Article Writing Guidelines – Become an Expert in Six Steps

Everybody can write, but who writes the best is the question. By keeping in mind simple steps, a writer can become the best writer.

The Web is overflowing with content. Type a keyword and you will get a long list of related articles. It may give an impression that writing a piece is an easy task. But, it is not like so. The writer has to plan appropriately and gather information on the topic he/she wants to write on. The writer has to follow basic article writing guidelines to give his/her best.

* Choose a topic: It is not always easy to write an article and that too when you don’t know what to write on. The most important part of writing an article is to choose a topic. Only after choosing a topic you can proceed further. Sometimes, a regular writer fails to find a topic that encourages him/her to write; the writer falls short of ideas. Being curious about everything is a good idea to beat the boredom. You can always find a topic in social or political problems. It is important to always keep your eyes and ears open.

* Research: This is not a very difficult task, but it may be time consuming. After selection of the topic, gathering information becomes the second step in article writing tips. The Internet is always there to obtain the required information. Reading in detail will tighten the grip on the subject.

* Write in simple language: All well-known writers recommend writing in simple language. The reason is that a reader may be a school-going kid or not a well-read person, who actually wants to gather some knowledge about the subject. To target diversified readers, it is recommended that the language used in the article should clearly convey the meaning.

* Keep the paragraphs short: Lengthy paragraphs often bore the reader and eventually, the reader loses interest in the article. Write the article in four to five short paragraphs. Keep in mind that every paragraph has a different point to talk about.

* Be specific: A reader is not always interested in reading lengthy writings. Not only this, the reader may even skip your article if it is a broad topic and without details. Be precise and specific about the subject in your hand.

* Proofread: To become an expert in writing, always remember to proofread your writing before submission. Do not just rely on the Word spell-checker as it has no brains. To make the writing 100 percent error-free, remember to proofread it thoroughly.

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