Community Fund 2017/2018–Contractor Quote Form

Please ask your contractor to complete this form and attach a copy of the contractor quote with a detailed breakdown of the cost and the works required. For guidance on how to complete this form please contact Anne Reynolds on 02890339186.

a.Contractor Details

Contractor Company Name: / Contact Name:
Contact Telephone Number: / Contact Email:
Estimated Project Start Date: / Estimated Project End Date:

b.Quote Details

Project Details:
(Please give a description of the projectdetails that you have been requested to quote for)
Floor Area m² / External Wall Area m² / Roof Area m² / Volume of Building m³
Door Area m² / Glazing Area m² / Number of Floors / Roof light Area m²
For loft insulation projects please specify the following:
New Insulation Product Type: / Is there existing insulation?
Yes / No(delete as appropriate)
What is it’s conductivity of insulation: W/mK
The thickness of the insulation being installed: mm / What is the coverage area of the insulation? m²
Existing U-Value: / U-Value after proposed work:
For wall insulation projects please specify the following:
Insulation method? Cavity/External/Internal (delete as appropriate)
Insulation Product Type: / Is there existing insulation? Yes / No(delete as appropriate)
The thickness of the insulation being installed: mm / What is the coverage area of the insulation? m²
Existing U-Value: / U-Value after Proposed Work:
For heating system replacements / upgrades please specify the following:
What is the existing heating system and fuel type? heating system fuel type
For the existing boiler please answer the following questions:
Make: / Model: / Age: years / Seasonal Efficiency: %
What is the new heating system?
Make: / Model: / Seasonal Efficiency: %
Please provide an estimated before and after energy use comparison:
Before kWh consumption: / After kWh consumption:
For window / door replacements please specify the following:
What’s the number of doors / windows being replaced? doors windows
What’s the name / type of doors / windows being replaced? doors windows
What m² area is being replaced?
Existing U-ValueDoors: / U-Value after proposed work Doors:
Existing U-ValueWindows: / U-Value after proposed work Windows:
For solar thermal projects please specify the following:
Make / Model: / Size (Panel area m²):m²
Please provide figures on the typical annual energy savings (in kWhrs) being provided by the solar system
(by way of displacing the existing water heating fuel use): kWh
For solar PV projects please specify the following:
Make / Model: / Capacity:
Please provide figures on the typical annual energy (in kWhrs) generated by the solar PV system: kWh
For lighting upgrades please specify the following:
What is the number of lamps being replaced? / What type / make of lamp is being replaced?
What is the wattage of the current lamps? W / What is the wattage of the new lamps? W
Current weekly running hours for the lights? hrs
Are lighting controls being implemented? Yes / No(delete as appropriate)
If Yes, what will be the new weekly running hours for the lights? hrs

c.Breakdown of costs (Parts, Labour and VAT)

Description: / Quantity: / Price:
Total Cost: / £ / £