Please adapt this template, if you use it, it is intended as a guide only and you can write about your own examples or concerns regarding the asylum process. For example you can add what you do or the work of your group. If you write on behalf of a group, you can mention that your group covers the constituency of the MP. If a city group you can even write to county MPs. You can still invite your MP to attend even if you are not going yourself by asking them to take the opportunity to listen to refugee provide testimony of their experiences. Please also provide your full postal address.

Dear[add in the name of your MP]

You will be aware that we are currently facing the biggest refugee crisis since WWII. At the end of 2015, 65.3 million – or one out of every 113 people on Earth – were displaced due to war, persecution or violence. That’s 5.8 million more than in 2014.

But behind each number and every statistic is an individual’s story of a journey in search of safety. We warmly welcome you to attend this year’s Sanctuary in Parliament event, where you can hear some of these stories from refugees and their supporters from across the UK:

Standing Up for the Right to Asylum
Sanctuary in ParliamentIII
12.00 – 15.30
Tuesday 29th November in Committee Room 14

Hosted by City of Sanctuary and Sanctuary Alliance partners, with the support of theAPPG on refugees,this is the third time we’ve brought the voices of refugees to Westminster throughSanctuary in Parliament.

[Local groups/organisations – add in information about activities and events in your local area]

One refugee who attended Sanctuary in Parliament last year told us “I thank God that at least I can stand up in this place and tell you about my experiences. I would not be able to do that in my own country.” Stephen, Bishop of Sheffieldsaid ““I am proud of our city’s role in this movement.” The number of City of Sanctuary groups has grown in the last year from 45 to over 80 reflecting public support for a culture of welcome.

This event is an opportunity for you to hear from asylum seekers and refugees themselves as well as their supporters in your constituency who care about ensuring dignity and fairness for allrefugees and asylum seekers who seek sanctuary in the UK.We hope to share our vision of practical action and key policy changes that will ensure a culture of welcome for refugees across the UK.

Please let me know if you intend to go to this event and also RSVP your attendance by contacting Jonathan Featonby at .

[If you are contacting your MP as a group and/or you plan to attend SiP, please try to arrange a specific time to meet your MP! We will have a separate room available for people to have conversations and further discussions]

We hope you will be able to join us on Tuesday 29th November, even if only for a short while. We will be in touch nearer the date with a full programme for the day.

Yours sincerely

(Add your postal address)