Please answer every question below.

1 Basic Details Of Your Organisation
1.1 / Name of the organisation submitting the tender:
1.2 / Name and job title for the supplier contract during tender processes:
1.3 / Address:
Post Code:
1.4 / Telephone number:
1.5 / E-mail address:
1.6 / Website:
1.7 / Company Registration number:
Company DnB number:
1.8 / VAT Registration number:
1.9 / Is your organisation:
(Please tick one) / i) a public limited company?
ii) a limited company?
iii) a partnership
iv) a sole trader
v) other (please specify)
1.10 / Name of (ultimate) parent company (if this applies):
1.11 / Companies House Registration number of parent company (if this applies):
2 Financial Information
2.1 / What was your turnover in the last three years? / ended --/--/---
for year 1 / ended --/--/-
for year 2 / ended --/--/----
for year 3
2.2 / Please provide the % of your annual turnover that is represented by your three largest customers / Customer 1 / Customer 2 / Customer 3
2.3 / Has your organisation met the terms of its banking facilities and loan agreements (if any) during the past year? / Yes / No
2.4 / If “No” what were the reasons, and what has been done to put things right?
2.5 / Has your organisation met all its obligations to pay its creditors and staff during the past year? / Yes / No
2.6 / If “No” please explain why not:
2.7 / What is the name and branch of your bankers (who could provide a reference)? / Name: / Branch Address:
Contact person:
Contact details:
2.8 / If asked, would you be able to provide at least one of the following?
A copy of your most recent audited accounts (for the last two years if this applies) / Yes / No
A statement of your turnover, profit & loss account and cash flow for the most recent year of trading / Yes / No
A statement of your cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit position / Yes / No
3 Business Activities
3.1 / What are the main business activities of your organisation?
3.2 / How many staff does your organisation employ?
3.3 / Save the Children’s is a living wage employer and, where applicable, our Living Wage policy is a non-negotiable contract provision. Please confirm whether you accept this policy (appended at Annex 3). / Yes / No
3.4 / Where is the geographical location of your main employment site?
3.5 / Please state your current running capacity (in %) and the potential impact of the charity’s needs on the running capacity (in %)
4 Sub-contractors
Please provide details of any/all sub-contractors which might / will assist you in providing
SCUK with the good/services required
Name / Business Type/ Service Provided / % of your business
4.1 / Sub-Contractor 1
4.2 / Sub-Contractor 2
4.3 / Sub-Contractor 3
4.4 / Sub-Contractor 4
5 Contracts and Associations
5.1 / Please declare any contracts or connections with companies at potential conflict of interest with the charity
5.2 / Please declare any legal actions against you which might be pending or underway
5.3 / Please advise whether you have anylinks with the tobacco, pornography, arms or carbon intensive fossil fuels (thermal coal, oil shale and tar sands) industries.
5.4 / Save the Children’s Child Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy is a non-negotiable provision within all SCUK contracts. Please confirm whether you accept this policy (see Annex 2). / Yes / No
Please provide details of your current insurance cover / Value
6.1 / Employer’s Liability: / £
6.2 / Public Liability: / £
6.3 / Other (please provide details): / £
7 Quality Assurance
7.1 / Does your organisation hold a recognised quality management certification or industry recognition? / Yes / No
7.2 / If not, does your organisation have a quality management system? / Yes / No
7.3 / If you do not have quality certification or a quality management system, please explain why:
8 Health & Safety
8.1 / Does your organisation have a written health and safety at work policy? / Yes / No
8.2 / If “No”, please explain why
8.3 / Are you registered on the CHAS ( database or similar scheme?
9 Equal Opportunities
9.1 / Does your organisation have a written equal opportunities policy
to avoid discrimination? / Yes / No
10 Environmental Management
10.1 / Does your organisation have an environmental management
system? / Yes / No
11 Professional And Business Standing
Do any of the following apply to your organisation, or to (any of) the director(s) / partners / proprietor(s)?
11.1 / Is in a state of bankruptcy, insolvency, compulsory winding up, receivership, composition with creditors, or subject to relevant proceedings / Yes / No
11.2 / Has been convicted of a criminal offence related to business or professional conduct / Yes / No
11.3 / Has committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of business / Yes / No
11.4 / Has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of social security contributions / Yes / No
11.5 / Has not fulfilled obligations related to payment of taxes / Yes / No
11.6 / Is guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying information / Yes / No
11.7 / Is not in possession of relevant licences or membership of an appropriate organisation where required by law / Yes / No
11.8 / If the answer to any of these is “Yes” please give brief details below, including what has been done to put things right.
12 Child Safeguarding
12.1 / Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding policy is a non-negotiable provision within all SCUK contracts. Please confirm whether you accept this policy (see Annex 1).
NB: If suppliers will be working within SCUK, with children or have access to images or data relating to children that are not in the public domain the supplier will be required to have appropriate safeguarding checks. / Yes / No
13 Procedures to prevent slavery and human trafficking
Question / Yes/No / Description/Explanation
13.1 / Do you have a program to assure human trafficking and slavery do not exist in your operations and supply chain?
13.2 / Have you identified the overall risks of slavery and human trafficking in your supply chain eg by mapping your supply chain and/or by analysing the countries you source from?
13.3 / Do you conduct audits of your operations and suppliers?
13.4 / Do you require your direct suppliers to certify that all materials incorporated into your final product were sourced, processed and manufactured in compliance with the human trafficking and slavery laws of the country or countries in which they operate?
13.5 / Do you have company standards on human trafficking and slavery for your employees and contractors, with effective sanctions for non-compliance?
13.6 / Have you trained relevant employees (eg management and those in charge of your supply chain) on what slavery and human trafficking are and how to mitigate the risk of them in their roles?
13.7 / Do you have adequate grievance procedures which your staff are free to use?
I declare that the answers submitted in this questionnaire are correct. I understand that the information will be used in the evaluation process to assess my organisation’s suitability to provide the services required by Save the Children
Form Completed by
Telephone number:
Email Address:



