An ordinary meeting of this Parish Council was held on Monday 13th April 2015 in the Community Centre at 7pm.

54.15 / Attendance and Apologies for absence
Cllrs Holdeman, Addley, Jespersen, Morris and Smith were in attendance, together with the Clerk and eight members of the public.
There were no apologies for absence received.
55 / Declarations of Interest
Cllr Jespersen declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 64(b)(i) Village Hall Planning Application as Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, having submitted a response to the application on behalf of the Trustees. Cllr Jespersen would take no part in the discussion.
56 / Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on the 9th March 2015 having been previously circulated, were signed as a true record, subject to the following amendment:-
Item 48 Highway Matters resolution (iii) should read
Cllr Jespersen will include this matter in her report to The Hill and thank those residents who responded with suggestions.
57 / To discuss matters arising from previous Minutes
(a)  Minutes of 3rd November 2014, Item 190, Millennium Garden Area. The Clerk
reported that the railings have been installed, which completes all the work on the wall and railings in the Millennium Garden Area.
(b)  Minutes of 3rd November 2014, Item 192, The Playing Fields and Community
Centre. The Clerk reported that on 17th March 2015, Stuart Carter the Tree Officer had completed the necessary tree work at the recreation ground.
(c)  Minutes of 9th March 2015, Item 43, Public Participation. The Clerk read out
extracts of the response received from Dorset Waste Partnership following a request for the road sweeping schedule.
Child Okeford is due to be swept every 12 weeks. DWP have two sweepers and two drivers to cover the whole of the North Dorset area. Occasionally, one or both of these drivers are needed to cover driver shortfalls on the front-line refuse operations, as well as accounting for sickness and annual leave. Consideration also has to be given for down-time due to maintenance for one or both of the sweepers as well as emergency situations. Due to changing priorities it is not always possible to stick to the schedules and therefore it is not possible to provide a day or time when the sweeper may be attending any particular village.
Dorset Direct have requested that the sweeper attends Child Okeford and this will be done as soon as possible.
It was noted that the sweeper had attended the village but only a few roads had been covered. It was proposed by Cllr Jespersen, seconded by Cllr Holdeman and
RESOLVED: that the Clerk write to DWP requesting that Haywards Lane, Jacobs Ladder and Milbrook Close are swept.
(d)  Minutes of 9th March 2015, Item 53, Matters of Interest. The Clerk reported that
Graham Stanley, Senior Ranger had confirmed the Temporary Footpath Closure on Footpath 23, leading from The Hollow would end on 5th April 2015. It was confirmed that the Footpath is now fully open for use by the general public.
58 / Councillors Reports
The Local Report to Parishes from District Cllrs Jespersen and Croney had previously been circulated to Members. Cllr Jespersen took questions. Cllr Smith asked if there was any progress regarding the road closure at Dinah’s Hollow (C13). It was confirmed that the matter, including the increased risk on the surrounding roads caused by the increased traffic diverted from the C13 is due to be considered by the County Council Cabinet in May.
Cllr Morris reported that a meeting of the Community Centre Committee was held the previous Friday and they are progressing with the proposal to update the showers. Estimates for the work are being sought and when these have been received an application will be submitted to the Parish Council for funding.
Cllr Addley reported that the Child Okeford application to enter the Best Kept Village Competition had been submitted. Litter-picking around the village has begun but there was concern over the number of discarded water bottles and other rubbish thrown in the hedges. It is believed that this has been caused by runners practising for the Gillingham Trotters Marathon which is to take place on the
3rd May 2015. Cllr Addley has been in contact with the organisers who have agreed to send out helpers to clear up any empty bottles/rubbish following the event.
Cllr Addley also wished to ask the residents to be mindful that judging for the competition is due to take place from the beginning of May to June and to be vigilant in collecting up any rubbish they see around the village.
Cllr Holdeman apologised for not attending the litter-pick on Saturday 11th April 2015. It was noted that DWP had been unable to supply the equipment for this day but equipment will be available for the litter-picking on 25th April and 9th May.
59 / Public Participation
The Chairman welcomed the public and invited them to speak. There were no comments.
60 / Footpaths
The Chairman welcomed the Footpaths Officer and invited him to speak. The following items were reported:-
The hole on Footpath 8 has been filled-in, but very badly and not to footpath standard. Walkers are urged to take care.
On Footpath 12 at The Hollow/Common Drove, under the kissing gate is flooded with cattle effluent. The Footpaths Officer has spoken with the farmer who has assured him this will be dealt with, but to date nothing has been done. It was proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Holdeman and
RESOLVED: that the Clerk write to the Environment Agency to report this matter.
The tree has been removed from the river at Wilson Haines Bridge between Shillingstone and Child Okeford.
There is good news that the Rangers will be fitting two more kissing gates at Pine Walk this coming week.
With reference to the Woods; the Footpaths Officer has written a piece for The Hill and a questionnaire will be handed out. It is hoped some progress will be made.
The new Walk Booklet has been printed and everyone is very pleased with it. Copies were handed out to all the Members.
The Footpaths Officers handed over a file of information and photographs giving all the latest updates on the gates installed to Cllr Smith. Cllr Smith will send a report to the Community Fund who provided a grant for the project.
The Chairman thanked the Footpaths Officer for all his hard work relating to the footpaths project to replace stiles with gates.
