Finds from Specific Buildings

Three NE chambers:
Centre Chamber:
(Workshop?) / Iron tools; nails; glass; lead fragments; pottery. Decorated coffin slab (broken);
West Chamber: / Stone coffin; bones; etc. Five more coffins; skeleton;
South Transept: / Altar Slab (5 crosses); 6 tombstones; further tombstone (Horncastle);
West Front: / Two large studded nails;
South Choir Aisle: / Seven tomb slabs; small altar slab;
Chancel: / Piece of sheet lead; knife with handle;
North Transept:
(SW corner) / St Laurence statue;
Nave: / Many tomb slabs;
Refectory: / One glazed tile; fragments of stone table supports; knife with bone handle;
(In yard of Refectory?) / 1½ pewter plates; large ‘S’ hook; bottom of wooden bucket; pieces of leather; pieces of large pitcher; beads of rosary; animal bones;
(Outside S W door of church) / Abbey Seal; melted lead and glass; piece of bell metal; brass cross; several large-headed pins, some Nuremburg tokens;
Kitchen: / Millstone; a mortar; several knives; Cistercian-ware posset pot;
(W door) / Many thousands of oyster shells;
(E of N Transept) / Two brass letters; a small bell; many pieces of lead; a quantity of broken ‘Roman and early English pottery’;
Porch of Abbot’s House: / Two tomb slabs;
Cellarium: / Elizabethan shilling; bulla of Boniface VIIII (1389); bench end; pedestal; blackware mug;
Chapter House: / Plain yellow and green glazed floor tiles;
Abbot’s House area: / Pair of iron tongs – 2’ 6” long;
Finds by date:
1909: / A fetter-lock and a portion of another;
A green glazed ewer;
A greenish-yellow glazed ----- pancheon;
Tick glass in lead;
Arch.J.XVI (1909) / Numerous pieces of stained glass;
p 398 / A peculiar iron buckle;
Several old knives;
An ancient key;
Numerous small pieces of richly ornamented lead;
A cresset with four holes;
A gracefully carved cornice piece with gold still adhering;
A stone seal impression;
A bronze ring with cameo in the centre;
Many tiles and fragments of pottery;

Courtesy of Lincoln Historic Environment

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