Beauty Point OOSH

Excursion risk management plan Wannabees playland

Excursion details
Excursion destination / Wannabees playland
Departure and arrival times / 10:30- 2:30
Proposed activities / Playland activities / Water hazards? No
Method of transport, including proposed route / Private bus charter to and from address.
Name of excursion co-ordinator / Francine Cook / Giverny Coulson
Contact number of excursion co-ordinator / (BH) 0400 316840 / (M) 0418 609 993
Number of children attending excursion / 60 maximum / Number of educators/parents/volunteers / 8
Educator to child ratio, including whether this excursion warrants a higher ratio? Please provide details. / 1 carer : 8 children
Excursion checklist
First aid kit / List of adults participating in the excursion
List of children attending the excursion / Contact information for each adult
Contact information for each child / Mobile phone / other means of communicating with the service & emergency services
Medical information for each child / Other items, please list
Risk assessment
Activity / Hazard identified / Risk assessment
(use matrix) / Elimination/control measures / Who / When
Transportation (Private bus charter) / Death or cause disability or ill health / High /
  • Plan trip (excursion plan)
  • Staff instructed how to safely cross the roads with children:
(See Road Warden Procedure)
  • Children instructed to walk in pairs holding hands, on the footpath
  • Precautions taken when crossing roads
  • First aid training of Staff
  • First aid kit taken to excursion
  • Mobile phone taken on excursion
  • Qualified driver
  • Vehicle is registered and insured
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Responsible person on duty
  • All Staff
  • All Staff
  • All Staff
  • All Staff
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Sydney Bus Charters
  • Sydney Bus Charters
  • 2 weeks before excursion date
  • On the day
  • During roll call before excursion departure
  • On the day
  • Prior excursion date
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • All times
  • All times

Wannabees play centre activities / Broken limb / High /
  • Warn children of dangers
  • Wear appropriate footwear
  • Mobile phone available
  • Emergency number list available
  • First aid training of staff
  • First aid kits taken on excursion
  • All Staff
  • All Staff and children
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Responsible person on duty
  • During roll call before excursion departure
  • Expressed to all parents in vacation care terms and conditions.
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • Prior excursion date
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.

Outdoor Play
Play centre activities / Injury from taking part in the activity / High /
  • A 1st Aid kit taken on the trip
  • Only persons over 18 y.o to assist children
  • All staff to have/enrolled for current First Aid Training
  • Responsible person on duty
  • All Staff
  • All Staff
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • In the occurrence of an incident
  • Prior excursion date

Outdoor Games / Sunburn / High /
  • Sunscreen is applied before children go outside and hats are worn as well as protective clothing.
  • Warn children of dangers; advise and check appropriate clothing, wide-brimmed hats, sun-glasses, sun screen
  • Carry extra sun cream
  • Supervise time in sun and monitor application of sun cream
  • Carry extra hats
  • Carry fresh water and cups
  • Outdoor activities postponed between 11-2pm.
  • All Staff
  • All Staff
  • 1 Staff Member
  • Responsible person on duty
  • All staff
  • 1 Staff Member
  • Responsible person on duty
  • During roll call before departure
  • During roll call before departure
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • All times
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • During vacation care programming (week 4 of term).

Outdoor Games
Indoor Activities / Additional sickness / Moderate /
  • Provide vomit bags
  • Warn about excessive
food intake
  • Find out if any child has a medical condition e.g. epilepsy
  • First aid kit
  • Responsible person on duty
  • All Staff
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.
  • Ongoing
  • Enrolment form collection
  • Excursion items are prepared half an hour before departure.

Play centre activities / Lost Child / High /
  • Head counts
  • Children to be informed about boundaries
  • Children at all times are to wear lanyards with centres contact details
  • Mobile phone taken on excursion
  • Children to notify Staff of all toilet needs
  • Children are to be seated in designated rows as a group
  • All Staff
  • Responsible person on duty
  • All Staff
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Children
  • All Staff
  • - Before departure
- On arrival to venue
- During excursion
- After arrival
  • During roll call before excursion departure
  • Distributed to all children before excursion departure
  • Excursion items are packed before departure
  • When needed
  • Upon arrival

Play centre activities
Indoor centre activities / Fire / High /
  • All children are to be evacuated to the evacuation point in the venue
  • Brief children on evacuation procedures when on excursions
  • Obtain evacuation plan from the venue
  • Staff to carry whistle at all times
  • All Staff
  • Responsible person on duty
  • Responsible person on duty
  • All Staff
  • In the occurrence of a fire
  • During roll call before excursion departure
  • Two weeks prior excursion date
  • All times

Play centre activities / Child Protection / Moderate /
  • Staff to accompany child to the toilet.
  • Children are advised not to talk or interact with any other persons on premises except for Centre staff
  • All responsible staff to have/be enrolled in Child Protection Training
  • All Staff
  • Children
  • All responsible persons
  • When required
  • During roll call before excursion departure
  • Ongoing

Plan prepared by / Francine Cook / Giverny Coulson
Prepared in consultation with: / Management Committee
Communicated to: / Parents and Committee
Venue and safety information reviewed and attached / Yes / No
Comment if needed:
Reminder: Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or significant change occurs.

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