St. Stephen Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

January 8, 2014 Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Greg Williams, Renee Eppig, Regina Dietz, Chris Deaver, Joshua Phillips,

Fr. Paul Breczinski, Bob Melewski, Fr. Larry Kolson, Rob Hott, Mary Patrick, Steve Ramp,

Mary Bateman, Carol Powers, Sr. Angela DeFontes, Duffy Laws, Drew Bonthron, Kellie Reynolds

Members/ Staff Unable to Attend: Janet Bitzelberger, Dcn. Tim Maloney, Tim McNamara,

Bill O’Brien, Debbie O’Brien

Opening: The meeting began at 7:00 pm. Sr. Angela led the Council in prayer followed by Greg leading the Council’s recitation of the Parish Mission Statement.

Pastor’s Comments:

·  Fr. Larry announced the Capital Campaign has reached $ 1,400,500 in pledges with a final appeal letter going out to those parishioners who have not yet responded.

·  Update on church renovations. Scaffolding to be erected the week of January 27 and should be removed for February 22/23 weekend Masses. This assumes there is no unknown damage from the earthquake to the structure. These costs are mostly covered by insurance. The areas around the Church altars will also be re-painted and lighting upgrade evaluated (both funded by Capital Campaign). Church will be used for weekend Masses with some change in flow and egress. Weekday and Saturday AM Masses will be at the convent beginning January 27 for the duration of the project. Announcements will begin during Masses on January 18/19.

·  Now that the Capital Campaign is nearly completed, Father Larry and Tim McNamara will be getting started on the Strategic Plan. Hopes are some of the folks that helped with the Capital Campaign will be free to help with the Strategic Plan.

·  Father Larry announced that the St. Stephen School is beneficiary of a bequest from the estate of former parishioners (Richard and Marge Rutkowski). Amount is expected to be well over $ 1 million. Mary Patrick spoke about plans to invite the family to a reception to thank them.

Council Vision:

Follow-up reports from prior PPC meetings:

·  Liturgy Committee reported on discussions concerning PC ideas to make the Liturgy more welcoming:

o  Communion under both forms: Rob said the Liturgy Committee was in agreement to begin communion under both forms. Given the significant increase in the number of Eucharistic Ministers (E/M) (roughly 18 additional E/M per weekend), they thought we could phase this in with all Masses on certain important feast days (e.g. Holy Thursday, Easter Sunday, Pentecost, Corpus Christi, Christmas). The Liturgy Committee would recruit and train a group of people to serve as minsters for the chalice initially on all these occasions. Fred Kunkel would schedule these E/M ‘in a group’ along with the other E/M. Duffy thought the Small Church Communities could provide a number of these E/M. Rob said to let him know of any volunteers.

o  Welcoming statement: Sr. Angela talked about the inclusion of a welcoming statement. Sister indicated that this could be done for special feasts and thought the celebrant could include as part of the introduction. Concerns were expressed that welcoming any specific groups (e.g. divorced or remarried with children ….) could be misinterpreted and possible offend some when our intent is just the opposite.

o  Meet your neighbor at Mass: Fr. Paul said he would invite the congregation to say “hello” and introduce themselves to those around them in the pew. This would start later this year with Fr. Paul’s cycle of Masses once we get into Ordinary Time.

o  Increased role for greeters and ushers: Fr. Paul noted that the greeters are pretty well organized and the ushers less so. Liturgy Committee agreed with the idea to have a head usher who would look to train all ushers with answers to key questions about the parish or at least a process to refer the person to someone with the answer. Regular ushers (differentiated from extra hands to help with collections) would have name badges to further indicate their ability to help.

o  Communion at Weddings and Funerals: Fr. Paul said his practice is to give instructions for receiving and he includes the option for a blessing for those not in full communion with the Catholic Church.

o  Greg thanked the Liturgy Committee for their review and follow-up on the PPC ideas.

Council Business:


·  Greg indicated the time to consider next year’s elections was fast approaching and he would like help to chair or co-chair the nominations committee. Since Greg is completing his second three-year term he is term limited and not eligible for election next year. Regina Dietz and Barbara Terebetsky, who recently resigned for health reasons, also have their terms expire. Greg gave out index cards and asked the PPC members to consider potential candidates and let him know.

Staff Reports:

Kellie Reynolds:

·  Thanked everyone for the help with the Fall Festival and specifically noted the presence of the parish table (staffed by PPC members).

·  Confirmation prep is in full swing with interviews starting today. Kellie asked PPC for volunteers to help with the sessions. We have about 30 volunteers involved in the confirmation at St. Stephen’s. She also asked for our continued prayers for the candidates.

·  Thank you to Bill and Debbie O’ Brien who contributed the “Love Our Parish” bags and magnets used at the bazaar and given out at Masses.

Bob Melewski:

·  Bids are due on January 17 for the Pre -K Building. Five of six potential bidders attended the pre-bid meeting. Mary Patrick asked for prayers on the process since the schedule is very tight and a number of county permits will be needed. Our goal will be to offer five day school (not all day) for our 4 year old students and extended day care as an option. We cannot do this in our current building where we share space between 3 and 4 year olds. This building is a great evangelization opportunity to have these young people remain in our parish for their education.

·  Lorraine Soter retired at the end of December. Mary Harkins is the Church Office’s only full time administrative assistant although she will be assisted periodically by Pam Franke from Faith Formation. Bob says we are considering the addition of a part time maintenance position.

·  This week’s cold snap created a frozen well pump for the school. A first anyone could remember.

Rob Hott:

·  Rob thanked those who attended the Christmas Concert. Christina with Ex Nihilo were fantastic.

·  Next concert is Sunday, March 9 at 5 PM with Irishman’s Chorale.

·  Chris asked whether the concert programs present an opportunity for evangelization (placing the mission statement in the programs, for example). Rob said that is the eventual goal, but frankly programs with selections and bios are last minute productions.

Sr. Angela:

·  Class for first reconciliation is getting ready.

·  With Duffy, discussed the Festival of Faith on Sunday, February 23:

o  Theme is Echoing God’s Word

o  activities for youth of all ages

o  Josh Laws to offer keynote

o  closing Mass in the Church


Open Forum & Announcements

·  Duffy thanked Farther Larry and Bob for finding funding for the bible purchase. We have purchased 100 Catholic Faith and Family Bibles. We will sell up to 75 at a discount price to parishioners to defray most or all of the initial outlay and offer the balance as gifts from the parish to those celebrating weddings or baptisms in the next year.

Closing Prayer: Greg led the Council in the closing prayer.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Drew Bonthron