Our values and principles

Child abuse is when anyone under 18 years of age is being harmed or isn't being looked after properly. The abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional or neglect. The abuse and exploitation of children happens in all countries and societies across the world. Child abuse is never acceptable.

It is expected that all who work with Save the Children are committed to safeguard children whom they are in contact with.

What we do

Save the Children is committed to safeguard children through the following means:

Awareness: Ensuring that all staff and those who work with Save the Children are aware of the problem of child abuse and the risks to children.

Prevention: Ensuring, through awareness and good practice, that staff and those who work with Save the Children minimise the risks to children.

Reporting: Ensuring that you are clear on what steps to take where concerns arise regarding the safety of children.

Responding: Ensuring that action is taken to support and protect children where concerns arise regarding possible abuse.

In order that the above standards of reporting and responding are met, this is what is expected of you:

If you are worried that a child or young person is being abused or neglected, or you are concerned about the inappropriate behaviour of an employee, or someone working with Save the Children, towards a child or young person, then you are obliged to:-

•act quickly and get help

•support and respect the child

•where possible, ensure that the child is safe

•contact your Save the Children manager with your concerns immediately (or their senior manager if necessary)

•keep any information confidential to you and the manager.

If you want to know more about the Child Safeguarding Policy then please contact your Save the Children manager.



Our values and principles

Save the Children does not allow any partner, supplier, sub-contractor, agent or any individual engaged by Save the Children to behave in a corrupt manner while carrying out Save the Children’s work.

What we do

Save the Children is committed to preventing acts of bribery and corruption through the following means:

Awareness: Ensuring that all staff and those who work with Save the Children are aware of the problem of bribery and corruption.

Prevention: Ensuring, through awareness and good practice, that staff and those who work with Save the Children minimise the risks of bribery and corruption.

