Bid Submission Deadline Date & Time: May 7, 2013, 3:00 PM MT

Submissions Accepted Via: E-mail, Fax, In Person or by Mail

Comments: You may submit your quote response via e-mail to or by fax to 719-269-4064. Please request confirmation of receipt.

The following information is REQUIRED, and when completed, may serve as the cover page to your response to this solicitation:

ATTENTION: Mary Ann Shaw, Purchasing Agent

FROM: Name of firm ______

Remit to Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______

Federal Taxpayer / Employer ID Number: ______

Projected delivery date: ______calendar days after receipt of order.

Bidders printed name: ______

E-mail address: ______

(Note: Purchase orders are normally sent via e-mail. If another e-mail address should be used for purchase orders, please provide that address in the Bidder’s comments section.)

Bidders Comments (Optional) ______



Vendor Qualifications

The successful bidder must be a register “Colorado BIDS” vendor as of the bid submission date stated above.

Goods / Services Delivery

Location: See information below.

FOB: Destination

Comments: Bid prices are to include the cost of freight, FOB – destination.

Point of Contact

Name: Mary Ann Shaw

Agency: Department of Corrections

Phone: 719-269-4054

Fax: 719-269-4064


Comments: 1) Please do not use the fax number or e-mail address provided for unsolicited advertisements. 2) Any award(s) from this solicitation will be posted on BIDS after the bid submission date. All bid files for CDOC solicitations may be viewed upon request at the CDOC Purchasing Office; requests for detailed or itemized bid results to be provided via other means may be declined. 3) The “specifications” section following is available to pre-registered “Colorado BIDS” vendors via the State’s web site (; requests to receive said specifications by other means may be declined.


ELIGIBILITY NOTE: This solicitation has been published on the Colorado Bid information and distribution system (BIDS). In order to be considered to be responsive (eligible for award) of this solicitation, the vendor must have completed the BIDS registration process, including payment of a $40 annual fee, by no later than the bid submission date. Colorado BIDS may be accessed on the internet through the State Purchasing Office link at

EVALUATION AND AWARD: Award of this solicitation will be made to the bidder(s) whose response(s) is/are judged by the Colorado Department of Corrections (CDOC) to be the most advantageous to the State. The factors which are considered in evaluating and awarding this solicitation will include cost considerations, and may also include but not limited to:

1.  The projected starting delivery dates, as stated in the bidder’s respective quote response;

2.  The respective quality of the goods / services to be provided, as perceived by the CDOC;

3.  The respective qualifications, experience, and past performance of the bidders, as perceived by the CDOC; and

4.  Any other pertinent factor.

It is the general preference of the CDOC Purchasing Office to award Documented Quote solicitations to the single binder whose quote response is most advantageous to the State. If necessary or if deemed to be in the State’s best interest, the award may be divided among two or more bidders, cost and other factors duly considered.




Welch Allyn Manufacturer # 42MTB-E1. Spot Vital Signs monitor; blood pressure, oximetry and temperature. Measures BP, pulse rate, temperature and Sp02 in about 30 seconds; lightweight and portable. (No substitutes)

Bid Price Each $ ______Total Bid Price $ ______


Welch Allyn Manufacturer # 4700-60. For use with Spot Vital Signs monitors. (No substitutes)

Bid Price Each $ ______Total Bid Price $ ______


Rifle Correctional Facility – One (1) monitor and one (1) stand

200 County Road 219

Rifle, CO 81650

Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility – Two (2) monitors and two (2) stands

275 West Highway 50

Canon City, CO 81212

Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility - One (1) monitor and one (1) stand

12750 Hwy 96 and Lane 13

Ordway, CO 81034

Denver Reception and Diagnostic Center – One (1) monitor

10900 Smith Road

Denver, CO 80239

If you have any technical questions, please contact Renae Jordan at 719-226-4522.

BACKGROUND CHECK AND CONSENT TO SEARCH: The vendor and any employee(s) of the vendor who will be providing services on CDOC property may be required to undergo a CDOC criminal background check and may be required to sign the, “Consent to Search Authorization form”. Admittance of any persons to CDOC facilities or properties will be at the sole discretion of the CDOC. Also, please note that tobacco products and other contraband items are prohibited on CDOC property.

OTHER NOTES: The following comments generally apply to solicitations such as this one. 1) Payment terms will be assumed to be ‘Net-30 Days’ after receipt of goods/services and invoice, unless otherwise specified by the bidder. Proposed payment terms of less than 30 days may not be acceptable to the CDOC; except that proposed payment terms of less than 30 days that include a discount, such as “net-30 days/2% 10 days’, are encouraged for possible consideration by the Department. 2) It is the responsibility of each bidder to monitor this solicitation during the open bidding period for any possible modifications (addenda or other changes to the solicitation). The CDOC is not able to otherwise actively notify prospective bidders of any modifications. 3) The respective delivery dates of the bidders, as stated in the quote responses received, may be an evaluation factor in awarding one or more items on the solicitation, depending upon the delivery needs of the CDOC and the differences between the responses received. The CDOC relies upon the accuracy of the projected delivery date stated in the quote response and reserves the right to cancel any order for which delivery is not made by the date stated. 4) Colorado has a very broad public records law. Bids, quotes, proposals and most other written communications to the CDOC Purchasing Office are public records available to the public upon request. Requests or statement concerning confidentiality will be of no effect unless confidentiality has been specifically affirmed in writing by the CDOC Purchasing Office.

End of solicitation CAA-DQ-3843; we thank you for your support.