Annex No. 1as of ______
to the Contract of Customs
Agent Services
No.Г/03-02/______as of______


for Cost of Service

______, represented by ______, acting under the______, hereinafterreferredtoasthe “Customer”, on the one hand, andLimited Liability Company‘Gestion’, hereinafterreferredtoas“Agent”, represented by the DirectorGeneralStanislavY. Kiss, acting with full corporate authority and with full legal responsibility,on the other hand, hereinafterreferredtoasParties, have agreed this Protocol for the following:

  1. Costofservicesrenderedtothe Customerassociated with the customs clearance of the following cargoamounts to:

No. / Short description of service / Unit / Price (RUR)
VAT incl.
Current account:
Correspondent account:
“Gestion” LLC
Legaladdress: 190068, Saint Petersburg,
126 Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboyedova
(Griboyedov CanalQuay)
Tel.: +7 (812)702-60-62
PSRN: 5067847302001
TIN: 7839341117
KPP: 783901001
OKPO code
Current accountNo. 40702810400210000413
Correspondent accountNo. 30101810400000000821
In FSKB of Primor’ye ‘PRIMSOTSBANKin Saint Petersburg
BIC 044030821
Seal / Director General of ‘Gestion’ LLC
______/ S.Kiss/ Seal

Annex No. 2as of ______

to the Contract of Customs

Agent Services

No.Г/03-02/______as of ______


for Customs Payments (and other payments)

According to paragraph3.4.3of the Contract No.Г/03-02/______of ______theCustomer, represented by theAuthorizedRepresentative ……………, actingon the grounds of ……………., has commissioned the Agent to pay the customs payments (and other payments) in the amount of……………., required for customs declarationof goods, imported by the Customer to the Russian Federation (or exported from the Russian Federation), according to theshipping documents (letter of consignment, air freight bill, СМR,etc.) under the ContractNo.……..

Seal / AGENT:
Director General of ‘Gestion’ LLC
______/ S.Kiss/ Seal

Annex No. 3as of ______

to the Contract of Customs

Agent Services

No.Г/03-02/______as of ______

List of documents attached to

the request on assigning of the goods for the customs procedure of

‘Release for domestic consumption’

1) copy of the last revision of Customer’s Company Charter;

2) copyofthe document confirming the right of ownership, or right to possession (right to use) forthe property, located at the address of Customer’s registration place according to its articles of incorporation;

3) notarized copy ofthe extract from the Register of Companies;

4) notarized copy ofthe Customer’s Certificate of Registration with the Tax Authorities;

5) certificate of the Customer’s state registration inUnified State Register of Legal Entities;

6) copy of OKPO notification;

7) bank reference on opening of the account (length of validity 1 month);

8) copyofthe Customer’s AppointmentOrder for the Director General;

9) copyofthe passport of the Customer’s Director General;

10) copyofthe Agreement for the supply of goods (includingthe addendum andsupplementagreementsrelatedto entered goods), or extract of the Agreement, provided that it contains the information required for the Customs Treatmentof goods;

11) copy of the transaction certificate;

12) copyofthe invoice (invoices, commercial invoices) of the seller;

13) documentsconfirming the right to customs privileges, to thefullorpartialrelieffromcustoms duties and taxes according to the customs procedure, or to decreasing of the tax basefor calculation of the rates of customs duties, taxes;

14) documentsconfirmingthe observationof prohibitions and restrictions (excluding the documents thatthe Agent shall receive when rendering the additional services under the present Contract;

15) documentsconfirming the settlement of the customs payments;

16) transportation (shipping) documents under which theinternational transportation of goods or the transportation of the goods under the customs control are carried out. Including the documents containinginformationonthe transportation cost, throughout the Russian Federation and throughout foreign countries up to the Russian Federation border separately;

17) documentsissuedbythe credit institutions, includingthe bank account statements; otherdocuments, confirmingthe foreign currency transactions connected with the transfer of declared goods within the customs border of the Russian Federation, in case the abovementionedforeign currency transactions have been performed prior to the day of the declarant’s submission of the customs entry.

The List of documents is not limited;it is formed depending on the goods, terms of delivery, specified customs procedure and other details of the foreign trade transaction.

Accordingtopar. 4 ofArt. 183 ofthe Customs Code of the Customs Union, during thecustoms declaration of goods, the original documents or their copies shall be submitted. Thecustomsauthorityiseligibletocheckcorrespondenceofthe provided documents to their originals, in the cases stipulated by the legislation ofthe Customs Union member states.

Seal / AGENT:
Director General of ‘Gestion’ LLC
______/ S.Kiss / Seal

Annex No. 4 asof ______

to the Contract of Customs

Agent Services

No.Г/03-02/______as of ______


The Representative ______inthepersonof ______, actingunder the ______hereinafterreferredtoasthe Customer, hassubmitted, andthe Customs Clearance Specialist ______hasacceptedthefollowingdocumentsfor fulfillment of the customs operations according to the Customs Code of the Custom Unionbased on the Contract of Customs Agent Servicesof ______No.______

No. / Description of documents / Total pages / Submission date / Signature of the accepting person
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Total submitted ______

(number of documents; number in writing)

On ______sheets

(number of sheets; number in writing)

NOTES (indicatethe reasonofnon-acceptanceofthedocuments;their insufficiency; necessity to provide other documents /namely/______


Onbehalfofthe CUSTOMER, Onbehalfofthe AGENT,

thedocumentshavebeensubmittedby thedocumentshavebeenacceptedby

______/ ______/ ______/______/

Seal / AGENT:
Director General of ‘Gestion’ LLC
______/ S.Kiss / Seal

Annex No. 5as of ______

to the Contract of Customs

Agent Services

No.Г/03-02/______as of ______

Form of the Acceptance Certificate

CertificateNo. of
No. / Description of the works, services / Number / Unit / Price / Amount


Including VAT

Total services rendered , in the amount of Rubles

Amount in writing

The services mentioned above are providedin the full volume and on time. The Customerdoes not haveclaimsonvolume, quality, and terms of services.

Provider ______Customer______

Seal / AGENT:
Director General of ‘Gestion’ LLC
______/ S.Kiss / Seal

Annex No. 6as of ______

to the Contract of Customs

Agent Services

No.Г/03-02/______asof ______

Formofthe Customs Agent Report

Agent ReportNo.

Concerning extra costs per the ContractNo. of

Saint Petersburg date

“Limited Liability Company ‘Gestion’”, in the person of Director General______, acting with full corporate authority and with full legal responsibility, hereinafter referred to as Agent, on the one hand, and ______, hereinafter referred to as Customer, in the person of Director General ______, acting with full corporate authority and with full legal responsibility, on the other hand, have executed the present Report about the following:

1. AccordingtotheContractNo. of concluded between the Agent and the Representative, the Agent has assumed the obligation of forwarding the goods consigned to him by the Customer, and the Customer has assumed the obligation of repayment of the Agent’s extra costs according to the Contract No. ______of ______.

Description of service / Number / Price VAT excl. / Amount VAT
excl. / VAT / Repaid costs on services,
VAT incl. / Vehicle No.
container) / Service provider / Agent’s commision
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9


Incl. VAT

  1. Customer has no claims on the quality of services.
  2. Amountofthe compensated Agent’scosts–Amount in writing, incl. VAT - amount in writing

From the Customer From the Agent



Seal / AGENT:
Director General of ‘Gestion’ LLC
______/ S.Kiss / Seal