St. John the Evangelist RC Church
9700 Rosensteel Ave. 10103 Georgia Ave.
Forest Glen, MD 20910 Silver Spring, MD 20902
William Mattison, DLM
(301) 681-7663 x 17
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16-17, 2013
5:30pm, MC5:00pm, Call / 10:15am, MC
9:30am, Call / 12:00 Noon, MC
11:30am, Call
Personnel / Cantor: Billy Mattison
Keyboardist: Anna Colella / Cantor: Kevin Dukes
Psalmist: Dennis Pastore
Keyboardist: Anna Colella / Cantor: Patrick Love
Keyboardist: Anna Colella
Prelude / “Do Not Fear to Hope”
GIA/Gather #596 / “Do Not Fear to Hope”
GIA/Gather #596 / --
Processional Hymn / “God Proclaims for All to Hear”
(Gaudeamus Pariter)
WLP/Introits #72 / “God Proclaims for All to Hear”
(Gaudeamus Pariter)
WLP/Introits #72 / “God Proclaims for All to Hear”
(Gaudeamus Pariter)
WLP/Introits #72
Kyrie & Gloria / “Mass of Wisdom”
WLP/Octavo / “Mass of Wisdom”
WLP/Octavo / “Mass of Wisdom”
Dismissal of the Children / -- / “An Invitation to the Word”
WLP/Copy / --
Psalm / “Psalm 98: The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth with Justice”
GIA/Sunday’s Word p. 143 / “Psalm 98: The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth with Justice”
GIA/Sunday’s Word p. 143 / “Psalm 98: The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth with Justice”
GIA/Sunday’s Word p. 143
Gospel Acclamation / “Mass of Wisdom”
WLP/Octavo / “Mass of Wisdom”
WLP/Octavo / “Mass of Wisdom”
Offertory / “God is Working His Purpose Out”
GIA/Worship #507 / “God is Working His Purpose Out”
GIA/Worship #507 / “God is Working His Purpose Out”
GIA/Worship #507
Sanctus, MF, Amen, & Agnus Dei / “Mass of Wisdom”
WLP/Octavo / “Mass of Wisdom”
WLP/Octavo / “Mass of Wisdom”
Communion Antiphon / “Amen, I Say to You”
CMAA/Copy / “Amen, I Say to You”
CMAA/Copy / “Amen, I Say to You”
Communion Hymn / “It is Well with My Soul”
(arr. Matheny)
GIA/Octavo / “It is Well with My Soul”
(arr. Courtney)
Octavo / Heritage
Sending Forth / “Soon and Very Soon”
GIA/Gather #770 / “Soon and Very Soon”
GIA/Gather #770 / “Soon and Very Soon”
GIA/Gather #770
Updated July 6, 2013 1:55pm