July 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/xxxrx

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

802.11 TGaf July 2011 San Francisco Plenary Meeting Minutes
Date: 2011-07-22
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Rich Kennedy / Research In Motion Corporation / 7305 Napiet Trail
Austin, TX 78729 / +1-972-207-3554 /
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / 170 W. Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134-1706 / +1-408-527-0815 /
Zhou Lan / NICT / 3-4, Hikarino-oka, Yokosuka, 239-0847, Japan / +81-46-847-5110 /

July 18th , 2011 (Monday) PM 1:30-3:30

Notes – Monday, July 18th, 2011; with 35+ attendees, PM1 session

1.  Richard Kennedy (RIM) is the chair of the group. Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) is the vice-chair of the group. Chair called meeting to order: 1:30 pm.

2.  The meeting agenda of the week was reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.

3.  The meeting agenda of this session was reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.

4.  Introduction

4.1.  Chair welcomed participants.

4.2.  Chair reminded participants to record their attendance.

5.  Administrative items

5.1.  Chair reviewed the administrative items and presented the links for accessing the related documents.

5.2.  Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Chair asked: “Are there any questions on the slides?” None.

5.3.  Chair asked: “Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard?” None.

5.4.  Chair reviewed other guide lines of the IEEE WG meetings.

5.5.  Chair reviewed task group chair functions.

6.  Chair reviewed the PAR Scope and Purpose, Purpose, Principles and Vision/Outcome of the project.

7.  Motion to approve the TGaf minutes from the May Wireless Interim in Palm Springs and the May 24th , June 7th , 14th, 21st, and July 5th and 12th teleconferences in documents 11-11/0839r0, 11-11/0847r0, 11-11/0868r0, 11-11/889r0, 11-11/909r0, 11-11/945r0, and 11-11/952r0 respectively.

7.1.  Moved by: Chen Sun (NICT), Seconded by: Yongho Seok (LGE)

7.2.  Discussions: None

7.3.  Passes with unanimous consent

8.  Motion to approve document 11-11/277r14 as the LB171 comment resolution spreadsheet.

8.1.  Moved by :Zhou Lan (NICT), Seconded by: Yongho Seok (LGE)

8.2.  Discussions: None

8.3.  Passes with unanimous consent

9.  Motion to approve speculative draft P802.11af D1.02, posted on 2011-06-14, as the working draft.

9.1.  Moved by : Eunsun Kim(LGE), Seconded by : Zhou Lan (NICT)

9.2.  Discussions: None

9.3.  Passes with unanimous consent

10.  Motion to approve comment resolution submissions presented, discussed and agreed to on the teleconferences since Palm Springs:





10.1.  Moved by : Peter Ecclesine (Cisco), Seconded by : Paul Lambert (Marvell)

10.2.  Discussions: None

10.3.  Motion to modify the motion by removing document 11-11-940r1 from the list

10.3.1.  Moved by Peter Ecclesine (Cisco), Seconded by Eunsun Kim (LGE)

10.3.2.  Passes with the approval from the mover and second mover of motion on 10.

10.4.  Passes with unanimous consent

11.  Peter Ecclesine reviewed the TG progress from May meeting.

12.  Chen Sun (NICT) presented document 802.11-11/716r6 for NCC SAP related comment resolution.

12.1.  Peter Ecclesine pointed out the name of the maximum transmission field is wrong.

12.2.  Peter Ecclesine commented the identifier is not needed because the responder STA will never use this field for any action.

12.3.  Eunsun Kim (LGE) asked to whom the NCC request is sent.

12.4.  Chen Sun responded this is out of scope of this document.

12.5.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/716r6 with edit as shown on the screen and removal of resolutions to comments CID 524, 559, 568, 570, 914, 916, 601 and 622

12.5.1.  Moved by Chen Sun (NICT), Seconded by Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)

12.5.2.  Discussions: None

12.5.3.  Passes with 9 YES, 0 NO and 5 ABSTAIN.

13.  Zhou Lan (NICT) presented document 802.11-11/918r1 and 802.11-11/919r for MAC CSM MLME related comment resolutions.

13.1.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/918r1 and 11-11/919r2.

13.1.1.  Moved by Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT), Seconded by Zhou Lan (NICT)

13.1.2.  Discussions: None

13.1.3.  Passes with 10YES, 0 NO and 5 ABSTAIN.

14.  Peter Ecclesine presented 802.11-11/940r1 for MLME MIB related comments.

14.1.  There were not sufficient time for finishing the discussion; the discussion was extended to the next session.

15.  Recessed at 3:30 PM.

July 19th , 2011 (Tuesday) AM 8:00-10:00

Notes – Tuesday, July 19th, 2011; with 34+ attendees, AM1 session

16.  Richard Kennedy (RIM) is the chair of the group. Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) is the vice-chair of the group. Chair called meeting to order: 8:00 am.

