Alain L. Kornhauser

Professor, Operations Research & Financial Engineering

Director, Transportation Program

Princeton University

Home Address: Office Address:

24 Montadale Circle E- 407 Engineering Quadrangle

Princeton, NJ 08540 Princeton University

(609) 921-2493 Princeton, NJ 08544

alaink@ (609) 258-4657

Current Princeton University Responsibilities

Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Associated Faculty, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Director, Transportation Research Program

Member of Topical Program in Robotics & Intelligent Systems

Team Leader, 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge

Team Leader, 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge

Compliance Officer, Operations Research & Financial Engineering Department


1971 Ph.D., 1969 MA, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Princeton University

1967 MS, 1965 BS, Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University


July 1980 to present Professor, Operations Research & Financial Engr. (Formerly CEOR)

July 1976-July 1980 Associate Professor, Civil Engineering & operations Research (CEOR)

June 1972-July 1976 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering;

Director, Transportation Program

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

April 1981 to present Founder, CEO ALK Technologies, Inc., Princeton, NJ

Jan. 1971-June 1972 Assistant Prof. of Aero. Engr. and Mech., U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Sept. 1978-Jan. 1979 Visiting Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA

Co-Founder and Board Chairman, ALK Technologies, Inc. 1979-present

Vice Chairman, New jersey Commission on Science and Technology, 2008 – present

Courses Taught During Last three Years

·  Special Topics in Operations Research and Financial Engineering: Autonomous Vehicles

·  Electronic Commerce

·  Transportation

·  Topics in Domestic Policy Analysis: Transportation

·  Human- machine Interactions

Recent Honors & Achievements (2005)

·  2007 recipient of Turner Prize of American Society of Civil Engineering

·  Team Leader: Princeton’s entry in ’05 DARPA Grand Challenge

·  Earned 10th seed in Challenge, Oct 8, 2005

·  Completed 9.4 miles of autonomous travel, Oct 8, 2005

·  Autonomously traversed 2005 (132 miles) and 2004 (140 miles) Grand Challenge courses, Fall Break (Oct 31-Nov2, 2005)

·  Team Leader: Princeton’s entry in ’07 DARPA Urban Challenge

·  One of 35 invited to participate in National Qualifying Event, Oct. 2007

·  Invited member of Governor-elect Corzine’s Transportation Policy Committee, 2006

·  Research Innovation Award, Highest award in 2007 by ITS America for “Capital District ATIS”

·  Outstanding ITS Project of 2005: “Capital District ATIS” by ITS Society of NY, June 9, 2005

·  Recent awards won by CoPilot|Live software:

·  NavTeQ Location Based Services Grand Challenge, Grand Prize Winner, Barcelona, Spain, 2006

·  Best Mobile Accessory from Total Mobile Magazine (2006)

·  CES Innovation Award 2006 CoPilot|Live SmartPhone

·  Navigation System of Choice from Auto Express Magazine (2005)

·  Laptop Magazine 2005 Editor’s Choice Award for CoPilot Live Laptop 8

·  Microsoft 2005 Mobility Solutions Partner of the Year Award

·  Smartphone & Pocket PC Magazine 2005 Best Software Award for CoPilot Live Smartphone

Honors (’95-’04)

·  1995 CJEC Engineer of the Year Award

·  Awards won by produced software:

·  1993 Progressive Railroading Magazine’s Productivity Award: Union Pacific’s Real-Time Locomotive Management System

·  1997 Software Publisher’s Codie Excellence in Software Award (the “Academy Awards” of the software industry) for RoadTrips Door-to-Door.

·  Winter Consumer Electronics Show's Innovations '98 Award for best new mobile electronics product for Door-to-Door CoPilot.

·  PCComputing 1998 MVP Award in GPS Category , Comdex 1998

·  PCComputing 1998 Industry Breakthrough MVP Award, Comdex 1998

·  Consumer Electronics Show's Innovations '99 Award for Door-to-Door CoPilot

·  Mobile Computing #1 Award, Jan ’99 for Door-to-Door CoPilot

·  PC_Computing 1999 MVP Award in GPS Category , Comdex 1999

·  Consumer Electronics Show's Innovations 2000 Award for CoPilot2000

·  Consumer Electronics Show's Innovations 2001 Award for PocketCoPilot (Unprecedented 4th year in a row!)

·  PCMagazine Editor’s Choice Award 2002 PocketCoPilot v2.0 Jan. 2002

·  Pocket PC Magazine Best Software Award 2003 in the Travel/GPS Software Category

·  Pocket GPS World Award 2003 for CoPilot’s Bluetooth GPS Receiver

·  E-GEAR Top 40 Editor’s Choice Award for CoPilot Live

·  Inbound Logistics 2004 Top 100 Logistics IT Provider

·  PDA Essentials Editor’s Choice Award 2004 for CoPilot Live

·  Pocket PC Award 2004 – GPS with Voice Guidance for CoPilot Live

New Funded Research:

·  NJDoT/UTRC “Variability of Travel Times on NJ Highways” With NJIT and RPI.

