السيرة الذاتية


A Form of a University Staff c.v

The Fifth Criterion of Quality Assurance- Professional Development

First: - Personal Data :

Name / First Name / Middle Name / Last Name
ahood / khalid / alshalhoub
Name in Arabic / First / Second / Third / Family Name
عهود / خالد / محمد / الشلهوب
Nationality / saudi / Sex / Male □ Female √
Place and Date of Birth / Hijrian / 27-5-1405 / Gregorian / 17-2-1985 / Place of Birth / Riyadh
Social Status / married / Number of Children / 2
Current address / Tel. No. / 012487664 / FAX / × / MOBILE / 0554620380
E-mail / / Personal Page Hyperlink /
Postal address / P.O.
Box / 286425 / SITY / Riyadh / Postal Code / 11323
Mastered Languages / english / Degree of
Fluency / good
The Commence of University Teaching Career / 16-10-1432h

Second: - Scientific data

Degree / Date of attainment / Degree title / Issued from / Dissertation title
Bachelors / 11-5-1427h / Excellent with first class honors / Imam mohammad bin saud Islamic university

Third: - Experiences and Scientific and Administrational Jobs

Job / Employer / Employment Period / Still on
/ / / / / / □

Experience in Public Education Teaching

Job / Employer / Employment Period
/ / / / /

Teaching Methods used in your University Teaching Career

Problem Solving Method / Brain Storming / Project Method
Discussion and dialogue / Cooperative education / Dumping
Raised question

Technical Methods used

Blackboard / Projector / Computer

Fourth: - Scientific and Professional Memberships

Membership Title / Date / Sort of Membership / Institution / Still on
/ / 

V: Membership Elves

Membership Title / Date / Sort of Membership / Institution / Still on
The committee on computer / 1-11-1432H / Location website / King saud university / * / □
 / □
 / □
 / □

Sixth:- Scientific Rewards, Research Grants and Letters of Appreciation

Type of the Reward / Occasion / Date of Attainment / Place of Issue

Seventh: - Scientific Visits, Public Lectures and Community Service

as / Date / Place / Sort of Participation / Beneficiary

Eighth: - Teaching and Scientific Researches Supervision Experiences

Already-taught syllabuses / Level / Academic Place / Institution

Eighth: - Teaching and Scientific Researches Supervision Experiences

Scientific Dissertations / The Degree of the Dissertation / Sort of Participation

Ninth:- Professional Development (Attendance and Sharing on Conferences , Symposiums, Lectures and Training Courses)

Title / Conference/Symposium/
Workshop / Date / Place tudies and develop / The Organized Institution

Tenth:- Writings and Scientific Production

Serial no. / Title / Type of Production
Name / Ahood alshalhoub / Department / Islamic culture / Signature / Date / 1-2-1433h

Requested attached documents (the best production of teaching staff and his/her students) and (the Scientific Production of the teaching staff member) , electronic form.