Thank you for using the Parish Centre. In order to keep the centre a pleasant environment for all our users we would appreciate your help by following these conditions of use.
Booking Form – Please ensure the booking form is returned promptly to the Booking Secretary, either by e-mail or to the Parish Office and that your booking includes time for preparations and clearing away at the end of the session. It would be appreciated if we are informed of the group requirements regarding equipment on the space provided on the booking form (Chairs, Tables, Crockery, Presentation / Audio Visual etc)
Gaming – Gaming (Including Raffles) is not permitted within the constitution of the Parish Centre
Damage - Please report any damage / spillage to the Centre personnel locking up.
General Parking – Parking is available whilst your session is taking place. Please park in marked bays only. If the Car Park is full, please use the Public Car Parks adjacent to the Parish Centre. (Payment may be required)
Disabled Parking – Parking Spaces are to be used by Disabled Badge Holders only.
No Smoking – The Parish Centre site is a completely No Smoking Zone, this includes under the porch, the Cloister and the Garden areas.
Equipment – Please move equipment carefully. The Chair Trolley will not go through a single doorway if it is overloaded. (Six Chairs per Section – Total 48). Timber Protectors must be on the trolley when it is moved.
Energy Efficiency – We try to run a green community by avoiding waste. Please help us to save on our electricity, heating and cleaning bills. “Bluetac”, “Sellotape” and drawing pins are NOT permitted.
Checks before leaving – Please leave all rooms as you would wish to find them. Scissor mop / dustpan and brush are located in the Main Hall cupboard. Vacuum Cleaners are in the office and Cloister Rooms. If you have used the Kitchen or Tea Point please wipe the surfaces clean and sweep the floor. Please ensure items used in the Kitchen are put away after use and not left out on worktops. If you have used our tables, please wipe clean before returning to the cupboard. Please do not leave the centre unattended. If the person locking up for you has not arrived by the time agreed on your booking form please contact one of the people below who will arrange for the Centre to be locked immediately.
Rev Mike Lodge 01268 742176 / Jo Turner 01268 771305 / Jane Brown 01268 742215I would be grateful if you could note this relevant information and see that it is passed on to all other members of your group. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.
We do thank you for your association with the Parish Centre and look forward to working with you
Maree Gaskin - Booking Secretary
Phone – 07833 342704
e-mail –