8th Grade Civil War Project Guide Sheet: Battle Model

*All Projects require a minimum of 8 sources (per group member), at least 3 of the 8 MUST be books.

**All Projects require a correctly formatted MLA style Bibliography page listing all sources used (including websites used for pictures/images).

Situation: The National Park Service wants to add 3D interactive maps to many of the National Battlefields that they maintain. The NPS will be accepting battle map mock ups as part of a nationwide contest. The winning company will receive a multi-million dollar grant to build the official battle map on the site of the respective battlefield.

Task: Create a 3D mock up (model) of a key Civil War battlefield. Models must have a clear description and blueprint of plans to incorporate current technology to make them interactive. Models must also include key geographic features of the battlefield. Battles that took place over multiple days must incorporate key features of the entire battlefield and interactive plans must incorporate troop movements and engagement across all days. Present your final battle mock up to the NPS selection committee.

Model Requirements:

1.  This project may be completed independently or as a group of no more than 2.

2.  Model Plan must include –

a.  Minimum 2 page description of the battle showing evidence of research

b.  Identify key commanders from each side

c.  # of troops for each side available per day

d.  Outcome of battle

3.  Battle Map must include– (must be hand drawn – no computer graphics)

a.  locate commanders and troop locations on map for each day of battle (at the start of the day)

b.  # of troops associated with each military unit

c.  Use arrows and time of day to indicate troop movements throughout each day of battle

4.  3D Model must include –

a.  Clearly marked/labeled:

i.  Landmarks

ii. Physical features (rivers, streams, mountains, roads etc.)

iii.  Troop positions at the start of each day (you may need more than one model if your battle is multiple days)

5.  Battle Response – minimum one page response to the following questions:

a.  How did the winning side achieve victory?

b.  How many casualties were there for each side during the battle?

c.  How was each side affected by their experiences in and outcome of the battle?

d.  What could have been done differently to change the outcome?

6.  Battle Model Mock Up Presentation:

a.  Present your mock up to the class (see Ms. Wenrich or Mr. Surmacz to schedule)

b.  Give a persuasive speech highlighting the keep points of the battle your model represents and why the NPS should choose your model to win their contest.

Final Battle Model Mock Ups are due ____________

Score / Exemplary / Satisfactory / Needs Improvement
Battle Description
/50 / Identifies key commanders from each side, # of troops available per day/per side; outcome of battle / Some evidence of research but missing key facts and data / Little or no evidence of research and/or missing description
Battle Map
/30 / Historically accurate map with commanders & troop locations at the start of the day(s) of battle; # of troops at each location for each side; arrows showing directions of troop movements & engagement points during the battle / Some evidence of research but missing key facts and data / Little or no evidence of research and/or missing map
3-D Model:
/20 / Minimum (#) clearly displayed/labeled landmarks (i.e. towns/RR/physical features key to battle) / Some displayed and labeled landmarks – not enough to clearly identify battle – not related to battle / Mislabeled or missing landmarks. Little or no evidence of research
3-D Model:
Physical Features /20 / Minimum (#) clearly displayed and labeled physical features (i.e. rivers/streams, mountains, oceans, lakes) / Some displayed and labeled landmarks – not enough to clearly identify battle – not related to battle / Mislabeled or missing physical features. Little or no evidence of research
3-D Model:
Northern Troops
/20 / Northern Troop Positions are clearly labeled with commanding general and key officers, all labels are correctly located on map in relationship to landmarks/physical features, # of troops is clearly identified for each commander (i.e. 1 plastic soldier can represent 25 soldiers) / Some evidence of research. Some positons/commanders/
number of troops missing or incorrect. Troop positions are unclear or do not accurately represent Northern positions. / Mislabeled or missing Northern troop positions/commanders, etc. Little or no evidence of research.
3-D Model:
Southern Troops
/20 / Southern Troop Positions are clearly labeled with commanding general and key officers, all labels are correctly located on map in relationship to landmarks/physical features, # of troops is clearly identified for each commander (i.e. 1 plastic soldier can represent 25 soldiers) / Some evidence of research. Some positons/commanders/
number of troops missing or incorrect. Troop positions are unclear or do not accurately represent Northern positions. / Mislabeled or missing Northern troop positions/commanders, etc. Little or no evidence of research.
Battle Response
/20 / Minimum 1 page description of battle clearly answers provided response questions showing evidence of research and thoughtful conclusions / Incomplete answers to response questions, some evidence of research, confusing or incomplete conclusions / Little or no evidence of research, confusing and/or incomplete conclusion and/or missing response
Mock Up Presentation:
/20 / Excellent presentation of model with evidence of abundant research; creative/persuasive argument for selection of mock up for NPS contest / Good presentation of model with some evidence of research; somewhat persuasive argument for NPS selection / Little or no evidence of research; confusing/lacking presentation; lacking persuasive argument

Final Grade: ______/200 Bibliography: _____/40 (Correctly formatted, min. 8 sources)
