College of Human Ecology
Department of Child Development and Family Relations
CDFR 6990– Section 601
Fall Action Research I in Birth through Kindergarten Education
Action Research I in Educational Settings
Fall 2009
Professor :Archana (Anu). V. Hegde, Ph.D.
Office : Rivers West 131
Office Hours : Prior appointment required (Mutually agreed upon time)
Telephone : (252) 328-5712 (Office), 919 295-1363 (Home),
336 301 2022 (Cell)
Fax : (252) 328-4276
e-mail :
Professor will respond to emails as quickly as possible. If the response is delayed by 2 days, students are required to send the professor a reminder spelt out in the subject area of the email (Reminder 1: Topic; Reminder 2: Topic).
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This graduate course provides an overview of “action research” and illustrates the process of improving the educational process. This qualitative and some quantitative approach to research,involves reactionary reflections and self-study which is undertaken by the students with the support of a researcher who may be a more knowledgeable peer or expert. It is believed that action research is a dynamic process in which reflection and practice interacts to produce change.
REQUIRED TEXT:Mills, G. E. (2007). Action Research: A guide for the teacher researcher(3rd ed.). Pearson Education Inc, NJ.
THE FUTURE:American Psychological Association (2001). Publication manual of the American psychological association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author
APA-Style Helper 3.0 found at
(If you can’t open the link, copy and paste the link to the browser)
ReferencePointAPA Format Template found at
(If you can’t open the link, copy and paste the link to the browser)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The student will be able to:
1. Define the term “action research” and describe in general terms how action research is accomplished.
2. State and explain reasons for educators to become involved in action research.
3. Understand the process of action research with a view that they can apply this information to their own action research projects.
4. Understand how action research can be employed by groups of educators in a collaborative manner to improve student outcomes at a number of levels including grade, department, individual school, or entire school district.
5. Understand the requirements of a high quality action research project and apply this information to their projects.
6. Understand and comprehend the requirements of the APA standards and use it as applicable.
Course Policies:
Regular attendance is imperative to successful completion of the course and there will be a variety of activities throughout the semester that will aid in your learning of the material. You will be responsible for all material presented in Blackboard, discussions, any assigned group work, videos, class activities, and posted documents.
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is the expected standard. Cheating, plagiarism (poaching someone else’s work without attribution and presenting it in bad faith as your own effort), falsification (statement of untruth regarding your work), and any attempts of these academic violations are intolerable offenses in the academic community. Any student who commits academic integrity violations on any portion of the course will receive an “F” for this course. Please carefully review the academic integrity policy in Blackboard under Course Information.
Use of BB for this class
To make this class organized and consistent certain policies have been developed by the professor. Every chapter has a well-developed and in depth powerpoint made. All these powerpoints will be posted under the tab of Course Documents on the BB. Any extra information or tables will also be placed in this place. It is the student’s responsibility to access this information as required. If and when necessary the professor will also remind and guide students to look at the extra information.
An assignment folder has been developed for the assignment information and assignment link. All the assignments will be placed under the tab of Assignment on the BB.
Discussion Board
Weekly participation in the Discussion Board is an important component of this course, which is designed to foster interactive discussion on a wide variety of issues. It is expected that each student will participate and contribute. Participation is necessary for class discussion and for the development of a learning community. Due to the very nature of this course, it is likely that personal information will be shared. It should be understood that anything said in a class of a personal nature will be held confidential to those in the class. Confidentiality and respect for our fellow students and the instructor is essential. All students are expected to be respectful in their comments. The instructor has the right to delete any posts or discussions that are not appropriate. If any discussions affect a student in an especially favorable or unfavorable way, please contact the instructor during office hours. The topics will be posted by Monday (12:00 p.m.), and everyone is expected to participate and complete the BB discussion by Thursday (7:00 p.m.). The BB discussion has to be completed within the time limit that has been allocated.
To reply to a Discussion Board forum you need to post an individual response with a thoughtful and well-developed paragraph. In addition, you also need to respond to one of your classmates with a thoughtful and well-developed paragraph. Each weekly DB post is worth 10 points(10 X 10 = 100 points).
Based on the chapter content and depth, few chapters will be taught over a one week period (e.g. Chp 4 or Chp 5), while a few others will be taught over a two week period (Chp 1 or Chp 2). However, to maintain consistency throughout the semester all assignments will be due by Saturday (7 p.m.). Further,depending on the type of the assignment, a few assignments will be completed over a two week period (e.g assignments that involve data gathering or observation assignments). Overall, there are 9 assignments each worth 20 points (9 X 20 = 180 points).
All the assignments will be submitted through the assignment link that has been activated for the students. If and when there is a need for digital drop box I will let you know. Unless stated, it is known that all assignments will be completed through the assignment link.
Overall, there will be (3) exams. Questions will be taken from the text, materials presented on blackboard, assignments, and activities. The exams will be primarily composed of any of the following: multiple choice or true/false questions. Exams will be given online during the window of time listed on the course outline, and grades will be posted on Blackboard. Students, who miss an exam due to a university excused absence (major illness, death in family (validated excuse from the university)) will be allowed to make up the exam. However, the instructor should be notified in advance of the missed exam and arrangements made to take the exam as soon as possible. The exams are worth 50 points and are timed for two hours. You will have an exam week assigned to you. During this week you are required to study for the exam and take the exam. The exam will be opened by 12 p.m. on Monday and will close by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday (Except for exam 3, as it comes in midst of the thanksgiving holidays. However, you are still given one week to complete this exam). The exam can be taken only during that particular week. The exams will be timed for2 hours. Each exam is worth 50 points (3 x 50 = 150 points)
Extra Points
There areseveral opportunities built in to earn extra points in this class. I have already placed one extra point BB discussion (September 24th)in the syllabus. Also, during exams I will have 2 to 4 extra point questions. Besides these extra points no other extra point assignment/s will be rendered during the semester.
