3rd Grade Homework – 10/10/16

SLE: 2B: Responsible Life-Long Learners who work well with others.

Challenge words: cashier, friendship, hatched, finished, children

Monday / ·  SPELLING – Write words 5 times each in your spelling notebook.
·  MATH – No Math-Packers Win! ! !
·  CENTER WORK – because of Read-A-Thon we didn’t finish our class and center work. We worked on it this morning but anything left is being sent home to finish.
·  READING - Read a chapter book that has more than 60 pages for 15 mins. Then write a summary (1 paragraph – 4 sentences) on the reading log
Tuesday / ·  SPELLING – Write sentences for each word in your spelling notebook. REMEMBER only 5 sentences can start with “I”
·  MATH – Workbook page 23
·  Read a chapter book that has more than 60 pages for 15 mins. Then write a summary (1 paragraph – 4 sentences) on the reading log
Wednesday / ·  SPELLING – Write missed words from pretest 5 times each in your spelling notebook.
·  MATH – workbook page 23
·  Read your book for 15 mins. Then write a summary (1 paragraph – 4 sentences) on the reading log
Thursday / ·  MATH – Accelerated Math
·  SLE homework – needs to be in your religion journal – write the SLE and then write one paragraph (at least 3 sentences) about how you did this SLE this week. Have parent sign!
·  Read your book for 15 mins. Then write a summary (1 paragraph – 4 sentences) on the reading log


Ø  I am sending home a permission slip for our FIELD TRIP on Wednesday, 11/16/16 to the San Gabriel Mission. Only 3 adults chaperones can go on the bus, other adults can meet us there. Please email or message me on ClassDojo if you would like to go.

Ø  There is Mass on Thursday. Please wear church clothes and bring an offering. Also, there is an assembly. Hope to see you there.

Ø  October book report will be due at the end of the month. It will be on a biography book. Please look for a biography for your book report this week. The biography Pre-Reading Worksheet is due Friday. I will send out information for the report later but you need to be reading NOW J