Active Research Areas

·  NJ Tide: Transportation Information and Decision Engrg: Optimal Routing through networks with time-varying stochastic attributes; Methods for deducing personal preferences from past behavior.

·  Fundamentals of route choice in stochastic transportation networks

·  Controlling Autonomous Automated Highway Vehicles Using Real-time Image Processing, NJ DOT Innovation Research Grant

Other Outside Activities

Member Governor-elect Transportation Policy Committee, 2005/6

Board and founding member of Committee for Smart New Jersey (NJ Chapter of ITS America), 1992 - present

Transportation Research Board Committee on Advanced Transportation Systems

Princeton faculty representative to the Region 2 University Transportation Research Consortium

Member of ITS America ATMS and AVCS Committees, Chair of Map Database subcommittee 1995,6

Member Princeton Regional Planning Board, 1989-1997 Vice Chairman 1996-7

Co-chairman of each of the first nine annual Global Logistics Symposia, 1986-1996

President, Princeton Chapter of Sigma Xi, 1992, 93

Recent Publications (since 1990)

(with Demers, et. al.) “Experimenting with Real-Time ATIS: Stepping Forward from ADVANCE” Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, pp 325-330, ASCE, Aug., 2006

(with Lin, I., R. He) "Estimating Nationwide link Speed Distributions Using Probe Position Data" Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 12(1):29-37, 2008.

(with A. Atreya, “Field Report: Prospect Eleven, Princeton University’s Entry in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge” Journal of Field Robotics, vol 23, issue 9, pp745-754, September 2006

(with Collins, B.) “Stereo Vision for Obstacle Detection in Autonomous Navigation” proceedings of the Workshop on Progress and Perspectives in High Speed Autonomous Robotics, Robotics Sciences and Systems 2006 Conference, Aug. 2006

(with Demers, A., et. al.) “Stepping Forward from ADVANCE” ASCE AATT paper # 13947, January, 2006

(with Demers, A., et. al.) “Competing with the Ghost of Advance: Experimenting with Real-Time ATIS”, submitted to ASCE Journal 2005

(with He, R., B. Ran,) "Dynamic O-D Estimation from Link Flows", to appear in Transportation Research Part B., 2005

(with He, R.) "Essentially Best Routes in Dynamic and Stochastic Transportation Network", International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1/2 , p1-14, 2005

(with Arroyo, S.) “Modeling Travel Time Distributions on a Road Network” Transportation Research Board annual meeting 2005 Preprint CD

(with Knorring, J, and R. He) “An Analysis of Route Choice by Long-Haul Truckers” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1923, 46-60, 2005

(with Schrader, C., L. Friese) “Using Historical Information in Forecasting Travel Times” Transportation Research Board annual meeting 2004 Preprint CD

(with He, R., B. Ran, K. Choi) "Evaluation of Value Pricing using A Multi-class Dynamic Network Model", ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 129, Issue 6, p617 - 624, 2003.

(with Fehlig, M.) "Value Pricing Analysis for the Route 1 Corridor ", Transportation Research Board annual meeting 2003 Preprint CD

(with He, R.) "Map Alignment Using Probe Vehicle Data ", Transportation Research Board annual meeting 2003 Preprint CD

(with He, R.,) "Comparison of Different Route Guidance Strategies ", Presented at TRB 82nd Annual Meeting , Jan 2003

(with He, R., B. Ran, H Liu) " Temporal and Spatial Variability of Travel Time ", Presented at TRB 82nd Annual Meeting , Jan 2003

(with A.G. Morris, C.Y. Winship) “ Solving Street Congestion in the “First and Last Mile” Decreasing Turnaround Time in Deliveries to Commercial Buildings” Presented at TRB 82nd Annual Meeting, Session #720, Jan 2003.

(with He, R., B. Ran,) "Routing in Stochastic Dynamic Transportation Network", Proceedings of Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2002.

(with He, R., B. Ran, H. Liu) " Study Travel Time Variability from Probe Vehicle Data", Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation, p16-23, Cambridge, MA., 2002.

(with He, R., B. Ran, K. Choi) " Estimation of Dynamic O-D Demand and Route Choice Parameters from Link Flows", Proceedings of Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2002.

(with He, R., B. Ran, K. Choi) " Evaluation of Value Pricing using a Multi-class Dynamic Network Model ", accepted for publication by ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2002.

(with White, C.E., Bernstein, D)"Some Map-Matching Algorithms for Personal Navigation Assistants", Transportation Research C, Vol. 8, pp. 91-108, 2000.

(with Merle, M.) "Truck in the Big Apple: Preliminary Analysis of motor Freight Movements in Manhattan" to Appear in transportation Research Record

(with Burner, T.) " Exploring the Effect of Anticipated Congestion on Truck Driver Route Choice Behavior Using Remotely Sensed Position Data" to appear in Transportation Research Record

(with Morris, A.) "The Relationship Between Freight Facilities in CBD Office buildings and Truck Traffic" to appear in Transportation Research Record

"High-Level In-Vehicle Decision Support" Society of Automotive Engineers Paper No. 1999-0103752, in Electronics for Trucks and Busses, 1999, SP-1489, SAE International, Warrendale, PA

(with A. Morris) “Getting Goods Delivered in Dense Urban Areas: A Snapshot of the Last Link of the Supply Chain” Transportation Research Record No. 1653, pp 34-41, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1999

(with A. Morris) “Freight Mobility for the NY City CBD” Transportation Research Record 113, TRB, pp 27-32,National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1998

(with D.T. Hunt) "Assigning Traffic Over Essentially-Least-Cost Paths", Transportation Research Record 1556, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 1996, pages 1-7.

