Each board member accepts a variety of responsibilities and must fulfill and assume a numerous amount of legal responsibility and practical duties for The Lord’s Place. Each board member must subscribe to our bylaws and our stated goals and objectives outlined in our bylaws. The Board of Directors of any organization represents the collective will of that organization’s membership and shall govern their actions accordingly.


Each board member is expected to:

Attend monthly board meetings and other meetings as requested.

Be familiar with and completely understand The Lord’s Place purpose, goals, programs, functions and believe, support and implement these ideals and objectives through active committee participation and community involvement.

Make decisions on issues, policies, goals and objectives based upon careful review and consideration of substantiated, pertinent data.

Participate openly in meetings, share insights, ideas and suggestions; to support the decisions of the majority and work successfully to carry out the decisions of the board.

Support and serve on at least one committee of The Lord’s Place. Newly elected board members are encouraged to serve as vice-chairs on committees during their first year of service in order to become familiar with committee functions.

Volunteer time enthusiastically according to one’s ability, at the same time be able to seek assistance and help if personal commitments complicate or interfere with successful completion of committee assignments and board commitment.

Strive to develop excellent community relations, positively promoting The Lord’s Place in order to identify and develop future potential board members in the community.

Insure that all communication, memoranda and information of The Lord’s Place and all outside supporting agency documentation and information is held in strict confidence.

Complete all volunteer assignments in a timely manner, and designate a back-up for their assignments.

Maintain professional relationships with professionals from all outside support agencies and office personnel.

Be familiar with Roberts Rules of Order, Revised since board meetings are set up under Roberts Rules of Order.


All members selected to run for the Board of Directors shall be chosen for their individual qualities and shall possess demonstrated qualities of leadership relating to The Lord’s Place.

Each board member must have displayed an enthusiasm in The Lord’s Place and support its goals and objectives.

Each board member must have, by past actions, displayed a willingness to give time, effort and resources to The Lord’s Place.