
Attendance: Don Christian; Rick Cofer; Corky Hilliard, Ann Howard; Ed McHorse; Marshall Jones; Niki Paul; Carlos Rivera; Mark Littlefield; Alan Isaacson;Quorum Met. Absent; Tim League;

  1. Welcome And Opening

M. Jones

  1. Review minutes from January Board meeting
  2. Approve January Minutes. Moved by Don Christian. Second by Corky Hilliard
  3. New By-Law: Vice Chair to Act until next election (April)
  1. Financial UpdateM. Littlefield
  2. JanuaryFinancials
  3. Emailed January Balance Sheet, Profit Loss and Budget to Actual
  4. Ann, Mark and Marshall reviewed financial statements on 2/12/15
  5. Review Financial Notes from Ann
  6. Need to develop set financial practices. Discussed Carry-Over-need additional staff support in Accounting. Reviewed 2015 Budget. $47k Gap for FY15 budget.
  1. Audit updateA. Howard
  2. Scheduling Ann Swenson.
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Governance and NominationsC. Hilliard
  3. Confirmofficers for 2015 for the minutes. Marshall accepted motion. Motion approved. Approved 6-0.
  4. President-Marshall Jones
  5. Vice President- Corky Hilliard
  6. Treasurer-Mark Littlefield
  7. Secretary-Ann Denton
  8. Ann, Marshall and Corky met to identify new Board members – update
  9. Categories: Public Relations/Media; Finance; Diversity; Formerly Homeless; Wealth/Philanthropy; Name Recognition
  10. Judge Biscoe; Laura Morrison; Judy Maggio; Rick Mendoza (former Board Chair of SafePlace); Mike McDonald, Asst. City Manager, Sheryl Cole, Betty Steahr (formerly homeless); Diane Land
  11. Recommendation to ask all. 15-17 Members is ideal.
  12. Board Tenure By-Laws discussion: Term is 3 years. Decision to revisit in 6 months.
  1. Planning and Advocacy Workgroup
  2. Reviewed February 12th-notes were emailed
  3. State of Homelessness Report to be reviewed April 2015
  4. Niki will follow up with Board Members on meetings
  1. Organizational Sustainability – met Feb. 16
  2. How to close gap for FY15
  3. Longer term goals; Board Capacity; Investment in work
  4. Need to plan next meeting
  5. Next steps:
  6. Engage with Diane and set up lunch (within the next month)
  7. Reach out to Elyse Yates for public relations story
  1. Membership Council updateC. Rivera/A. Howard
  2. HHS Director and Membership Chair Carlos Rivera, resignation effective April 3rd
  3. Street Medicine Presentation by Dr. Mark Hernandez, CCC CMO
  4. HUD funded all renewals, but not the bonus, so no new funds
  5. Presentation, ECHO Listings, new database of apartment properties that case managers can search to house clients
  1. Executive Director ReportA. Howard
  2. Program Update
  3. Coordinated assessment – Salvation Army still negotiating contract with ATCIC, 700 assessments completed – jails, hospitals, schools interested
  4. New funding from Downtown Austin Alliance, $10,000
  1. Annual Count of the Homeless Population completed Jan. 24 – Results to be released before months end. Planning press conference with CMs Ann Kitchen & Greg Casar
  2. Submitted application to CSH “Pay for Success” RFP for Feasibility Technical Assistance to build a Social Impact Bonds initiative focused on Permanent Supportive Housing,
  3. Amplify Austin event with other housing non-profits, March 5 5pm- 7pm

– Open house style happy hour, invitation coming, internet access-Niki to send out invite

  • Opportunity to create fundraising page and follow-up
  • Recommendation to appeal to past and current Board Members (Marshall Jones)
  • Recommendation to create one central Board page

Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation, Housing Works

  1. Funders Together to End Homelessness, host introductory meeting,

March 6 8:30am details

  1. Old Business
  2. Goal Planning or 2015 - See Committee/Workgroup reports
  3. 2015 Board of Directors participation on Work Groups
  4. Planning and Advocacy
  5. Ann Denton
  6. Ed McHorse
  7. Rick Cofer
  8. Mark Littlefield
  9. Organizational Stability
  10. Cal Streeter
  11. Carlos Rivera
  12. Don Christian
  13. Mark Littlefield
  1. New Business
  1. AdjournmentM. Jones


Week of February 23 Probably Press Conference re Count results

March 5, 5pm – 7pm Amplify Austin Affordable Housing Happy Hour, come and donate!

March 6, 8:30 AM – 10Funders Together to End Homelessness breakfast at Ed’s office

March 17 8:30AMBoard Meeting

April 29, 3pm – 5pm Spring Annual Meeting for ECHO

ECHO’s work is accomplished when homelessness is ended in Austin and Travis County through sustainable funding and collaborative efforts being in place that provide a continuum of care.

Next Board Meeting scheduled for March 17th, 2015