17.  The agenda of the session was reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.

18.  Introduction

18.1.  Chair welcomed participants.

18.2.  Chair reminded participants to record their attendance.

19.  Administrative items

19.1.  Chair reviewed the administrative items and presented the links for accessing the related documents.

19.2.  Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Chair asked: “Are there any questions on the slides?” None.

19.3.  Chair asked: “Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard?” None.

19.4.  Chair reviewed other guide lines of the IEEE WG meetings.

19.5.  Chair reviewed task group chair functions.

20.  Padam Kafle (Nokia) presented document 802.11-11/1037r0 for simplification of enablement procedure in TVWS.

20.1.  Peter Ecclesine commented dialog token is not needed for the enablement request and response.

20.2.  Zhou Lan asked why the WSM in the response frame is needed.

20.3.  Padam Kafle responded even if the procedure is designed for verifying the ID, WSM still can be given as a results for the query.

21.  Recessed at 10:00 AM.

July 19th , 2011 (Tuesday) PM 7:30-9:30

Notes – Tuesday, July 19th, 2011; with 17+ attendees, PM3 session

22.  Richard Kennedy (RIM) is the chair of the group. Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) is the vice-chair of the group. Chair called meeting to order: 7:30 pm.

23.  The agenda of the session was reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.

24.  Introduction

24.1.  Chair welcomed participants.

24.2.  Chair reminded participants to record their attendance.

25.  Administrative items

25.1.  Chair reviewed the administrative items and presented the links for accessing the related documents.

25.2.  Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Chair asked: “Are there any questions on the slides?” None.

25.3.  Chair asked: “Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard?” None.

25.4.  Chair reviewed other guide lines of the IEEE WG meetings.

25.5.  Chair reviewed task group chair functions.

26.  Eunsun Kim (LGE) presented document 802.11-11/1035r1 for CVS related comment resolution.

26.1.  Zhou Lan asked since announcement frame can be used to deliver new WSM, why CAQ frame is still needed.

26.2.  Yongho Seok responded CAQ is used when a STA wake up from power saving mode.

26.3.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/1035r1 with changes displayed on the screen.

26.3.1.  Moved by Eunsun Kim (LGE), Seconded by Yongho Seok (LGE)

26.3.2.  Discussions: None

26.3.3.  Passes with 9 YES, 0 NO and 3 ABSTAIN.

27.  Eunsun Kim (LGE) presented document 802.11-11/774r0 for CVS related comment resolution.

28.  Eunsun Kim (LGE) presented document 802.11-11/948r1 for WSM length related comment resolution.

28.1.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/948r1 with changes displayed on the screen.

28.1.1.  Moved by Eunsun Kim (LGE), Seconded by Yongho Seok (LGE)

28.1.2.  Discussions: None

28.1.3.  Passes with 10 YES, 0 NO and 1 ABSTAIN.

29.  Recessed at 9:30 pm Local time.

July 20th , 2011 (Wednesday) AM 8:00-10:00

Notes – Wednesday, July 20th, 2011; with 25+ attendees, AM1 session

30.  Richard Kennedy (RIM) is the chair of the group. Peter Ecclesine (Cisco) is the vice-chair of the group. Chair called meeting to order: 8:00 am.

31.  The agenda of the session was reviewed and approved by unanimous consent.

32.  Introduction

32.1.  Chair welcomed participants.

32.2.  Chair reminded participants to record their attendance.

33.  Administrative items

33.1.  Chair reviewed the administrative items and presented the links for accessing the related documents.

33.2.  Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Chair asked: “Are there any questions on the slides?” None.

33.3.  Chair asked: “Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard?” None.

33.4.  Chair reviewed other guide lines of the IEEE WG meetings.

33.5.  Chair reviewed task group chair functions.

34.  Padam Kafle presented document 802.11-11/414r5 for simplification of enablement in TVWS band.

34.1.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/414r6 with changes as displayed on the screen

34.1.1.  Moved by Padam Kafle (Nokia), Eunsun Kim (LGE)

34.1.2.  Discussions: None

34.1.3.  Passes with 13 YES, 0 NO and 3 ABSTAIN.

35.  Yongho Seok presented document 802.11-11/1029r2 for DSE enablement related comment resolution.

35.1.  Peter Ecclesine asked if the frame is a action frame or a public action frame.

35.2.  Yongho Seok responded it is currently a public action frame.

35.3.  Padam Kafle commented the type field may not be needed.

35.4.  Eunsun Kim responded more discussions are needed in the cleaning up procedure.

35.5.  George Vlantis (STM) asked if there are two fields with variable length, how the frame can be parsed.

35.6.  Peter Ecclesine responded that the length of this field is fixed length according to particular country.

35.7.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/1029r2 with changes as displayed on the screen

