TO: Agricultural Education Teachers
FROM: Gerald Barlowe, State Agricultural Education Leader
SUBJECT: Agricultural Education Program Improvement Grants
DATE: October 14, 2013
The Agricultural Education Department at North Carolina State University and the North Carolina FFA Foundation are happy to announce that we have been awarded a $180,000 Agricultural Education Program Improvement grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission. The purpose of the grant is to provide grants, through a competitive process, to a minimum of 32 North Carolina Middle/High School Agricultural Education programs to improve local facilities, resources and programs.
Attached are the program application form and the project/grant timeline. Grant applications should be completed and returned to the North Carolina Agricultural Education/NC State FFA office by Friday, December 13, 2013. Applications will be reviewed and scored by a selection committee and the grant recipients will be notified on January 15, 2014. Grant recipient representatives must attend a regional orientation meeting scheduled between the dates of January 27-31, 2014. Projects can begin on February 1, 2014 and must be completed by December 31, 2014. Each grant recipient must complete quarterly reports and projects are subject to inspection by the Agricultural Education State Staff for progress throughout the grant cycle. Grant recipients will receive one half of their total budget upon receipt of the grant contract and the remaining balance will be paid upon the completion of the project and after all final reports have been submitted and approved by the North Carolina Agricultural Education Staff. Prior grant winners can apply and are eligible during this grant cycle. A PowerPoint presentation of the projects with photo and details is required at the completion of the project and will be shared with the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission.
If you have additional questions feel free to contact the North Carolina Agricultural Education office.