Applicant Name: / Tel No:
Contact Person: / ApprovalRef:
POE Title: / POE Ref:
Date ofReview: / Reviewedby:
This is the list ofallthechapters, orsubjects to be included in a ProductionOrganisationExposition (POE). It is not mandatory to followthesequenceofthechaptersbut it is mandatory to coveralltheonesapplicable.Some chapterscan be added/mergedaccording to organisationneeds; thetitlescan be changedifappropriate.
Reference to EASA Part 21 subpart G / Ref to POE paragraph / Commentforapplicant / CommentforCompetentAuthority
General informationthatshould be in thefirstpage
Part 21 subpart G Production Organisation Exposition
Name andaddressoftheOrganisationcomplyingwithofficial name (EF50 and business registration)
Approval reference ofthe POA
Reference oftheExpositionwithissuenumber
Approval date
General informationforeachpage
Name oftheorganisation
POE identification
Amendment/revisionnumberofthe POE
Page number
General chapters
Table ofcontent
Historyofrevision / Including status oftherevision. Pleaseensurethatthechanges are somehowhighlightedandthatthey are easy to identify.
List ofeffectivespages
Distribution list
Termsandabbreviation / Thiscan be removedfrom general chaptersifanyabbreviations is definedevery time it is used in thedocument
Introduction / DescriptionoftheOrganisation / This is to presenttheorganisation
Management Procedures
SignedcorporatecommitmentbytheAccountable Manager / 21.A.143 (a) 1. / Shallconfirmthattheproductionorganisationexpositionandanyassociatedmanualswhichdefinetheapprovedorganisation’scompliancewiththissubpartwill be compliedwith at alltimes.
NominationofAccountable Manager with reference to delegationletterwhenthe AM is nominatedby top management / 21.A.143 (a) 2.
21.A.145 (c) 1.
Management personnel / 21.A.145 (c) 2.
21.A.143 (a) / Shall list the title andnamesofallthenominated persons in front ofthe POA withidentificationof EASA Form 4 holders
Dutiesandresponsibilitiesof : / 21.A.143 (a) 3.
21.A.145 (c) 2. / Shallalsoincludematters on whichtheymaydealdirectlywiththecompetentauthority on behalfoftheOrganisation.
-Accountable manager
-Quality manager
-Production manager
-Anyother manager related to POA
Organisationchart / 21.A.143 (a) 4.
21.A.145 / Theorgchartshallidentifythereportinglinesandnominatedmanagers
List of Part 21 certifyingstaff / 21.A.143 (a) 5.
21.A.145 (d) / Thiscanalso be anappendix
General descriptionofthe man-powerresources / 21.A.143 (a) 6.
General descriptionofthefacilities / 21.A.143 (a) 7. / Containingtheaddressanddetailsofeachfacilityincluded in thescopeofthe POA (in theproductionorganisation’scertificateofapproval). A readablefacilitylayout plan shall be included
Scopeofwork / 21.A.143 (a) 8.
21.A.151 / The general scopeofworkrelevant to thetermsofapprovalshall be describedhere. Additionally it shouldrefer to thefull list of P/N (part number) producedundertheproductionapproval , thecapability list or to thedatabasethatgivesthe list.
Fortheproducts, it shouldrefer to thetypecertificatenumber.
In caseofvarious DO/PO arrangements, a list ofall DO/PO arrangementsshall be included.
Notification procedure oforganisationalchanges to CompetentAuthority. / 21.A.143 (a) 9.
21.A.147 (a)
21.A.153 / Shall list allthechangesidentified as significantchanges. Shalldescribe how eachtype (significantor not) ofchanges are managed.
It includeschangeofaccountable manager, changeofothernominatedmanagers, changeoflocationoffacilityorchangeofactivity (scope) etc…
Amendment procedure oftheexposition / 21.A.143 (a) 10.
21.A.143 (b)
21.A.165 (a) / It shalldescribe how andbywhom are theExpositionandtheassociateddocumentsupdated.
Descriptionofthequalitysystem / 21.A.143 (a) 11. / This is optional as it is coveredbythenextchapterbut it can be useful to describethestructureofthedocumentation (pyramid)
Supplier/subcontractor list / 21.A.143 (a) 12 / It shallincludethemainsuppliers list plus the reference to thefullsuppliers list ifthe list is too big. A changeofsuch a mainsubcontractormay be treated as a significantchange (21.A.147 (a)). Canalso be put as anappendix.
