Emmet County Community Empowerment Area

Emmet County Empowerment Board Meeting

Emmet County Annex

508 South 1st St

Estherville, IA

September 14, 2009

Voting Members Present:

Dorothy Christensen, Chair

Katie Hanson, Secretary

Jennie Knudson via phone because we needed a quorum and she was not able to attend in person.

Don Leach, Vice Chair

Rod Foster

Ron Smith

Voting Members Absent:

Paula Mart

Anita Larsen

Nancy Anderson

Others Present:

Karen Gage

Kathy Preston

Lynn Biesch

Beth Heifner coordinator


Board Chair Dorothy Christensen called the meeting to order @ 5:30pm and asked for introductions from those present.

Review of Agenda:

Noting that a quorum of Board members was present, Mrs. Christensen called the meeting to order @ 5:30pm

Approval of Minutes:

Motion: Foster, Second: Leach Motion Carried.

Approval of Financial Report:

Motion: Smith, Second: Hanson Motion Carried

Guardian Angel & Helping Hands Preschool Proposal (action item)

Katie Hanson & Karen Gage proposed for replacement of some of the items that ELC is requesting back that was purchased from the Voluntary Preschool Grant. The board has asked them to go back and talk to the district about negotiating a price for the stuff. The board has tabled the subject until they hear back from the private preschools. See attached

There was a motion to give Helping Hands Preschool & Guardian Angel Preschools $2503.24 each to purchase materials to replace the items that need to be given back to ELC. Motion: Smith, Second: Leach Motion Carried Hanson abstained from voting do to conflict of interest.


Armstrong Ringsted Preschool: (action item)

We needed a motion for the chair to sign the contract between the Empowerment Board and Armstrong Ringsted Preschool. Motion: Leach Second: Smith Motion Carried Rod Foster abstained for conflict of interest.

Annual Report (action item)

There is a motion needed to send it to the state as is. Motion: Foster Second: Hanson Motion Carried.

Preschool Scholarships (action item)

The board discussed what to do with preschool scholarships and the board made a motion to fund the scholarships 100% for 200% below poverty & for all 4 year olds that submitted the scholarships to Beth on time. Motion: Smith Second: Leach Motion Carried Hanson & Foster abstained from voting for conflict of interest

Open Meetings Open Records ICN (non action item)

Beth went over the meeting that she went to about Open Meetings & Open Records for the Empowerment Board. There cannot be a change in the agenda 24 hours prior to the meeting. She also said there are things that we need to do according to our by-laws. So we need to change some things in the by-laws so we can be compliant with our by-laws.


Respectively Submitted by: Katie Hanson