(with D.T. Hunt) "Dynamic Techniques For Visualizing Transportation Flow Data", Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA, 1995, pages 42-47.

(with D. J. Pasternak and Sontag, M. A.) "Comparing Risks of Transporting Chemicals by Highway and Rail: A case Study" Transportation Research Record #1430, Freight Transportation Research, National Research Council, 1994 pp 36-40.

(with E.C. Huber) "Lateral Control of Highway Vehicles Using Image Processing and Neural Networks" Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE Regional Conference on Control Systems, NJIT, Aug 13-14, 1993, pp219-225

(with E. Adamidou) "A Game Theoretic Network Equilibrium Solution Approach to the Railroad Freight Car Management Problem" Transportation Research, Part B, Vol. 27B, No 3 , June 1993, pp237 - 252.

(with J.M. Lubin, E.C. Huber, S. Gilbert) "Analysis of a Neural Network Lateral Controller for an Autonomous Road Vehicle" SAE Paper No. 921561, in IVHS Issues and Technology, SP 928, SAE publication, pp23 - 44, Aug. 1992.

(with J.M. Lubin, E.C. Huber, S. Gilbert) "Lateral Control of an Autonomous Road Vehicle in a Simulated Highway Environment Using Adaptive Resonance Neural Networks" Proceedings of the IEEE/SAE Intelligent Vehicles '92 Conference . Detroit, July ,1992.

(with A Erera, R. Grandinetti) "Interactive Design and Real-Time 3-Dimensional Simulation of Personal Rapid Transit Networks" Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Technologies for Urban Transit, San Francisco, Ca., August, 1992

"Real-Time Locomotive Management Systems at the Union Pacific, Burlington Northern and Canadian National Railroads" Proceedings of Optimizacion de Vehiculos Y Tripulaciones en Empresas de Transporte Conference, Madrid, Spain, December, 1991.

"Intermodal Equipment Distribution Model " Proceedings of Optimizacion de Vehiculos Y Tripulaciones en Empresas de Transporte Conference, Madrid, Spain, December, 1991.

"Neural Network Approaches for Lateral Control of Autonomous Highway Vehicles", SAE Paper No. 912871, in Vehicle Navigation & Information Systems Conference Proceedings, Dearborne Mi. 1991, pp. 1143 - 1151

(with K. Chih, M. Hornung) "Implementation of a Real-Time Locomotive Distribution System" Computer Applications in Railway Planning and Management, T.K.S. Murthy, Ed. 1990, pp 9 - 50

Other Papers and Reports

(with Bernstein, D.) "Map Matching for Personal Navigation Assistants" Princeton, NJ, Jan 1998

“Transit and Commercial Vehicle Applications of Automated Highway Technology” Part of Precursor Systems Analyses of Automated Highway Systems Final Report Vol. V Report No. FHWA-TS-95-00192, Nov , 1994

(with E. Huber, M. Saito, N. Parker) "Intelligent Transportation Systems", Final Research Report, Region 2, University Transportation Consortium, May, 1993

(with K Chih, M. Bodden, M. Hornung) "Routing and Inventory Logistics System (RAILS): a Heuristic Model for Routing Intermodal Double-Stack Trains", Submitted for Publication to Transportation Research Forum, Nov., 1991

(with C-y Chen) "A Stochastic Muti-commodity Network Optimization Model for the Dynamic Vehicle Allocation Problem" Tech Report SOR 90-17, Princeton U., Nov 1990

(with C-y Chen) "An Interactive Muti-objective Decision Model for Land Allocation" HIP/RESL Tech Research Report 89-15, Princeton U., Oct. 1989

(with R Cheung, I Lustig) "Analysis of Various Ways to Use Training Sets for Improving the Performance of Neural Network Learning Models" HIP/RESL Research Report 89-14, Oct. 1989

(with J. Lubin, K. Jones) "Using Back-propagation to Assess Several Image Representation Schemes for Object Recognition" HIP/RESL Tech Research Report 89-12, Aug. 1989.

(with ALK staff) "Railroad Traffic in the United States" published annually 1980 through 1999

Software Titles Produced

·  Princeton Transportation Network Model and Graphic Information System

·  PC*Miler family of software products, through version 22

·  PC*Rail through version 11

·  PC*HazRoute

·  RoadTripsCity-to-City, 1996;1997;1998;1999;2000

·  RoadTrips Door-to-Door, 1997, 98,99,Pro;2000, 2001

·  Door-to-Door CoPilot v1, v2,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, Truck

·  PocketCoPilot, v1, v2,v3, GreatBritain, EU, Australia, BMW

·  CoPilot/Live v4, 5, 6 and 7

·  CoPilot/Truck