61 / Village Hall
Members had previously been circulated with a copy letter from NDDC advising that a nomination from the Child Okeford Village Hall Committee of Management had been received. This is to nominate the Child Okeford Village Hall as an Asset of Community Value. The Parish Council is the Custodial Trustee of the Village Hall. Under the Localism Act, communities can nominate assets of community value. If the nomination is accepted by the District Council, then if an asset is put up for sale or assigned on a long lease, the community group who nominated the asset will be notified and there is the option of a delay on the disposal to enable the community to make a bid for the asset. The community right does not give communities the first right of refusal, and the vendor can, at the end of the moratorium period, sell to whom and at what price they wish. The District Council has eight weeks from receipt of the nomination to make a judgement about whether the nominated asset is properly nominated, meets the definition of a community asset and is not excluded from nomination by the legislation. Cllr Jespersen commented that the letter was self-explanatory and the Parish Council is not required to do anything and it was noted that there is no cost to the community in respect of the application. If NDDC agree it just means the nomination goes on the register.
62 / The Playing Fields & Community Centre
(a)  Eastern boundary. Cllr Smith enquired how often residents of Melway Lane
should be reminded that the land on the residents’ side is owned by the Parish Council, having noted that the date of the last letter sent to all the residents was February 2012. The fencing had to be placed by the Parish Council at the bottom of the bank, even though the official land boundary line, as stated in Land Registry DT376614, is on the residents’ side. The matter was discussed.
It was proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Addley and
RESOLVED: that the Clerk write to the residents of 1-9 Melway Lane with a reminder that the Parish Council own the area of land on the residents’ side of the fence and requesting it is kept clean and tidy.
It was agreed that items (b) and (c) be taken together. The Chairman suspended the meeting to allow Mr P Watts, the groundsman to report.
(b)  Football pitch. Mr Watts explained that the existing position of the football
pitch is potentially very dangerous for players due to the roots growing through the ground, especially in the goal area. It is suggested that the pitch is moved and rotated 90 degrees to avoid the unsuitable areas.
(c)  Machinery. Mr Watts reported that the rotary mower is not working properly
and requires repair. He handed the Clerk a quotation for a service and it was suggested the repair could be carried out at the same time. The groundsman feels a new belt may need to be fitted.
It was reported that a bearing has gone on the gangmowers and needs replacing. Cllr Holdeman confirmed she has the details of the company which provided the new gangmowers and will pass this information to the Clerk.
Mr Watts was thanked for his attendance and reports.
The meeting was re-opened.
It was proposed by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Addley and
RESOLVED: (i) that the Parish Council agree to the relocation of the football pitch to an area which the groundsman feels is most appropriate.
(ii) that the groundsman is authorised to proceed with the service of the rotary mower at a cost of £65.00 and contact the Clerk with a quotation for the repair work. The Clerk will inform all Members so that the matter can be progressed as soon as possible.
(iii) that the Clerk will contact Members directly once a quotation has been received for repair to the gangmowers, so that any delay in grass cutting is kept to a minimum.
63 / Trees
The Clerk reported that the following tree work applications had been received:-
(a)Application 2/2015/0371/CATREE – 1 Upper Street, Child Okeford. T1, T2 Hawthorn. Fell to 30cm above the ground to promote new growth. T3 – Holly. Reduce crown by 3m. T4 – Norway Spruce. Fell. It was proposed by Cllr Jespersen, seconded by Cllr Holdeman and
RESOLVED: that the Parish Council have no objection to this application.
(b)Application 2/2015/0371/CATREE – Bartley House, Upper Street, Child Okeford. T1 – Oak. Crown reduce by 2m. T2 – Lawson Cypress. Fell to allow more room for the neighbouring tree. It was proposed by Cllr Holdeman, seconded by Cllr Addley and
RESOLVED: that the Parish Council have no objection to this application.
64 / Planning
(a)  The Clerk reported the following decisions had been received:-
(i)Planning Application 2/2015/0085/HOUSE – Erect 1 No single storey extension (demolish existing single storey extension). Laurel Farm, Station Road, Child Okeford – Approved.
(ii)Planning Application 2/2015/0086/LBC – Demolish existing single storey extension. Erect 1 No single storey extension and carry out associated internal and external alterations. Laurel Farm, Station Road, Child Okeford – Approved.
(iii)Planning Application 2/2014/0765/FUL – Construct an access track to stables and modify existing vehicular access. Land adjacent Little Hanford, Okeford Road, Hanford – Refused.
(b)  The Clerk reported that the following planning applications had been notified:-
Cllr Jespersen left the meeting.
(i)Planning Application 2/2015/0265/FUL – Erect 1 No. dwelling and garage. Land North of the Village Hall, The Hollow, Child Okeford. Cllr Addley commented that when Members attended the informal presentation by the applicant, concern was raised over the proximity of the proposed garage to the Village Hall. This concern had not been addressed in the planning application. This would result in a lack of light for the Village Hall and difficulty in accessing the rear of the Hall for maintenance purposes. It was noted that the objections raised by the Parish Council to a previous application still stand.
It was proposed by Cllr Addley, seconded by Cllr Morris and
RESOLVED: that the Parish Council object to this application and wish to make the following comments:-
(i)Such a development may cause lasting damage if the new owners force the Village Hall to curtail its activities due to the close proximity of the amenity and possible noise levels. This would result in the loss of a valuable asset to the community. There is particular concern over the close proximity of the proposed garage. This would result in a lack of light for the Village Hall and difficulty in accessing the rear of the Hall for maintenance purposes.
(ii) The Parish Council wish to highlight the fact that planning permission has already been granted for the Village Hall to be extended.
(iii)The Parish Council fully support the letter submitted by the Village Hall Committee.
Cllr Jespersen returned to the meeting.
(ii)Planning Application 2/2015/0441/HOUSE – Erect extension to garage and replace roof of garage. 20 Homefield, Child Okeford.
It was proposed by Cllr Holdeman, seconded by Cllr Addley and
RESOLVED: that the Parish Council have no objection to this application.