Summary of Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (2015-2016)

Student Learning Outcome #1 - Students have knowledge and skills related to COSMA Common Professional Component (CPC) content areas (Social, psychological and international foundations of sport; Ethics in Sport Management; Sport Marketing & Communication; Finance & Accounting/Economics; Legal Aspects of Sport; Integrative Experience).

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Assessment Tool / Assessment Results: Total Number of Students Observed / Assessment Results:
Total Number of Students Meeting Expectation / Assessment Results: Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
SLO 1 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Student Portfolio (SPTM 498) – the goal for the student portfolio measuring CPC content areas is for 80% of students to score at least an 80% on the assignment. / Student Portfolio
Indirect Measure / 16 / 14 / 87.5% / 3
Internship presentation (SPTM 498) – the goal for student assessment measuring CPC content areas is for 80% of students to score at least an 80% on the assignment. / Internship
Direct Measure / 16 / 16 / 100% / 3
Sport Management Alumni Survey (items 1-3 – related to CPC’s) – the goal for student assessment on Survey Monkey data is for 80% of students to agree or strongly agree. / Sport Management Alumni Survey
Q 1-3
Indirect Measure / 12 / 12 / 88.9% / 3

Student Learning Outcome #2: Students have developed critical thinking and problem solving skills throughout the curriculum.

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Assessment Tool / Assessment Results: Total Number of Students Observed / Assessment Results:
Total Number of Students Meeting Expectation / Assessment Results: Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
SLO 2 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Discussion Lead Assignment (SPTM 492) – the goal for the student assessment measuring critical thinking and problem solving is for 80% of students to score at least an 80% on the assignment. / Lead Assignment
Direct Measure / 23 / 23 / 100% / 3
Internship Employer Midterm/Final Evaluation (SPTM 498) – the goal is for the student assessment measuring critical thinking and problem solving is for 80% of students to score at least an 80 on the assignment. / Internship Employer Midterm/Final Evaluation
Indirect Measure / 14 / 14 / 100% / 3
Sport Management Alumni Survey (items 4-5 – related to critical thinking/problem solving) – the goal for student assessment on Survey Monkey data is for 80% of students to score agree or strongly agree according to the scale. / Sport Management Alumni Survey
Q 4-5
Indirect Measure / 12 / 12 / 87.5% / 3

Student Learning Outcome #3: Students are able to communicate effectively.

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Assessment Tool / Assessment Results: Total Number of Students Observed / Assessment Results:
Total Number of Students Meeting Expectation / Assessment Results: Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
SLO 3 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Internship presentation (SPTM 498) – the goal for student assessment measuring communication is for 80% of students to score at least an 80 on the assignment. / Internship
Direct Measure / 5 / 5 / 100% / 3
Internship Employer Midterm/Final Evaluation (SPTM 498) – the goal is for the student assessment measuring communication is for 80% of students to score at least a 4.0 on a 5-point rubric. / Internship Employer Midterm/Final Evaluation
Indirect Measure / 14 / 14 / 100
. / 3
Communication Assignment (SPTM 288) – the goal is for the student assessment measuring communication is for 80% of students to score at least an 80% on the assignment. / Communication Assignment (paper and presentation)
Direct Measure / 29 / 20 / 68.9% / 1
Sport Management Alumni Survey (items 6-9 – related to communication) – the goal for student assessment on Survey Monkey data is for 80% of students to agree or strongly agree according to the scale / Sport Management Alumni Survey
Q 6-9
Indirect Measure / 12 / 12 / 83.3% / 3

Student Learning Outcome #4: Students demonstrate the ability to select and engage technologies appropriate for use in the sport industry.

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Assessment Tool / Assessment Results: Total Number of Students Observed / Assessment Results:
Total Number of Students Meeting Expectation / Assessment Results: Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
SLO 1 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Sport Blog Project (SPTM 353) – the goal is for student assessment measuring technology is for 80% of students to score at least an 80% on the assignment. / Sport Blog Project / 16 / 12 / 75% / 1
Sport Management Alumni Survey (items 10-11 – related to technology) – the goal for student assessment on Survey Monkey data is for 80% of students to agree or strongly disagree. / Sport Management Alumni Survey
Q 10-11 / 12 / 12 / 87.5% / 3

Student Learning Outcome #5: Students have a familiarity of issues related to diversity (race, gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability).

