County and City Superintendents of Education
Deans of Education
Page 2
May 21, 2008
May 21, 2008
TO:County and City Superintendents of Education
Private School Administrators
Deans of Education
FROM:Joseph B. Morton
State Superintendent of Education
SUBJECT:Changes Pertaining to Alternative Baccalaureate-Level Certificates (ABC)
Years ago, members of the State Board of Education provided rules to implement legislation pertaining to provisional certificates and created the Alternative Baccalaureate-Level Certificate (ABC) approach to earning a Professional Educator Certificate. I am pleased to tell you that Governor Bob Riley signed Act No. 2008-281 that revised the previous legislation. Although the following information references ABCs, the Act is also applicable to Career and Technical Alternative Baccalaureate-Level Certificates (CT ABCs). Here is a summary:
1.We expanded the criteria for earning the first ABC to add a passing score on the prescribed Praxis II content test as an alternative to an academic major or the “32/19.” Please note that the passing score must be attained on a test date prior to September 1 for a certificate to be retroactive to the previous July 1.
2.We eliminated the requirement for three consecutive years of employment in the same school system or private school while holding a valid ABC. A teacher employed via the ABC approach may have four years from the July 1 valid date of the first ABC to document three years of satisfactory employment while holding a valid ABC. That employment must be in the same teaching field and may be in no more than two school systems, two private schools, or a combination thereof.
3.We have not changed the course completion schedule for ABC courses. Two courses must be completed prior to September 1 of the scholastic year for which the second ABC is to be issued. The remaining courses must be completed prior to September 1 of the scholastic year for which the third ABC is to be issued.
4.We have not changed the teacher testing schedule for meeting requirements of the Alabama Prospective Teacher Testing Program (APTTP):
a.An applicant for a first ABC who uses an academic majoror “32/19” to document content knowledge must submit proof of having registered to take the basic skills assessments and the prescribed Praxis II content test on test administration dates prior to May 1 during the valid period of the first ABC.
b.An applicant for a first ABC who uses a passing score on the prescribed Praxis II content test to document content knowledge must have attained a passing score prior to September 1. Also, the applicant must submit proof of having registered to take the basic skills assessments on a test administration date prior to May 1 during the valid period of the first ABC.
c.An applicant must verify having attained the current passing scores for the basic skills assessments and the prescribed Praxis II subject assessment of the APTTP by the prescribed dates in order to earn the next ABC or the Professional Educator Certificate (PEC) following completion of the ABC approach.
Please notethat the changes are not applicable to a person who held an ABC or CT ABC prior to the 2005-2006 scholastic year. Also remember that an individual may not be employed for more than three years on the basis of holding an ABC, CT ABC, a Special Alternative Certificate (SAC), a Preliminary Certificate, or any combination thereof. Six possible scenarios for implementation of the new options are provided on the attachment to this memorandum.
Our Teacher Certification staff member assigned to your school system or educator preparation institution will be pleased to answer your questions pertaining to specific individuals. Questions of a general nature should be referred to Dr. Jayne A. Meyer via r 334/242-9560or to Dr. Eddie R. Johnson via r 334/242-9960.
If you request and receive an alternative approach certificate, you are responsible for monitoring the progress of your employee so that she or he meets requirements for the next certificate. No waivers will be granted.
Let me close by saying THANK YOU to those of you who found time to encourage members of the Alabama Legislature to support adoption of these changes.
cc:Teacher Certification OfficersMrs. Sherry KeyMrs. Martha D. White
Dr. Eddie R. JohnsonDr. Jayne A. MeyerDr. Ann M. Jones
Dr. Thomas R. BiceMrs. Sarah P. Justiss