held on

Thursday17th June2010,

at the

NHS, Football Stadium, Blackpool

Councillor Peter Callow, Leader of Blackpool Council (Chair)
Chief Superintendent Richard Debicki, Lancashire Constabulary
Steve Weaver, Chief Executive,Blackpool Council
Doug Garrett, Chair, Blackpool Enterprise Board
Neil Colquhoun, Third Sector Strategic Partnership Manager
Hugh Evans, Chamber of Commerce
Dr Arif Rajpura, Director of Public Health, NHS Blackpool
In Attendance
Fiona McGrath, Assistant Chief Executive, Blackpool Council
Alan Cavill, Assistant Director, Blackpool Council
Amanda Bennett, Partnerships Officer, Blackpool Council
Julie Crawford, Government Office North West
1. /


Apologies were received from:
  • Wendy Swift

The minutes of the BSP Board meeting held on 15th April 2010 were approved.
Steve Weaver informed the Board that the Regeneration Inspection was still proposed but in a scaled down format. Further details will follow as they become available.
Fiona McGrath informed everyone that CAA has now ceased. David Hoole will attend no further BSP Board Meetings. The Regeneration Inspection, as previously mentioned, will carry on but in a scaled down format. Further news on future regulation/assessments is awaited.
Steve asked that we send a formal letter of thanks to David Hoole on behalf of the BSP Board. / FMcG
Fiona McGrath presented the end of year performance report. Fiona highlighted the areas of concern and asked Goal Champions to address the “off track” indicators through their Goal Champions meetings.
Goal One – Improve Blackpool’s Economic Prosperity
Steve presented the Goal One update and informed the Board that nothing had significantly changed since the last update. LEGI continues to perform well, the Economic Development Company (EDC) is now established and continuing to develop. Steve warned of uncertain times in light of the emergency budget, he advised that work is still being undertaken to ensure that Blackpool is ready with the right package of strategies and interventions for whatever resources are available. Steve advised that the full extent of the challenge should become clearer after the budget on the 22nd June 2010. Steve explained the implications of the in year cuts to the Area Based Grant and the implications for LEGI and Working Neighbourhoods Fund (WNF) in particular. Blackpool’s economic prosperity has to remain central but will need to be re-examined in light of developments. The effective use of private sector resources will also need to be examined. Steve stressed that there is no intention to sit back and do nothing but rather to re-configure activity to respond to the changing climate.
  • Councillor Callow asked if the EDCwas fully complimented. Steve informed him that the Board was established and non-executive Board Members were being appointed. Resources for the EDC will be reduced as a result of the current financial situation.

Goal Two – Develop a Safe, Clean and Pleasant Place to Live, Work and Visit
Richard Debicki informed the Board that in the current circumstances there is not a lot to say. He advised that performance is good, crime is down and confidence is up. The extremely difficult financial circumstances will doubtless present a challenge and will have a significant impact. As a result there will be a need to look at priorities and how business can be done differently to produce the best results with the reduced resources.
  • Councillor Callow asked Richard about the effectiveness of Alleygates. Richard responded by saying they are useful as one of many resources to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.

