How many sessions
Early Bird Club / Daily
0815-0845 / £3.00
Lunch club / Daily
1145-1230 / £3.50
Please use this space to provide any additional information that you believe we should take into consideration (or use a separate sheet and attach it securely.
Please read, sign and date this section.
The information I have given above is correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read the form and the additional information provided and I understand that a place at the school is not automatically guaranteed and the school will inform me when a place is available for my child.
By signing below I am giving permission for the information contained on this form to be used for the purposes of the application process and may be used by the Local Authority for the purposes of planning for school admissions.
Please print name
Relationship to the child
I give permission for the information on this form to be used for the purposes stated above / / Please tick box

Please return this form to the school office as soon as possible. If you require receipt of this form to be acknowledged please enclose a stamped addressed envelope.

The school will use this form during the admission procedures. If the school is oversubscribed the information provided will be used to assess the need of individual children and families. The school can only use the information supplied. Please do not take for granted that the school knows your family circumstances; even if you have had children at the school previously please complete all sections as fully as you can.

When you are offered a place at St. Mary’s we will ask you to complete our Admissions form which will ask for some of the same information contained in this form. We do this to ensure that on admission we have the most up to date information possible. The Admissions form will also ask for information that will be in addition to that given on this form.

You can request to see the full Admission Policy or talk to about the Admission Procedures by contacting the school office. The relevant addresses and telephone number are on the front sheet of this form.

Please remember to keep us informed of any changes in your circumstances, for example if you move house or change telephone numbers.

When you receive a letter offering you a place at the school you must reply in writing by the date shown on the letter. Failure to respond in writing by the cut off date may result in the place being offered to another child. If this is the case then we will only be able to offer you another place if one is available.

When you accept an offer made you are making a commitment and the school will process your acceptance of a place and make a financial claim to the Local Authority. Once you have made the commitment you must give the school half a term’s notice of any changes. The Early Year Funding will not be available to another Early Years setting until the beginning of term following your official withdrawal or request to reduce the number of hours claimed.

Thank you for choosing to register your child at St. Mary’s. We look forward to working with you in the future, making your child’s early learning experiences exciting and fun.





Admission/Admissions Information// Application Forms October 2017

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