Let 2 Unit 3 - Foundations for Success

1 Name the three parts of the human brain. Neocortex, limbic system and brain stem

2 The oldest part of the brain, sometimes called the reptilian brain or R-complex, processes basic survival needs and is also called Brain stem.

3 The part of the brain responsible for emotions and for transmitting incoming messages to either the R-complex or the neocortex is called the Limbic System

4 The part of the brain where higher order and abstract thoughts are believed to be processed is called Neocortex (or cerebral cortex)

5 When examined from the top, the brain is composed of two interconnected lobes or spheres called Cerebral hemisphere

6 What is sensory flooding? Sensory overload that occurs when too much data is getting through to the brain.

7 What is sensory gating? A neuron spike point that regulates transmission of stimuli to the brain.

8 What is an axon of a neuron? Long fibers that send electrical impulses and release neuron transmitters.

9 What is neural plasticity? The ability of neural circuitry to acquire nearly any function if given the appropriate training.

10 Most nerve cells in the brain that humans use are produced by the time we are born. True

11 The bundle of fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is the Corpus callosum, or white matter.

12 What formation in the brain is the seat of consciousness that is responsible for mental alertness and connects the conscious and the subconscious minds?

The Reticular Formation (or Reticular Activating System)

13 What two parts of the brain are responsible for transforming short-term memory into long-term memory?

The amygdala and the hippocampus

14 Cognition is defined as the mental process of knowing.

15 Research has proven that engaging only one side of the brain causes surprising gains in learning among students.


16 The ability of the brain to transmit data from one hemisphere to another is called Bi-lateral transfer

17 Right side and left side brain dominance is present at birth. True

18 What part of the brain is highly developed and capable of the deliberation and associations necessary for complex thinking and problem solving?

The cortex

19 A person’s Learning style is a way a person gathers and processes information.

20 What is a “reflex” response? A response that does not require thought but rather one that occurs without consciousness.

21 Name three learning styles. Auditory; Kinesthetic/Tactile; Visual

22 Perceptual modality is another term used to describe different Sensory channels that dominate how we acquire new information.

23 Another name for those who learn by listening is Auditory learner

24 Those people who learn new information through touch and movement are called Kinesthetic/tactile learners

25 Those people who learn best by looking, reading and watching are called Visual learners.

26 The term Metacognition means to think about thinking.

27 Attention and motivation have little influence in the learning process. False

28 Metacognition is the ability to bring your perceptions and processing into conscious consideration.


29 Schema is a pattern imposed on complex reality or experience to assist in explaining it, to mediate perception, or to guide responses to it.

30 A Global learner predominately uses the left hemisphere of his or her brain to focus on details.

31 There is no difference between a job and a career. False

32 A Analytic learner predominantly uses the right hemisphere of his or her brain to focus on the big picture.

33 Explain the difference between an analytic and a global learner. Analytic learners favor information delivered bit-by-bit and arranged logically. They favor predictability, planning and rules. Global learners favor large ideas and the purpose behind specifics. They tolerate disorganization and rule-breaching.

34 According to “Nine Facets of Brain Compatible Learning,” learning is reinforced through hands-on experience.


35 According to “Nine Facets of Brain Compatible Learning,” the brain stores new information if it is totally fresh and unrelated to previous knowledge.


36 Learning is retained longer if it is linked to senses and emotion, according to “Nine Facets of Brain Compatible Learning.”


37 According to “Nine Facets of Brain Compatible Learning,” new information will begin to fade after how long if it is not rehearsed?

30 seconds

38 Name three activities that enhance learning by encouraging time for reflection.

Group discussion, questioning, journaling, etc.

39 Name Dunn&Dunn’s five stimuli or dimension areas for learning preferences.

Environmental, emotional, sociological, physiological, and psychological areas.

40 According to Dunn&Dunn, Persistence refers to a learner’s ability to stay on task and attention span.

41 In Dunn&Dunn’s learning style model, what does “mobility” refer to? A learner’s physical preference for sitting still or moving while learning a new task or material.

42 According to Kolb’s Experimental Learning Model, Concrete experience occurs when the learner is actively experiencing an activity.

43 According to Kolb’s Experimental Learning Model, Reflective observation occurs when the learner is consciously reflecting back on the experience of learning.

44 According to Kolb’s Experimental Learning Model, Abstract conceptualization occurs when the learner is being presented with or trying to conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed.

45 According to Kolb’s Experimental Learning Model, Active experimentation occurs when the learner is trying to plan how to test a model, or theory, or plan for a forthcoming experience.

46 According to Kolb, Theorists (also called assimilators) like to learn using abstract conceptualization and reflective observation such as a lecture, papers, or analogies.

47 According to Kolb, Pragmatists (also called Convergers) like to learn using abstract conceptualizations and active experimentation such as lab and field work.

48 According to Kolb, Activist (or Accommodator) learners like to use concrete experience and active experimentation, such as case studies and simulations.

49 According to Kolb, Reflector (also called Diverger) learners like to use reflective observation and concrete experience, such as logs, journals, or brainstorming.

50 Name Gardner’s eight intelligences. Bodily/kinesthetic; visual/spatial; logical/mathematical; verbal/linguistic; naturalist; musical/rhythmical; interpersonal; intrapersonal

51 Gardner revolutionized thinking of intelligence by asking not “How smart are you?” but “How are you smart?”


52 Define “intelligence.” The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge; the faculty of thought and reason.

53 What are the characteristics of Gardner’s bodily/kinesthetic intelligence? Physical prowess, coordination, fitness and action

54 According to Gardner, what is visual/spatial intelligence? The gift of visually representing and appreciating concepts, ideas and information, such as through drawing, building and designing.

