Arts Academy at Benjamin Rush


1) Initial Warm up/dynamic stretching/static stretching as small groups or whole team:

Begin lined up on foul line on your team side. Unless otherwise noted, about 20 yards or so

1) Light jog from foul line on your team side to opposite outfield fence back and forth 4 times
2) Knee up->Hip out (out from line) continuous and Knee up->hip in (back)
3) High Front kicks (alternate, jog back)
4) Walking Forward lunges up (jog back) / 5) Circle up or group up:
Large Arm circles 50 front, 50 back
6) small arm circles 50 front, 50 back
7) Shoulder stretch
8) Tricep stretch across front of body
9) behind back 2 arms
10) QUAD Stretch 15 seconds each. Same arm out, opposite hand up. / 11) Lean to side with toe grab
15 seconds each
12) Modified Hurdle 15 seconds each
12) butterfly stretch 15 seconds each
13) Back twist 15 seconds each
14) Wrist rolls on the way back to line
15) 5 sprints about 20 yards out (fast acceleration then slow to jog and jog/walk back

2) Individual Position Warm ups (see page 2 and 3)

3) TEAM small group Hittingwarm ups (see page 3)

During a pre-game, 2 and 3 can be switched

4) TEAM small group Position warm ups (see page 4 and 5)

Individual position warm ups : (players have permission to add any personal exercises they wish to help loosen them up in their positions )

Pitcher: if batting practice is being taken, perform your hits prior to below
1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart hands on hips. Turn hips to left as far as possible w/o moving feet. Point right elbow at left foot. Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat on other side.
2) Stand with feet shoulder width arms down at sides. Raise arms sideward (T) and up palms pointing up until they touch above head. Pull arms back as far s possible hold for 5 seconds, release and go backwards through full motion. Repeat at least 2 more times
3) Toes raises with arms pointing up…hold 2-3 seconds and repeat 10-15 times
4) Stand with feet shoulder width arms down at sides. Straddle legs slowly knees straight as far as possible without discomfort. Touch left foot, then right foo then center (palms touch ground)
5) Sit legs apart knees straight. Bend forward and try to grab soles of feet. Hold at least 15 seconds. Repeat opposite. Then bend towards middle. Touch head to floor if possible
6) Stand erect. Beginning swinging throwing arm back and forth in a pendulum front and back (with or without a ball). As you do this gradually gain height up and back until you are ready to do a full circle. Make 5 circles gradually increasing speed of each set of circles
7) Play soft toss with another pitcher or a catcher or a sub about 25 feet. After 2 minutes or so, gradually back up until you are at 46 feet distance from person (about) . Follow through completely with each toss.
*= If you know of additional or substitute exercises to loosen arm up, stretch back, etc..please feel free to add them to this warm up routine.
8) After 46 feet soft toss, move to pitching motion with a catcher. Do not throw full speed until fully ready / Catcher: if batting practice is being taken, perform your hits prior to below
1) Assume crouching catchers stance. Spread feet shoulder width apart and shift body weight to balls feet. Stand up straight, return to crouching catcher’s position. Repeat 5-10 times
2) From catchers position, fold arms, stand on only balls of feet and hold standing position for 5 seconds the return to catcher position. Repeat 5-10 times
3) Assume kneeling position. Sit back on heals. Extend arms over head and lean back reaching back as far as possible. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times
4) Assume crouching catchers stance. Feet flat though.. “duck walk”, walk while flat footed and crouching about 10 feet. Repeat 5 times back ad forth
5) Assume crouching catchers stance. Practicing moving from side to side extending opposite leg of side you are going to (move to left, extend right leg). 5 times to left, 5 times to right.
5A) . If a partner is available, have them toss a ball to land in front of you but to one of the sides and do #5 to catch or block ball
6) Bring a ball and glove to an open area. Toss a ball to 5-10 feet in front of you in varying positions. “fire” out of your stance and pick up ball. Simulate a throw to first
7) See #8 for pitchers / First Base:
1) stand straight feet shoulder width apart. Place hands on hip then slowly reach down with both hands and touch toes. Then jump straight up reaching as high as possible. Repeat 5 times
2) plant your right foot on ground..keeping keens straight…step ahead with your left foot as far as possible. Rest both hands on left knee and bend forward. Hold for 5 seconds. Alternate legs and repeat 5 times each.
3) Stand at 1st base (or any simulated first base). Practice placing right foot on bag for throws going to the left of 1b, placing your left foot on the bag for throws going to the right of 1b. do left 5 times then right 5 times (begin each with feet together next to bag)
4) Begin to field and throw back balls from other infielders
2ndbase, SS, and 3B
1) Standing straight, set in ready position and hold 10 seconds 3 times.
2) In the “ready” position, slide feet to the left and to the right about 3 steps each side from starting point at least 5 times per side. Gradually increase speed (3B only moves slightly less to their right)
3) Same as #1 but turn and sprint to each side about 5 steps. Repeat 5 times per side as well as up and back (when up, place glove towards ground, when back, place glove up)
4) Have team mates play soft toss with you or throw ground balls to you OR toss a ball a few feet to either side, repeat #2 or 3 and simulate a throw
5) Begin to field and throw balls to 1b

Individual position warm ups continued:

1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart hands on hips. Turn hips to left as far as possible w/o moving feet. Point right elbow at left foot. Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat on other side.
2) Stand with feet shoulder width arms down at sides. Raise arms sideward (T) and up palms pointing up until they touch above head. Pull arms back as far s possible hold for 5 seconds, release and go backwards through full motion. Repeat at least 2 more times
3) If a secure overhang bar is available, perform a double arm hang for 10-15 seconds. If a secure overhang bar is not available, skip #3
4) stand at a set position. Get in a ready position then run 5-10 steps back with glove in air. Repeat 5 times.
Repeat moving
Repeat 4 5 times in each direction including angles (think of a cross over an X). Gradually increase speed to be a sprint from “ready”
5) Do the same as #4 but moving forward with glove down but end in a “grounder fielding” stance.
6) Play soft toss about 20 feet away. Gradually increase distance until throwing 100 feet.

TEAM small group Hitting

Catchers and Pitchers bat 1st followed by remainder 7 starters about 10 swings each.
Practice: Varies by Coach’s command

TEAM small group Position warm ups:

If prior to a game, only starters. If practice, rotate people at positons

Pitchers/Catchers: (may be combined with individual warm ups)

off to side in foul territory or in designated bull pen/pitcher warm up area

(if another field is available with a 46 foot distance, may be used if field conditions permit)

Begin with soft toss (see #7 and #8 in pitcher warm ups on previous page). Gradually increase distance and speed until using full motion from 46 feet. About 8-10 minutes or so

Focus on accuracy on good targets supplied by catcher (good target = minimal glove movement)

When pitcher is “ready”, they go to a place and mentally prepare for the game and keep arm loose (can be with a non-starting catcher) catcher goes to infield real position and practices throws to 1st and 2nd upon command

Infielders in general:

Practice speed throws, fielding double plays and speed accuracy throwing (such as the star drill)

Do this from 1st base starting grounders to the other positions or from a coach/player hitting infield practice


Practice hitting cut off, shagging pop ups, fielding fly balls, and fielding grounders

Start off with balls thrown then batted thrown and batted