Goal Three – Improve Skill Levels and Educational Achievement
Doug Garrett presented an update and again warned of an uncertain future in light of the economic situation. Doug is particularly concerned about the affects on Building Schools for the Future (BSF) and the Welfare to Work Programme. Doug is very aware of the importance of delivery and will work closely with the Goal 3 Champions Group to ensure that the risks are minimised wherever possible. Blackpool & FyldeCollege have received some additional monies and have received only a 3% cut in their overall budget against an expected loss of 5%. There are some issues around targets and how reasonable they are and this is being worked through by the group. The exam predictors are variable in their accuracy however the actual results will be out by the next meeting.
  • Councillor Callow observed that it is a “race against time” for the BSF programme.
  • Steve advised that currently the programme is at “preferred bidder” stage but the contracts are not yet signed.
  • Julie Crawford announced that as yet there was no news on the BSP programme but information is trickling through day by day.
Everyone agreed that it would be a huge blow if the programme did not go ahead.
Goal Four – Improve the Health & Well-Being of the Population
Arif Rajpura presented the Goal 4 update on behalf of Wendy Swift. He informed the Board that there had been positive feedback from the World Class Commissioning visit. Arif doesn’t know if this will continue following the White Paper which is due on the 5th July 2010. The new Government have talked about commissioning going to GP’s which is a concern. Finer detail is expected imminently and will be reported to the next meeting. The PCT are expected to find 30% management savings and is uncertain of the future for PCT’s. Arifis keen to ensure the hard work already undertaken on key public health issues is not lost and the Total Place approach is even more important now.
Everyone agreed that the recent change in Government and radical changes emerging are going to take time to absorb and understand the full implications. Further updates will be given as information comes through.
Amanda Bennett advised that the Migration Impact Fund had an uncertain future, but it could be expected that the year 2 money would not be received. There was an underspend in year 1 which would allow existing programmes of activity to be completed.
Alan Cavill presented a paper/spreadsheet which highlighted a loss of Area Based Grant of £3m in year. Steve Weaver advised that in addition to this loss there may also be other smaller grants cut or removed in year.
Steve and Alan provided some contextual information and a discussion ensued. Steve added some further information about the costs of redundancy, the cuts in Performance Reward Grant, Local Transport Plan and Housing Grants.
  • Neil observed that some of the projects at risk are award-winning and so asked what the criteria of government is for value for money.
  • Steve advised that the Working Neighbourhoods Fund is likely to be abolished from 1st April 2011.
  • Neil asked for clarification on a number of points and Steve provided the detail.
  • Steve gave out the sobering message that these cuts are the beginning not the end of the process and further significant cuts would undoubtedly follow.
  • Arif asked about the Performance Reward Grant Payments and Fiona McGrath provided a response.
  • Doug said that there is a need to ensure that if Blackpool suffers such cuts early that it doesn’t suffer a second time around. Councillor Callow advised he would be making strong representations to Government about this.
  • Neil asked if there were any opportunities to challenge the cuts and Steve advised there weren’t.
Steve advised that there is a need to focus on partnership projects and see if together there is a way of maintaining them and working together to achieve results.
  • Arif asked for clarification on a number of points and Alan provided a response.
Alan asked for the BSP Board’s support to top slice whatever comes in the next year to maintain a transformation fund.
  • Neil asked for some clarification and Steve explained the purpose of the transformation fund.
  • Neil clarified the top slice was to create a new pot of funds for transformation to take place and that it wasn’t a “management fee” for Blackpool Council. Steve confirmed this.
  • Richard acknowledged the difficulties to find such large savings in year. However he expressed concerns that many of the areas affected are within Goal 2. He is concerned about the impact on front-line services and asked for the board to agree priorities and use creative and innovative solutions to maintain services for our communities.
  • Steve provided some clarification on a number of points and a conversation ensued, which all partners engaged with.
  • Julie Crawford advised that the Home Office are visiting shortly and that Shirley Young will no doubt make robust representations on behalf of Blackpool.

Doug Garrett gave a presentation on the achievements of ReBlackpool during its lifetime. (A copy of the presentation is available from Doug if required).
  • Steve took the opportunity to say that it had been a job well done and thanked Doug and all the staff at ReBlackpool for their considerable achievements and hard work.

The conference is to be delayed until beyond the Comprehensive Spending Review when the full implications of the changes can be properly assessed. A conversation ensued about the venue for the next conference and Steve said that it had to be held in a quality and accessible venue to avoid criticism from wider stakeholders. St Johns was considered the most favourable venue.
Neil will put an article in the Third Sector News to advise of the delay. / NC
19th August 2010, NHS Blackpool. 9.30 am.

The meeting ended at 11.30 am

Any queries regarding these minutes, contact:

Amanda Bennett, Partnerships Officer

Tel: (01253) 477032 or e-mail:.