Flight test operations manual definingtheorganisation'spoliciesandprocedures in relation to flight test / 21.A.143 (a) 13 / Ifflighttests are to be conducted
Distributionofthedocuments / 21.A.139 (a)
21.A.165 (a)
Documentissue, approvalorchange / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (i) / Thecreationofdocument (bywhom, to whom, numbering, documentstructure…) shallalso be covered in thisparagraph.
How thechanges are followedandhighlightedshallalso be covered.
Vendorandsubcontractorassessmentauditandcontrol / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (ii)
21.A.157 / Shallalsoincludetheevaluationandtheacceptancecriteria.
Verificationthatincomingproducts, parts, materials, andequipment, includingitemssuppliednewor used bybuyersofproducts, are as specified in theapplicable design data / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (iii) / It is thedescriptionoftheincoming material inspection
Identificationandtraceability / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (iv)
Manufacturingprocesses / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (v)
21.A.145 (a)
21.A.163 (a)
21.A.165 (b) / Shallalsoincludethe management oftheproductiondocumentation.
Specialprocesses / 21.A.145 (d) / Thespecialprocessesshall be mentionedanddescribedifany.
Inspectionandtesting, includingproductionflighttests / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (vi)
Calibrationoftools, jigsand test equipment / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (vii) / Shallincludetheacceptance, theuse, thecontrolandthecalibrationofthetoolsandequipment
Non-conformingitemscontrol / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (viii) / Includingconcessions
Airworthinessco-ordinationwithapplicantfor, orholderof, the design approval / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (ix)
21.A.133 (b) (c)
21.A.165 (g) / Thisparagraphshallalsorefer to the DO/PO arrangementifany (unlessthis is included in the “scopeofwork” chapter).
Recordscompletionandretention / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (x)
21.A.165 (d)
21.A.165 (h) / It is dealingwithtechnicalrecordsand it shallincludethe management ofelectronicrecordsifany.
Personnelcompetenceandqualification / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (xi)
21.A.145 (d) / Thisshoulddescribethe general requirementforacceptinganybodyworking in POA holderorganisation. Thetrainingprocessofthesepersonsshall be described (minimum trainingandalsoregulartraining).
Ifthere are specialprocessor NDT in thescope, thespecificrequirementsfortrainingandqualificationshouldalso be described.
Certifyingstaffqualificationandtraining / 21.A.145 (d) / Thisparagraph is specificallyreservedforcertifyingstaff, withqualificationrequirements, trainingneeds, nomination, recordsandauthorization.
Issueofairworthinessreleasedocuments / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (xii)
21.A.165 (c)
21.A.165 (i)
Handling, storageandpacking / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (xiii)
Internalqualityauditsandresultingcorrectiveactions / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (xiv)
21.A.139 (b) 2.
-Qualityauditremedialaction procedure
-Planningfor POA complianceaudits / Thequalityauditofprocessesshallcoveralsotheauditofspecialprocessesifany.
These are theauditsprocedures to coverthescopeof Part 21 subpart G in order to provethecompliancewiththeregulation
Workwithinthetermsofapprovalperformed at anylocationotherthantheapprovedfacilities / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (xv) / Alsocalledoutlocatedwork.
Workcarried out aftercompletionofproductionbut prior to delivery, to maintaintheaircraft in a conditionforsafeoperation / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (xvi) / This is applicableonlyforcompleteaircraft.
Issueofpermit to flyandapprovalofassociatedflightconditions / 21.A.139 (b) 1. (xvii)
21.A.165 (j) (k) / This is applicableonlyforcompleteaircraft.
Occurrencereporting / 21.A.139 (f)
21.A.165 (e) (f)
Controlofcriticalparts / 21.A.139 (b) 1.
Capability List / Ifapplicable
Cross reference table between Part 21 subpart G requirementsandinternaldocuments. / This is not applicable in casethere are no otherinternal POA documentsthan POE.


Reviewedby: / Date:
POE Compliance Check List / AIR.CHK-000081 / Version 1 / Valid from 15. 05. 2016 / Page1 od 9