Reporting: Ensuring that all staff and those who work with Save the Children are clear on what steps to take where concerns arise regarding allegations of bribery and corruption.

Responding: Ensuring that action is taken to support and protect assets and identifying cases of bribery and corruption.

To help you identify cases of bribery and corruption, behaviour which amounts to corruption includes but is not limited to:

a)Paying or Offering a Bribe – where a person improperly offers, gives or promises any form of material benefit or other advantage, whether in cash or in kind, to another in order to influence their conduct in any way.

b) Receiving or Requesting a Bribe – where a person improperly requests, agrees to receive or accepts any form of material benefit or other advantage, whether in cash or in kind, which influences or is designed to influence the individual’s conduct in any way.

c) Receiving or Paying a so-called ‘Grease’ or ‘Facilitation’ payment – where a person improperly receives something of value from another party for performing a service or other action that they were required by their employment to do anyway.

d) Nepotism or Patronage – where a person improperly uses their employment to favour or materially benefit friends, relatives or other associates in some way. For example, through the awarding of contracts or other material advantages.

e) Embezzlement - where a person improperly uses funds, property, resources or other assets that belong to an organisation or individual.

f)Receiving a so-called ‘Kickback’ Payment – where a person improperly receives a share of funds, a commission, material benefit or other advantage from a supplier as a result of their involvement in a corrupt bid or tender process.

g) Collusion – where a person improperly colludes with others to circumvent, undermine or otherwise ignore rules, policies or guidance.

h) Abuse of a Position of Trust – where a person improperly uses their position within their organisation to materially benefit themselves or any other party.

In order that the above standards of reporting and responding are met, this is what is expected of you:

You have a duty to protect the assets of Save the Children from any form of corruption. Furthermore, you must immediately report any suspicion of bribery or corruption to the Save the Children senior management team or Country Director and not to anyone else. Failure to report will be treated as serious and may result in termination of any agreement with Save the Children.

You are obliged to:-

•act quickly and get help

•encourage your own staff to report on bribery and corruption

•contact the Save the Children senior management team or Country Director with your concerns immediately (or their senior manager if necessary)

•keep any information confidential to you and the manager.

Attempted corruption is as serious as the actual acts and will be treated in the same way under this policy.

If you want to know more about the Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy then please contact your Save the Children representative.



Centre for Civil Society Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Citizens UK Charity t/a Living Wage Foundation (a charity registered 1107264 in England & Wales) which is responsible for the programme under which employers can apply for Living Wage Employer Accreditation to indicate that the employer has adopted an equitable employment policy in relation to its staff in accordance with the minimum standards stipulate by the Living Wage Foundation.

Save the Children has committed to the Living Wage and is an accredited body.


1.Save the Children requires that any contractors and sub-contractors, which supply an employee (other than an apprentice or intern) who provides a service to or on behalf of Save the Children involving 2 or more hours of work in any given day in a week, for 8 or more consecutive weeks in a year on:

1.1Save the Children’s premises; and/or

1.2property owned or occupied by Save the Children (including where Save the Children is a tenant and is provided building-related services through a lease); and/or

1.3land which Save the Children is responsible for maintaining or on which it is required to work

shall adopt the measures set out in paragraph 2 below in relation to such individuals.

2.For the duration of the performance of the services, any contractors and sub-contractors shall, in relation to its employees based in or outside Greater London,

2.1.1pay all employees aged 18 or over not less than the London Living Wage (as set by the Greater London Authority or any successor body) or the National Living Wage (as set by the Living Wage Foundation or any successor body); and

2.1.2increase the amount which it pays to affected employees by the same amount as any increase to the London Living Wage or the National Living Wage, within 6 months of the date on which any increase is officially announced; and

notify all affected employees of the date of the next increase within one month of the official announcement, unless the employees have been previously notified about the date on which they will receive at least the increase in the National and/or London Living Wage