55 According to Gardner, what is logical/mathematical intelligence? The gift of reasoning and thinking in symbols and abstractions, as demonstrated in calculating, computing, problem solving, and graphing

56 According to Gardner, what is verbal/linguistic intelligence? The gift of verbal or linguistic skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

57 According to Gardner, what is the musical or rhythmical intelligence? The gift of melody, music, rhyme, rhythm, and sound, as demonstrated in playing an instrument, singing, timing and patterns.

58 According to Gardner, what is naturalist intelligence? A gift of environmental awareness as manifested in an understanding of interrelationships of the natural world.

59 According to Gardner, what is interpersonal intelligence? The gift of working with people and understanding the complexities of human relationships.

60 According to Gardner, what is intrapersonal intelligence? The gift of inner thought, self-awareness and self reflection as demonstrated in goal-setting, self assessing, and self regulating.

61 Public speaking is the greatest fear among people, greater than the fear of dying, flying or failure.


62 Which of the following are coping strategies for lessening the fear of public speaking?

Remember that your audience shares your fear of public speaking; Remember the audience is there to hear you Concentrate on the subject; Remember your nervousness does not show Prepare; Practice; Breathe deeply.

63 What are the six basic steps to effective speech writing? Analyze the purpose and the audience; Conduct research and gather information, Support your ideas; Organize your materials, Draft and edit your speech; Practice and get feedback

64 What is “constructive feedback?” Feedback or criticism that is helpful and productive.

65 What is a communication “barrier?” An obstruction; anything that prevents you from effectively speaking or listening.

66 Define “group think.” A situation where a group does not consider all available alternatives due to the desire to reach consensus.

67 Explain the communication barrier of distortion. When communication is twisted out of its true meaning; reproduced improperly.

68 What is a communication “filter?” A person who alters information or a method of altering information as it is being passed from one person to another

69 A relationship, particularly one of trust, that must be established between a speaker and a listener or a group of listeners, is called Rapport

70 A Grapevine is an unofficial, informal communication network.

71 A Rumor is a piece of poorly substantiated information that is passed along an informal communication network.

72 Name the three different roles that exist in group communication. Task roles; social roles; and dysfunctional roles

73 Give three examples of task role behavior in group communication. Initiator, coordinator, opinion seeker, energizer, recorder/secretary, information giver, information seeker

74 Name three behaviors of the social role in group communication. Encourager, observer, compromiser, gatekeeper, standard setter, summarizer, mediator, reality tester

75 Name three examples of dysfunctional roles in group communication. Aggressor, blocker, recognition seeker, self confessor, dominator, help seeker, non participator

76 What are ascendant tendencies in group communication? Someone seeking to be dominant in position or influence; superior.

77 Compromise is the settlement of differences reached by mutual concessions.

78 Name the four dominant categories of behavior in Winning Colors.® Planners, builders, relaters, and adventurers

79 In Winning Colors®, Planners are quiet, introspective, and detail oriented. They are good listeners and tend to hide their feelings.

80 In Winning Colors®, natural leaders who express themselves openly and directly and are also rule-governed, dependable, and loyal are known as Builders.

81 In Winning Colors®, those who like sharing ideas and feelings, who work well in teams, and who are social and love to talk are known as Relators.

82 In Winning Colors®, who are the action-oriented who live in the present, are flexible, and thrive on spontaneity?


83 What are the three parts of a learning objective? The task (the action to be performed), the condition (the circumstances under which the task must be performed), and the standard (how well the task must be performed).

84 Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative measures of performance. Quantitative standards use numbers to measure performance, while qualitative standards require the evaluator to make a judgment.

85 Give three examples of training aids. Computers, overheads, television sets, chalkboards, handouts, posters, etc.

86 Name the four phases of a lesson plan. Inquire, gather, process, apply

87 Name the three components of each stage of the four-phase lesson plan. Direct student focus, learning activity, and reflection.

88 Why is reflecting an important stage of the learning process? It helps students store the newly acquired information in their long-term memory.

89 Name two types of teaching methods. Lecture; Discussion/Conference Demonstration; Practical Exercise Brainstorming; Case Study; Gaming

90 What is the teaching method that uses a real or realistic situation, with enough details given to make it possible for learners to analyze the problem and determine possible solutions?

Case study

91 What is the strategy used in which a team of students work with and depend on each other to accomplish a goal?

Cooperative Learning Strategy

92 To inquire, gather, process and apply are four phases of a Lesson plan.

93 Name three team-building exercises. Developing a team cheer; selecting a team color to represent the personality of the group, Choosing a symbol; selecting a celebratory food, Designing a team logo; naming the team; creating a team song

94 What is a graphic organizer and what is its use? A tool for learning the structure of thinking skills. It provides a visual picture of information and allows the mind to “see” patterns and relationships.

95 What kind of graphic organizer is best used for comparing and contrasting topics? The Venn Diagram

96 What are the two main purposes of providing feedback? To provide information or to provide motivation.

97 What type of feedback is most useful: specific or general? Specific

98 Explain the F-I-N-D-S Decision-Making Model. Figure out the problem; Identify solutions; Name pros and cons of each choice; Decide which is the best solution and then act on it; Scrutinize the decision.

99 The acronym SPAM can be used to evaluate goals. What does SPAM stand for? Specific, Positive, Achievable, and Measurable goals

100 Explain the difference between a job and a career. A job is short-term work meant to pay bills. A career is a long-term profession that provides income.