The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Lesson 1

Reveals the Son!

Day One: The Book

1. Read Revelation 1. (Better yet, read the whole book if you haven’t lately!J)

2. Who is the human author? ______How many times is his name mentioned in Chapter 1?_____

How does he describe himself? (Include the reference.)

3. Write out Rev. 1:3. It’s the key verse, and a precious promise.

4. In what ways has God blessed you as you read, heard, and obeyed His Word in the past?

Day Two: The Son

1. Throughout Revelation you will find many names and descriptions of Jesus Christ. Write those found in the following verses.

a. Rev. 1:4

b. Rev. 1:5

c. Rev. 1:8

d. Rev. 1:17

e. Rev. 1:18

Day Three: The Vision

1. From Rev. 1:12–16, write out the description of the picture of Christ that John saw. (Some of you may even be inspired to draw a visual to share with your group.)

2. From verse 17, what was John’s reaction when he saw Christ?

3. What was Christ’s reply to John in verses 17–18?

4. In what way is John’s vision of Christ different from the image of Jesus in your mind?

5. From the following verses, who else in Scripture saw visions of heaven?

a. Isaiah 6:1–3

b. Daniel 10:1–6

c. Acts 7:55–59

d. Acts 10:9–16

e. 2 Cor. 12:1–7

Day Four: The Plan

1. Rev. 1:19 gives the structure or outline of the entire book. What are the three themes to be addressed?

a. The things

b. The things

c. The things

2. The knowledge that the events in Revelation are soon to take place should motivate us as believers to do what?

(See Matt. 28:19–20; Acts 1:8; 2 Peter 3:14, 17–18.)

3. How has reading this revelation of Jesus Christ blessed or motivated you this week?

4. What was John’s response to God in Rev. 1:6b? “To Him be ______.”

Day Five: The Review

Underline or fill-in the correct answer(s).

Challenge: Can you answer without having to go back and read it again? OK, look at the verse clues! J

1. John was on the island of (Pergamum, Patmos, Paternity). (See verse 9.)

2. In Greek, Jesus’ name, Alpha and Omega, means the ______and the ______. (See verses 8 and 11.)

3. John saw (seven, eight, nine) golden lampstands which represented (saints, cities, churches). (See verses 12 and 20.)

4. When John saw Jesus in his vision, He had ______hair, ______eyes,

and ______feet. (See verses 14 and 15.)

5. In His right hand Jesus had seven (stars, swords, stones). (See verse 16.)

6. When John saw Jesus, he (reached up, yelled out, fell down). (See verse 17.)

7. If you read or hear the book of Revelation, God promises you ______. (See verse 3.)

For Further Study: Begin a list or begin marking all the names and descriptions of Christ as you find them in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. You will be blessed as His glory is revealed to you.

EWG Theme Verse 07-08

“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You,

For You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.”

Psalm 9:10


Carolyn Berry Winter 2008