35.7.1.  Moved by Padam Kafle (Nokia), Eunsun Kim (LGE)

35.7.2.  Discussions: None

35.7.3.  Passes with 11 YES, 0 NO and 4 ABSTAIN.

36.  Yongho Seok presented document 802.11-11/1046r0 for WSM MLME SAP related comment resolution.

36.1.  Padam Kafle commented CID 457 needs more discussions.

36.2.  Peter Ecclesine commented comment CID 1038 and 1039 shouldn’t be rejected.

36.3.  Peter Ecclesine commented all the “should” should be replaced in the text.

36.4.  Eunsun Kim responded the whole text was searched and there were only two “should” found.

36.5.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/1046r0 excluding resolutions to CIDs 457, 1038 and 1039, with changes displayed on the screen.

36.5.1.  Moved by Yongho Seok (LGE), Seconded by Eunsun Kim (LGE)

36.5.2.  Discussions: None

36.5.3.  Passes with 8 YES, 0 NO and 2 ABSTAIN.

37.  Zhou Lan presented document 802.11-11/943r2 for MAC CSM frame format related comment resolution.

37.1.  Padam Kafle commented there are many reason result code that may not be needed.

37.2.  Zhou Lan responded the necessity of all the reason result codes listed can be justified.

37.3.  Peter Ecclesine commented all the information that mode II send to GDB should be maintained on the RLSS.

37.4.  Eunsun Kim commented that CAQ and CSM should be decoupled.

37.5.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/943r2 with changes displayed on the screen.

37.5.1.  Moved by Zhou Lan (NICT), Second by Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)

37.5.2.  Discussions: None

37.5.3.  Passes with 16 YES, 0 NO and 4 ABSTAIN.

38.  Recessed at 10:00 am Local time.

July 20th , 2011 (Wednesday) PM 4:00-6:00

Notes – Wednesday, July 20th, 2011; with 22+ attendees, PM2 session

39.  Agenda was reviewed and approved.

40.  Introduction

40.1.  Chair welcomed participants.

40.2.  Chair reminded participants to record their attendance.

41.  Administrative items

41.1.  Chair reviewed the administrative items and presented the links for accessing the related documents.

41.2.  Chair reviewed the patent policy and meeting guideline slides. Chair asked: “Are there any questions on the slides?” None.

41.3.  Chair asked: “Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard?” None.

41.4.  Chair reviewed other guide lines of the IEEE WG meetings.

41.5.  Chair reviewed task group chair functions.

42.  Padam Kafle presented document 802.11-11/1049r0 for interference management.

42.1.  Rich Kennedy as the TG chair commented this contribution should be delayed because the focus of this document is not comment resolution and there are many comments waiting to be resolved in the limited time of this face to face meeting.

43.  Chin Sean Sum (NICT) presented document 802.11-11/880r1 and 802.11-11/879r1 for security connection related comment resolution.

43.1.  Padam Kafle asked what is annex W in REVmb.

43.2.  C.S. Sum responded it is suggested to add this section in the REVmb.

43.3.  George Vlantis (STM) commented the proposed security connection is out of scope of 802.11af.

43.4.  Peter Ecclesine responded this is in scope due to the security requirement of FCC, however TGaf may not want to touch this topic but leave it to implementation.

43.5.  C.S. Sum decided to delay the motion to address the comments that were received.

44.  Padam Kafle presented document 802.11-11/644r3 for CAQ frame format related comment resolution.

44.1.  Eunsun Kim commented the resolution of CID 430, 659 and 660 need more discussions.

44.2.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/644r3, excluding resolutions for CIDs 430, 659 and 660, with changes displayed on the screen

44.3.  Moved by Padam Kafle(LGE), Seconded by George Vlantis (STM)

44.4.  Discussions: None

44.5.  Passes with 13 YES, 0 NO and 4 ABSTAIN.

45.  Yohannes Alemseged (NICT) presented document 802.11-11/959r0 for basic report related comment resolution.

45.1.  Peter Ecclesine commented the CID number given in the document is wrong.

46.  Peter presented document 802.11-11/940r1 for mlme mib and general comment resolutions.

46.1.  Eunsun Kim commented CIDs 592, 653, 942 and 943 need more discussions.

46.2.  Motion to approve the resolutions in document 11-11/940r1, excluding resolutions for CIDs 592, 653, 942 and 943

46.2.1.  Moved by Peter Ecclesine (Cisco), Seconded by C.S. Sum (NICT)