
The Strategic Research & Enterprise Development Fund is open for bids for Studentship Match-Funding from research themes, clusters or departments at any time, but we particularly encourage bids before a closing date announcedon an annual basis. Applications should be costed by the relevant Business Support Administrator in the Research and Enterprise Office and request specific sums which will attract match-funding for the support of high quality research students in areas of research excellence. The Strategic Research & Enterprise Development Fund will provide a maximum of 50% of the cost of a studentship, which should be matched by external funds (or in exceptional circumstances, departmental monies). Applications to the fund should generally arise from the business plans developed by research clusters or approved departmental plans. A flexible approach to allocation supports a variety of models in keeping with the needs of different disciplines.

The aims of the Match-Funding Studentship Scheme are to:

  • Strengthen Stirling’s research environment
  • Increase postgraduate research student numbers
  • Ensure that we remain an attractive centre for the best researchers in our fields of expertise.

Eligibility & Application Process

Eligibility for the Match-Funding Studentship Scheme is restricted to new students on research degree programmes. Proposals will be considered for a variety of funding models, such as three years full-time, part-time or 1+3, and will be considered by the Deputy Principal (Research and Knowledge Transfer) and the Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee.


  • The Research and Enterprise Office will advise of the decision made in relation to the match-funding application. The funds will be transferred to the relevant project code by the Research & Enterprise Office on completion of the recruitment process.
  • An annual report on the operation of the Match-Funding Studentship Scheme will be made to the Research & Knowledge Transfer Committee.
  • The fund will be administered by Lisa Melvin, Policy & Project Officer, Research & Enterprise Office (ext 6440; email: )



  1. Application details:

Name: / Position
Email address:
  1. Details of Studentship:

Expected Student Start Date: / Funding Period:
Expected source of external funding:
Expected external collaboration:
Student recruitment arrangements:

3. Costing:

SREDF / Costs covered: / % / £
External Funding Source / Costs covered: / % / £
Department/Institute: / Costs covered: / % / £

4. Support for the Application:

Statement (150 words max) of support indicating the anticipated benefits to the institution from the proposed activity and the relationship with the business plan for a research cluster or with the approved departmental research strategy
______/ Date:

Please return to:

Lisa Melvin

Policy & Project Officer

Research and Enterprise Office


Tel: ext 6440