Approved Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2015

I. Call to Order

President Jennifer Delmer called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. at Mama’s Café.

II. Board of Directors Roll Call

The following Board of Directors members were present: Jennifer Delmer (President), Karen Silvers (Secretary), Kathy Lubianski (Treasurer), Carolyn VandenBerg (Recognized Show Chair), Kathryn Bryant (Website) and Tracy Augustine (Jr./YR Chair). Member Cel Cox was also present.

III. Approval of March Agenda

Tracy moved to approve the Agenda, Kathy seconded. The motion was approved.

IV. Approval of March Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Tracy moved to approve the February Minutes, Kathy seconded. The motion was approved.

V. President’s Report

There was a lot of positive feedback about the recognized show, both in person and in e-mails. The Easter bonnet contest was a great success, and Maddie Chandler was the winner. The judges were great, and they both had good things to say about the show. The TD was very visible and approachable. Suggested that we look for a new photographer for the fall show. The silent auction made $500.00.

Margie Harris is the only lifetime member who we have lost track of. If anyone knows how to contact her, please let the Board know.

VI. Vice President’s Report

No report.

VII. Treasurer’s Report

Kathy reported the Frost Bank checking account balance is $31,640..08, which includes $6,667.58 junior/young rider’s balance. Karen moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, Tracy seconded. The motion was approved.

VIII. Secretary’s Report

Karen read a letter received from Kristin Cordiak which was extremely complimentary of the show.

IX. Member-at-Large Chair’s Report

If anyone didn’t sign in for their volunteer hours, please e-mail them to Vicki.

X. Newsletter Editor Report

This position is vacant.

XI. Junior/Young Riders Chair’s Report

Tracy reported that Arlene is working on the details for the schooling show in June. Eva Oldenbroeck and Nancy Murray are the judges, and some ideas for the junior competition are a dressage “bowl” (20%) , dressage test (40%) and stall inspection (40%). Stall decorating and an essay contest about the competitior’s dad is also planned.

XII. Education Chair’s Report

No report.

XIII. Committee Reports

1.Recognized/Rated Horse Shows: Carolyn the show was very well run. The TD really enjoyed Dr. Sterrett’s presentation on Friday night. The volunteers seemed to have a good time, and we need to get more of our members to compete in the show. One way to do this is to promote the opportunity classes.

2.Sponsorship: Selma plans to work on securing more sponsors this summer after school is out.

3.Schooling Shows/Championships: Previously discussed.

4.Membership: Currently 108 members.

5.Awards: Need first and second place ribbons.

6.Website/Calendar: Kathryn reported she can post members’ clinics on the Calendar of Events, but it must say the clinic is not an ADA sanctioned event.

XIV. Unfinished Business


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XV. New Business:


XVI. Adjournment

Karen moved to adjourn the BoD meeting at 8:15, Kathy seconded. The motion was approved. The next meeting will be held on May 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Mama’s at 2442 Nacogdoches Road.

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