/ GMICT F 0084:2009 / Desktop ServicesFormversion 3.0 /

Desktop Services Form

MITA Call Ref (if available)

1.User Details

Site / Building
User Name & Surname
User Telephone Number/s

2.Current PC Details

PC Make/Model
PC Serial Number
PC Inventory Number
PC Computer Name
Monitor Make/Model/Size
Monitor Serial Number
Monitor Inventory Number
Mouse & Keyboard / 
External Speakers / 
Other Peripherals (specify) / 

Certificate of Authenticity / 
Operating System
Hard Disk to be / Wiped

3.Data Preparation

Note to Users:

Please move all your data files to an appropriate folder structure in the My Documents Folder. Kindly also fill in the list below to specify the location of data to be transferred by MITA.

If you have any queries regarding this process, please do not allow the data migration to proceed until they have been clarified.

Item Description / Full Path (and Filename)
(eg. “C:\FolderName\FileName.doc”) / N° of Files / Total Size
My Documents
Teamware Offline
Outlook Offline
Secure Email Digital Certificate

I authorise MITA or its representative to transfer the data listed above. I also acknowledge responsibility for transferring any data not included in the above list.

/ /
User Name / User Signature / Date

4.New PC Details and Delivery

PC Make/Model
PC Serial Number
PC Inventory Number
Monitor Make/Model/Size
Monitor Serial Number
Monitor Inventory Number
MAC Address / _ _ – _ _ – _ _ – _ _ – _ _ – _ _

I have received delivery of the PC (and monitor, where applicable) listed above.

/ /
User Name / User Signature / Date

5.Application Installation

MITA Applications Installed / Date / / /
Third Party Applications Installed / Date / / /
User Name / User Signature

6.Data Migration

Date / Service Notes / Start / Duration
/ / / : / :
/ / / : / :
/ / / : / :

Data Migration has been carried out as instructed in the following time:

/ /
MITA Representative / Signature / Date

Data Migration has been carried out to my satisfaction and the details above are correct.

/ /
User Name / User Signature / Date

7.PC Sign-off

Further to sections 4, 5 and 6 of this form, the network connection and all peripherals have been connected and configured and the PC has been successfully commissioned.

/ /
User Name / User Signature / Date

8.Replaced PC Data Wiping

The hard disk of the PC detailed in section 2 of this form may be permanently erased.

/ /
User Name / User Signature / Date

The hard disk of the PC detailed in section 2 of this form has been permanently erased.

/ /
User Name / User Signature / Date

9.PC Collection

The PC and monitor detailed in section 2 of this form have been collected.

/ /
User Name / User Signature / Date

The PC and monitor detailed in section 2 of this form have been collected with/without the hard disk.

/ /
MITA Representative / Signature / Date

10.PC Disposal

The PC and monitor detailed in section 2 of this form have been disposed of.

/ /
MITA Representative / Signature / Date

11.PC Refurbishment

The PC and monitor detailed in section 2 of this form have been refurbished.

Hard Disk replaced?  / OS Original  New  / New OS version:
/ /
MITA Representative / Signature / Date

12.PC Delivery

The PC and monitor detailed in section 2 of this form have been delivered to the address below.

/ /
MITA Representative / Signature / Date
Name and Surname
I.D. Card Number
Charge Amount / €
Receipt Number

I have received the PC with details as listed in section 2 of this form.

/ /
Name and Surname / Signature / Date
Unclassified / Page 1