Baby Dedication Notes


  1. Email/Letter ‘BD:1_Enquiry’
    Instructions: to be sent as soon
  2. Phone Call_Call Team
    Instructions: Please give next available dates/times for baby dedications. Check spelling of child's and parents names and DOB.
  3. Email/Letter ‘BD: 2_Preparation’
  4. Phone Call_Ps James
    Instructions: Please give details about the running of the day and the significance of this decision they have made.
  5. Print Baby Dedication Certificates
    Instructions: to be mailed with photograph and step 4 Letter.
  6. Phone Call_PostDedication_Ps James
    Instructions: Encourage them. Talk about the friends/family that attended with them. Encourage them and friends/family to come back.
    If they ever need prayer for their child/family please call us at the office. We are committed to assisting you in any way possible with the raising of the child.
  7. Email/Letter ‘BD: 3_Post-Encouragement’
    Instructions: To be sent no later than 1 week after the dedication service.
  8. Email/Letter‘ BD: 4_Anniversary’
    Instructions: To be sent 1 year after the dedication service.


Advertising plan organised

Administration – Elvanto flow begun

Pastors Tony, Patsy and James organised with details

Sermon – shorter, newcomer minded and evangelistic

Gifts purchased

Kids Pastor – giving of gifts off the stage

Parent’s are aware of the details needed (email/letter 2)

Reserved seating numbers given to ushers

Ushers – welcoming newcomers, reserved seating arranged (signs), extra ushers, sign at theHub for family/friends to wait to be shown to their seats, newcomers shown kids area (and sign in) and bathrooms and parents room.

Kids – children’s packs organised and at theHub

Production – slides prepared with photos of each child, sound levels fairly low, transition moments

Worship – appropriate songs for newcomers, relating to the service, background music for dedication

Photographer organised

Photos and certificates printed and framed in the photo folders. To be mailed out with letter 3_Post-Encouragement no later than 1 week after the service.

BD: 1_Enquiry (Letter/Email)

Subject line: Baby Dedication Enquiry

Dear %firstname%,

We are so happy that you have decided to dedicate your childto the Lord and are privileged that you have chosen to do this with RhemaFamily Church.

Children are a blessing and a heritage from the Lord and raising a child is anhonour and one of life’s greatest joys.We know that to raise a child requires a great deal of wisdom, strength,patience and insight, among many other things.We know too that God will give you, as parents, the grace and ability to raiseyour child and by choosing to dedicate them, you have acknowledgedthis fact.

God’s grace abounds to parents who call on Him for help and wisdom. In fact,in dedicating your child, you are actually dedicating yourselves, not only to thetask of being a parent, but also toGod, to rely on His help and guidancethrough the many years ahead.

One of our team will contact you, in the near future, to let you know the next available date to have yourchild dedicated at Rhema Family Church.We look forward to sharing this joyful time with you and your family.


Tony & Patsy Cameneti
Senior Pastors

BD: 2_Preparation (*add date)(Letter/Email)

Subject line: Baby Dedication Preparation

Dear %firstname% %lastname%,

We are so happy that you havedecided to dedicate your child to the Lord and are privileged as a church to be a part of this significant occasion. The Dedication Service will be Sunday, 24 July 2016,during the10:30amservice. We will have reserved seating for you on the East (right) side of the auditorium – allowing ease of access to the stage at the proper time. One row of (approximately 8) chairs will be reserved for you and your family or friends on the east side; all others are welcome to find a seat throughout the auditorium.

Please make yourself known at theHub when you arrive. The Ushers will show you to your seats and connect you with Ps James Eddison. He will then assist you with queues and anything that you may need on the day. We will sing a few songs of worship, Ps James will share a few words, and then he will call you onto the stage, by name, at the proper time. Please follow all queues from Ps James.

We would like to display a photo of your child on the screens during the service and also present you with a certificate. Please email the following information to prior to Thursday 21 July.

  • A photo of your child
  • Your child’s full name
  • The name of the father dedicating the baby
  • The name of the mother dedicating the baby

Again, children are a blessing and a heritage from the Lord and raising a child is anhonour and one of life’s greatest joys. We know that God will give you, as parents, the ability and graceto raiseyour child. In dedicating your child, you are actually dedicating yourselves, not only to thetask of being a parent, but also to God, to rely on His help and guidancethrough the many years ahead. Remember thatGod’s grace abounds to parents who call on Him for help and wisdom.

During the Baby Dedication portion of the service you will be given the opportunity to affirm your commitment to raise your child under God’s directionand teach your child about the Love of God as demonstrated in the Gospel ofJesus Christ.We encourage you to prepare your hearts for this special occasion.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact the office on (07) 3208 6640 (Tuesday-Friday).We look forward to sharing this joyful time with you and your family.


Tony &Patsy Cameneti
Senior Pastors

BD: 3_Post Encouragement (Letter/Email)

Subject line: Dedication

Hi %firstname% %lastname%,

It was wonderful to share with you the dedication of (name of child) last week. We hope you felt comfortable and supported during the ceremony. We want to let you know that we are praying for you and your family that God will continue to bless you in the future.

Rhema Family Church is committed to cater for all family members with programs designed for adults, children, youth and young adults. Our aim is to build godly relationships with one another and to assist in the development of strong and prosperous families. More information about these activities can be found on our website at


Tony &Patsy Cameneti
Senior Pastors

BD: 4_Anniversary (*child’s name) (Email/Letter)

Subject line: Dedication Anniversary

Hi %firstname% %lastname%,

We would like to congratulate you on the 1st anniversary of your decision to dedicate (child’s name) to the Lord.

We pray that God will continue to give you wisdom as parents as you guide your children in His ways.

If there is anything we can assist you with, please feel free to contact our office on (07) 3208 6640 (Tuesday-Friday).


Tony &Patsy Cameneti
Senior Pastors

15 November 2016