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Assessment Tool / Assessment Results: Total Number of Students Observed / Assessment Results:
Total Number of Students Meeting Expectation / Assessment Results: Percentage of Students Meeting Expectations / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
SLO 5 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Diversity Case Study (SPTM 453) – the goal is for student assessment measuring diversity is for 80% of students to score at least an 80% on the assignment. / Diversity Case Study / 24 / 7 / 29.1% / 1
Sport Management Alumni Survey (items 10-11 – related to diveristy) – the goal for student assessment on Survey Monkey data is for 80% of students to agree or strongly disagree. / Sport Management Alumni Survey
Q 12-14 / 12 / 12 / 83.4% / 3
Explanation for course action for intended outcomes not realized:
The sport management faculty is the primary group responsible for reviewing the data and for making recommendations about the effectiveness of the program. Program evaluation in the BS/BA Sport Management program occurs to assist in making decisions about students’ performance in regard to approved learning outcomes and in making decisions about the program’s operational effectiveness in light of the department’s mission and approved strategic plan.
Each academic year, the sport management faculty meets to discuss and develop an annual report summarizing relevant student learning and operational effectiveness data and defining an action plan for program improvement to be employed the following year. The annual report is submitted to the College of Science, Engineering and Education and a presentation is presented each year. Recommendations within the action plan that have budget implications are submitted to the Dean of the College of Science, Engineering and Education. Data collected led to the following changes/enhancements being incorporated beginning in the fall of 2013. Data (fall 2014-summer 2015) for the candidacy paperwork submitted was used to evaluated the changes that were made. Additional data may requested on the fall 2013 to summer 2014.
·  In response to the internship site supervisor evaluations there was a concern about our student’s ability to communicate effectively. The new sport management curriculum offers a sport communication track.
·  In response to internship site supervisor evaluations of our students needing more experiences prior to their internships, we have added two practicum to the major. One of the practica is within recreational sports (302) and other practicum is within recreational sports (SMPT 303). Students will be placed within the Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center and the Intercollegiate Athletic Departments prior to completing an internship.
·  To enhance experiential learning, students will matriculate through the program in the following way: (a) SMPT 283 – Field Experience, (b) SMPT 302 – Practicum in Recreational Sports, (c) SMPT 303 – Practicum in Intercollegiate Athletics, and (d) SMPT 498 – Internship in Sport Management
·  To increase knowledge of diversity within the program, the department created a new course called Diversity in Sport (SPTM 453) to be added to the curriculum beginning in the summer of 2014.
·  To educate students about the role and impact of new and emerging technologies within the sport industries, we created a Sport Blogging and Social Media course (SPTM 353) to be added to the curriculum starting in the spring of 2013.
·  Courses were modified to focus on better alignment with new accreditation standards. All courses contain major components that align with the COSMA CPC standards (SPTM 333 – Sport Marketing; SPTM – Sport Publicity & Promotion; SPTM 336 – Governance and Ethics in Sport; SPTM 451 – Legal Aspects of Sport; SPTM 452 – Sport Finance & Economics; SPTM 263 – Outdoor Education; and SPTM 223 – Principles of Recreation.
·  To provide students with multiple opportunities to experience different segments within sport, we created tracks/minors in intercollegiate athletics and recreational sports.
·  In response to the internship site supervisor evaluations critical thinking and the ability to solve problems were an issue with our students. The majority of our students are interning within intercollegiate athletics
·  In order to improve on professional development opportunities, sport management clubs students with the assistance of faculty advisors offered a sport management summit and introduced a guest speaker series. The sport management summit was held in the fall of 2012. And fall of 2013. The guest speakers began in the spring of 2013.
·  To improve on Community Outreach initiatives the Sport Event Management class and the Sport Management Club planned, organized, implemented and led the Screaming Eagles Running Series in which all proceeds goes toward scholarship and professional development funds.

