Intercambios (Exchanges) is a hard-hitting drama exploring language barriers in a common situation. The movie begins at the modest apartment of Cristina, 28, independent, as she celebrates her first month in the United States with her new friends. She is on a high, having secured semi-permanent status in the US, a job she enjoys, and a roof over her head. The only thorn in her happiness is not having her fiancé, Alejandro, by her side. He has chosen to stay behind in South America to continue with his political activism while Cristina has made it to America to create a new home for him. Unfortunately, her dreams are shattered when she gets a distressing phone call from individuals saying Alejandro is in their custody. Knowing the political instability of her country, she offers them the only solution she can think of: offer them every cent, and every dollar in her name. Fortunately, her offer of $8,000 dollars in cash is accepted. The next day, she heads to best bank in town to wire the money to South America. In her interactions with her bank teller, Marilyn, we hear that Cristina’s English is heavily accented even though she can read, write, and understand English fluently. When Marilyn hands Cristina back the deposit slip for the cash, it reads $4500 dollars, and this is where the problems begin. Cristina is up against the most powerful institution in the US, the bank system. It is her word against theirs as each of her attempts to prove that her money has been stolen comes up in a dead end, first with Marilyn, then with the bank manager and then the police. After her first encounter at an American bank, Cristina will never be the same.


CRISTINA: 28, brunette, strong gaze. Strong and fiercely independent, Cristina knows the score. Family is everything; she comes from a middle class background, but having made a new home in the US she is part of the upper lower class and she doesn’t mind. Cristina sees the world as a place rife with problems, but believes that the problems can be solved if people work together. Cristina is a fighter and person of ideals/conscience in a world of greed and cultural misconceptions. MUST BE FLUENT IN SPANISH.

MARILYN: 28, disarming smile. An extremely good-looking woman, and with a personality that can disarm even the most uptight person. She knows how to use her looks and thinks she can get away with anything. She may work in a blue-collar job, but Marilyn is always looking out for number one – she moves onwards and upwards. When she spots Cristina, Marilyn sees one thing – an opportunity to make a quick buck.

ALAN: 49, graying hair, glasses. A career bank man, he’s been promoted several times and has the respect of his superiors. Known for being reasonable, fair, and calm, Alan is the man that can usually diffuse heated situations. However, appearances and his reputation are the most important things to him and as a result, he can make the wrong decisions – ones that can hurt others, so long as he emerges unscathed. MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK BASIC SPANISH, FLUENCY NOT NECESSARY.