Williams for students – Template


Strategies / Task
Create – after reading
EG Make a video, animation, digital story, game which responds to the themes.
[Creative reading skills – Williams] /
Create – after listening
EG Listen to an audio recording then respond. OR Make a soundscape or write a song/piece of music which responds to the themes.
[Creative listening skills – Williams] /
Write – after reading
EG Write a piece of your own which responds to the author’s themes, style or technique.
[Creative writing skills – Williams] /
Drama / Empathy task
EG Create a role play, script or written piece which expresses your feelings about the text.
[Intuitive expression – Williams] /
Make art
EG Create a painting, sketch, sculpture etc to respond to the themes.
[Visualise – Williams] /

Williams for students


Strategies / Task
Find the missing link
EG Research to find the answer to gaps in your knowledge. What are the “must knows” for this text?
[Discrepancy – Williams] /
Case study report
EG Research, write a case study report. [OPTIONAL: Say what YOU do in that situationOR give your viewpoint]
[Organised random search – Williams] /
Compare - Analyse results
EG Research a number of events/people and analyse common patterns, predict trends/consequences
[Skills of search – Williams] /
Study a person’s development
EG Explain how the person learned and changed, including through MISTAKES. OR Analyse your own growth via analysing drafts in a process journal.
[Adjustment to development – Williams] /
Study creative process
EG Research the author/illustrator/famous person’s style, techniques and creative processes.
[Study creative process – Williams] /

Williams for students

Think it through

Strategies / Task
Make a list of qualities
EG What are the qualities of the main character? What are the qualities of a true friend? A hero? etc
[Attribute listing – Williams] /
Find 2 opposing perspectives
EG Write about something from 2 points of view. OR Discuss 2 opposing viewpoints and find the advantages and problems in each one. There is OFTEN ambiguity in a situation – it can be seen from a few angles.
[Tolerance of ambiguity – Williams] /
Examples of habit
EG Notice habits that characters have in the text, particularly ones which will keep them stuck or cause them problems. Habits can be limiting OR useful.
[Examples of habit – Williams] /
Evaluate situations
EG Evaluate the best, worst, most interesting, most important, life changing moments etc in the text. OPTIONAL: Explain how that situation could have been avoided.
[Evaluate situations – Williams] /

Williams for students

Question it

Strategies / Task
Ask a question which brings 2 opposites together, to explore a theme from the text. EG How can an ending also be a beginning?
[Paradox - Williams] /
Ask a question which compares two things, to explore a theme from the text. EG How is a memory like a gateway? How is a question like a key? How is a story like a healing potion?
[Analogy – Williams] /
Examples of change
EG Change one big thing in the text and write a piece which shows what would happen next.
[Examples of change – Williams] /
Provocative question
EG Ask a question that really gets us thinking about something in the text – then give YOUR own opinion.
[Provocative question – Williams] /

Williams for students

Create menu – choose one

Strategies / Task
Create – after reading
[Creative reading skills – Williams]
Create – after listening

[Creative listening skills – Williams]
Write – after reading

[Creative writing skills – Williams]
Drama / Empathy task
[Intuitive expression – Williams]
Make art

[Visualise – Williams]

Williams for students

Research menu – choose one

Strategies / Task
Find the missing link
[Discrepancy – Williams]
Case study report

[Organised random search – Williams]
Compare - Analyse results
[Skills of search – Williams]
Study a person’s development
[Adjustment to development – Williams]
Study creative process

[Study creative process – Williams]

Williams for students

Think it through menu – choose one

Strategies / Task
Make a list of qualities
[Attribute listing – Williams]
Find 2 opposing perspectives

[Tolerance of ambiguity – Williams]
Examples of habit

[Examples of habit – Williams]
Evaluate situations

[Evaluate situations – Williams]

Williams for students

Question it menu – choose one

Strategies / Task

[Paradox- Williams]

[Analogy – Williams]
Examples of change

[Examples of change – Williams]
Provocative question
[Provocative question – Williams]

Lizzie Chase – Williams for Wondering –