Summary of Program-Level Operational Effectiveness Goals (2015-2016)

OG #1 - To recruit, hire and retain diverse, high quality faculty and staff.

Identify Each Operational Effectiveness Goal and Measurement Tool(s) / Identify the Benchmark / Data Summary / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
OG 1 / Summer 2015/Fall 2015
Hiring – we will follow the hiring protocols set forth through our University and advertisement in appropriate outlets – The Chronicle, NASSM outlets, NIRSA, / 25 applicants will apply for a SM position when there is an opening and there will be 3 viable candidates to bring on campus. / During the summer of 2015 there were 26 individuals who applied for a SPTM position. Of the 26 we had 2 viable candidates to bring on campus. / 3/1
College Mentoring Program (Retain) –
The purpose of the College Mentoring Program is to create a link between new and junior faculty and respected, tenured faculty. / 100% of new faculty will participate in the College Mentoring Program during the first three years of their tenure. / N/A
No new faculty / 4
Faculty Teaching Evaluations (Retain – by meeting promotion/tenure requirements) / The faculty teaching evaluations will be at least a 3.5 on a 1-5 scale on all areas of evaluation. / 3
(4.25) / 3
Faculty Publications and Presentations (Retain – by meeting promotion/tenure requirements) / 80% of faculty meeting promotion and tenure criterion. / 2 / 2

OG #2 - To recruit and retain quality students to meet local and global demands for our graduates.

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Benchmark / Data Summary / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
OG 2 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Enrollment – data reported from institutional research / The SM program will admit and enroll 30 students per year. / 52 students were admitted to the SM program and 31 enrolled. / 3
Degrees Conferred – data reported from institutional research / The SM program will graduate 30 students per year. / 23 degrees were conferred / 1
Graduation GPA Requirement – data reported from institutional research / SM students will graduate with a GPA of 2.5 or higher / 23 students graduating had a 2.5 GPA / 2

OG #3 - To provide students with the opportunity for professional growth.

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Benchmark / Data Summary / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
OG 3 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
To recruit all students to be a member of the Sport Management Club / To have 25% of the SM student body to be an active member of the Club / Of the 124 students recruited we were able to secure 12/1% students being active members of the SM Club / 1
Practica – The practica (150 hours for each - 300 hours total) are typically completed during the sophomore and junior year. This is in addition to the student’s senior year. / To have students successfully complete (successfully complete) two different practica within recreational sports, intercollegiate athletics and/or professional sport the first time taken. / Of the 16 students in the 302 practicum we had 16 successfully complete. Of the 10 students in the 303 practicum we had 9 successfully complete. / 302 – 3
303 – 3
Combined – 3
Internship – 450 hours completed during the student’s senior year. / To have student successfully complete (Grade –A or better) a 450-hour internship their senior year. / 6 student received an A for the internship. / 3

OG #4 – To develop and maintain partnerships and community outreach opportunities with local business and organizations.

Identify Each Intended Outcome / Identify the Benchmark / Data
Summary / Assessment Results:
1.  Does not meet expectation
2.  Meets expectation
3.  Exceeds expectation
4.  Insufficient Data
OG 4 / Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Advisory Board – students are part of the advisory board to assist with making curriculum changes and provide feedback for the program. / To have the advisory board meet once per year. / The advisory board met 1 time during the year. / 3
Practica – The practica (150 hours for each - 300 hours total) are typically completed during the sophomore and junior year. This is in addition to the student’s senior year. / To have students successfully complete (successfully complete) two different practica within recreational sports, intercollegiate athletics and/or professional sport the first time taken. / Of the 16 students in the 302 practicum we had 16 successfully complete. Of the 10 students in the 303 practicum we had 9 successfully complete. / 302 – 3
303 – 3
Combined – 3
Internship – 450 hours completed during the student’s senior year. / To have student successfully complete (Grade –A or better) a 450-hour internship their senior year. / 6 student received an A for the internship. / 3

OG #5 - To maintain and control undergraduate enrollments.