Make-up/Late Policy
Exams must be taken during the windows of time that they are scheduled. Exams and assignments are due by the date and time that is indicated on the syllabus. Incaseof a medical or family emergency (note must be provided), contact the instructor as soon as possible to make alternative arrangements. Exams may not be made up more than one week after the scheduled date.
Discussion board posts will NOT be awarded points after the due date and time as noted on the course schedule.
Five (5) points will be deducted for each day that any assignment is late
Total Points: 450
Exams (3 x 50): 150 points
Assignment ( 9 x 20): 180 points
Board (10 x10): 100 points
Total 430 points
Grading Scale:
Letter Grade / Percentage / Number of PointsA / 90% or higher / 387 to 430 points
B / 80-89% / 386 to 344 points
C / 70-79% / 343 to 301 points
F / 69% or lower / 300 points or lower
Other Policies:
The instructor reserves the right to make subjective judgments about the grades that are assigned to the students.
The instructor reserves the right to alter or amend the syllabus, including the tentative schedule.
Students should regularly check ECU e-mail and Announcements in the Blackboard platform that is used for this course.
EastCarolinaUniversity seeks to fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Department for Disability Support Services, located in Slay 138. The telephone number is 252-737-1016 (Voice/TTY). Any student with a special disability (e.g., sight, hearing, mobility) that may affect class activities should inform the instructor.
EastCarolinaUniversity is committed to providing each student with a rich, distinctive educational experience. To this end, students who do not follow reasonable standards of behavior in the classroom or other academic setting may be removed from the course by the instructor following appropriate notice. Students removed from a course under this policy will receive a grade of “drop” according to university policy and are eligible for tuition refund as specified in the current tuition refund policy.
If you need help with organization and study skills please make use of the university student resources EARLY in the semester.
All course grades will be posted in the Blackboard grade book and accessed by the students at any time during the semester.
Fall 2009 Syllabus
The professor reserves rights to make changes to the syllabus as required. Students will be told about any changes made to the syllabus as deemed appropriate.
Date / SubjectAugust 25th (Tuesday) / Introduction, Review items under Staff and Course Information
August 31st (Monday) / Chp 1 (Power point and assignment posted) / Chp 1 Pgs 1 – 6
Understanding Action Research
September 3rd
(Thursday) / BB Discussion 1 Due
September 5th (Saturday) / Assignment 1 Due
September 7th
Holiday / Chp 1 (Power point and assignments posted) / Chp 1 Pgs 6 -21
Understanding Action Research
September 10th (Thursday) / BB Discussion 2 Due
September 12th (Saturday) / Assignment 2 Due
September 14th (Monday) / Chp 2 (Powerpoint and assignment posted) / Chp 2 Pgs 23 – 36
Deciding on Area of Focus
September 17th (Thursday) / BB Discussion 3 Due
September 19th (Saturday) / No Assignment Due that Day
September 21st
(Monday) / Chp 2 (Powerpoint posted) / Chp 2 Pgs 37 – 48
Deciding on Area of Focus
September 24th (Thursday) / ExtraPointBB Discussion
September 26th (Saturday) / Assignment 3 Due
September 28th
(Monday) / Chp 3 (PowerPoint and assignment posted) / Chp 3 Pgs 51 – 72
Data Collection Techniques
October 1st
(Thursday) / BB Discussion 4 Due
October 3rd
(Saturday) / No Assignment Due that Day
October 5th (Monday) / Chp 3 (Continued) / Chp 3 Pgs 73 – 78
Data Collection Techniques
October 8th
(Thursday) / BB Discussion 5 Due
October 10th (Saturday) / Assignment 4 DUE X
October 12th (Monday) / Exam 1 Week (Chps 1, 2 and 3)
October 15th (Thursday)
October 17th (Saturday) / Exam 1 (Completed by 8:00 p.m.)
October 19th (Monday) / Chp 4 (Powerpoint and Assignment Posted) / Chp 4 Pgs 81 – 98
Reliability, Validity, Generalizability
October 22nd
(Thursday) / BB Discussion 6 Due
October 24th (Saturday) / Assignment 5 Due
October 26th (Monday) / Chp 5 (Powerpoint and Assignment Posted) / Chps 5 Pgs 100 – 114
October 29th
(Thursday) / BB Discussion 7 Due
October 31st
(Saturday) / Assignment 6 Due
Nov 2nd
(Monday) / Chp 6 (Powerpoint and Assignments (7 and 8 Posted) / Chp 6 Pgs 117 – 138
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Nov 5th (Thursday) / BB Discussion 8 Due
Nov 7th (Saturday) / Assignment 7 Due
Nov 9th (Monday) / Exam 2 Week (Chps 4, 5 and 6)
Nov 12th (Thursday)
Nov 14th (Saturday) / Exam 2 (Completed by 8:00 p.m.)
Nov 16th (Monday) / Chp 7 (Powerpoint ) / Chp 7 140 – 160
Action Planning with Educational Change
Nov 19th (Thursday) / BB Discussion 9 Due
Nov 21st
(Saturday) / Assignment 8 Due
Nov 23rd
(Monday) / Chp 8 and Chp 9 (Powerpoint and Assignment Posted) and Class Reflection / Chps 8 and 9 Pgs 163 – 209
Writing up Action Research and Dissemination
Nov 25th – 29th / Thanksgiving Holiday
Nov 30th
(Monday) / BB Discussion 10 and Assignment 9 Due
December1st (Tuesday) / Exam 3 Week (Chps 7, 8 and 9)
December 8th (Tuesday) / Exam 3 (Completed by 8:00 p.m.)