
1. Review- What is Science

Explain- What kinds of understandings does science contribute about the natural world

Form an Opinion- Do you think that scientists will ever run out of things to study, explain your reasoning

2. A few hundred years ago, observations seemed to indicate that some living things could just suddenly appear: maggots showed up on meat; mice were found on grain; and beetles turned up on cow dung. Those observations led to the incorrect idea of spontaneous generation- the notion that life could arise from non living matter. Write a paragraph for a history magazine evaluating the spontaneous generation hypothesis. Why did it seem logical at the time? What evidence was overlooked or ignored?


1. Review- What is a scientific theory

Compare and Contrast- How does use of the word theory differ in science and in daily life

2. Review- What is peer review

Apply Concepts- An advertisement claims that studies of a new sports drink show it boosts energy. You discover that none of the study results have been peer-reviewed. What would you tell consumers who are considering buying this product

3. Review- How is the use of science related to its context in society

Apply Concepts- A study shows that a new pesticide is safe for use on food crops. The researcher who conducted the study works for the pesticide company. What potential biases may have affected the study


1. Review- What are the themes in biology that come up again and again

Predict- Suppose you discover a new organism. What would you expect to see if you studied it under a microscope

2. Review- At what levels do biologists study life

Classify- A researcher studies why frogs are disappearing in the wild. What field of biology does the research fall

3. Practice- In an experiment, you need 250 grams of potting soil for each of 10 plant samples. How many kilograms of soil in total do you need?


1. Review- What is a compound

Apply Concepts- Water (H2O) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) both consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Explain why they have different chemical and physical properties

2. Big Idea- Why do you think it is important that biologist have a good understanding of chemistry?


1. Review- What does it mean when a molecule is said to be “polar”

Use Models- Use the structure of a water molecule to explain why it is polar

2. Review- What is an acid What is a base

Explain- The acid hydrogen fluoride (HF) can be dissolved in pure water. Will the pH of the solution be greater or less than 7

3. Creative Writing- Suppose you are a writer for a natural history magazine for children. This month’s issue will feature insects. Write a paragraph explaining why some bugs such as the water strider can walk on water


1.Review- Name four groups of organic compounds found in living things

Explain- Describe at least one function of each group of organic compounds

Infer- Why are proteins considered polymers but lipids not


  1. What happens to chemical bonds during chemical reactions
  2. How do energy changes affect whether a chemical reaction will occur
  3. What role do enzymes play in living things and what affects their functions

2.Observe- What atoms constitute the compound above

Classify- what class of macromolecules does the compound belong to