Dean of Studies

Individual Doctoral Thesis Evaluation


Last name of candidate:
Permanent code: / First name:
Thesis title:

This evaluation is divided intotwo steps: part 1 (A and B) is completed after reading the thesis, while part 2 is completed during the oral defense. After the oral defense, please sign the form and submitall three pages to the committee chair.

Part 1A: Thesis Evaluation


EVALUATION OF CONTENT / Excellent / Very good / Good / Fair / Fail
Originality of the work (innovation in terms of subject, approach, methodology)
Complexity and scope of research
Original contribution to the advancement of knowledge or the development of new applications
Understanding of related literature and research in the field of study
Presentation of the research problem
Clear formulation of goals or hypotheses, stated in relation to leading work in the field
Value and justification of methodology and techniques used
Capacity for synthesis and critical analysis,quality of argument
Quality of analysis of results
Quality of results obtained (validity of research findings)
Demonstration of intellectual independence appropriate tograduate-level studies
EVALUATION OF FORM / Excellent / Very good / Good / Fair / Fail
Clarity of writing and quality of expression
Use of correct grammar and spelling
Bibliography, references and footnotes in compliance with the rules and standards governing the field of study
Appropriate and consistent use of standards, abbreviations, units of measure, etc.
General visual presentation of document(clarity of text, tables, photographs, diagrams, etc.)
OVERALL EVALUATION OF THE THESIS / Excellent / Very good / Good / Fair / Fail
Indicate your overall assessment of the thesis

Part 1B: Thesis Evaluation— Detailed report


Last name of candidate:
Permanent code: / First name:

Detailed evaluation report:Justify your overall assessment provided on page 1, paying particular attention to the overall significance of the work and its contribution to the field of study, as this thesis may be eligible for awards from various organizations. You may also consider other criteria or factors not mentioned above (depending on the nature and scope of the research and according to the discipline or field of study concerned).

Add pages if required.

After completing part 1, retain this evaluation form.Complete Part 2 during the student’s oral defense.

Individual Evaluation Part 2: Oral Defense


EVALUATION OF CONTENT / Excellent / Very good / Good / Fair / Fail
Introduction & topic presentation: Introduction is suitable to subject and presents it clearly. Problem is well defined:candidate defines context as well as project aims. Candidate statespresentation outline.
Presentation structure: all points are in the appropriate place, in order of importance, and related to those that precede and follow them.
Clarity: Concepts are well defined; equations and arguments are properly justified.
Defense of thesis and quality of scientific content: Candidate successfully defends the choice of topic and scientific methods. Provides pertinent answers to scientific questions and articulates key scientific notions. Work shows a clear contribution to the advancement of knowledge.
Ability to situate research in a broader context: Shows in-depth knowledge of the field of research; is able to identify contribution of thesis to that field.
Conclusion: Candidate’s findings puts thesis arguments into perspective and leads to recommendations for further research.
Quality of responses to questions from the committee: Candidate understands the questions asked and responds without recourse to notes, apart from exceptional cases.
EVALUATION OF FORM / Excellent / Very good / Good / Fair / Fail
Oral expression: Candidate expresses ideas clearly, with satisfactory vocabulary and syntax. Appropriate vocabulary.
Non-verbal communication: Candidate makes eye contact with the listeners. Gestures are assured and natural.
Time management: Candidate makes good use of allotted time.
Use of communication tools: Candidate uses supporting documents or other media correctly throughout the presentation.
OVERALL EVALUATION OF DEFENSE / Excellent / Very good / Good / Fair / Fail
Indicate your overall assessment of the oral defense

Evaluator last name, first name:

Signature: ______Date: ______

NB: Please submit this form to the Evaluation Committee Chair immediately after the defense.

Version 19 janvier 2015 (traduction E.W.) 11/3/2018