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Date of birth
Date (from-to)
Name and type of Educational or Training Institution
Main subjects/
professional abilities studied
Qualification obtained
Level in national classification (if applicable)
Dates (from-to)
Name and address of employer
Type of company or sector.
Position held
Main duties and responsibilities
FURTHER INFORMATION / Mario Franceschetti
Gubbio, Viale della Rimembranza n°40
Via Reposati n°5, Gubbio (PG)

  • Degree in Engineering obtained in 1969 at the University of Bologna.
  • Course in accident prevention techniques carried out at the University of Bologna, academic year ’64-’65.
  • Diploma as liquidating assessor in road accidents obtained in 1960 from the ACC of Rome.
  • Diploma as assessor of road accidents obtained in 1960 from the ACI of Rome.
  • School leaving Diploma in technical surveying obtained in 1959 at the Istituto Tecnico per Geometri [Institute of Technical Surveyors] of Perugia.
  • From 1969 to 1974 manager of the mines of the Colaiacovo brothers’ Cement works (now Colacem);
  • From 1969 to 1972 manager of the reserve water reservoir for the town of Benevento.
  • From 1972 to 1973 manager of the construction of the second cement kiln at theColaiacovo brothers’ Cement works.
  • 1967- Planned and directed a solar brick drying room for the “L’Edilizia” company of Gubbio.
  • 1967- Solar heating: planned and constructed a solar drying room for the ovens ofthe “L’Edilizia” company of Gubbio.
  • From 1973 carried out research and projects for the use of biomass in industry, in offices and the home with thermal fireplace and thermal kitchen heaters. This research was later included in the school curriculum of the Mechanics’ department of IT IS.
  • 1975- Research into recycling and reusing waste at the Istituto Tecnico of Gubbio, mechanics specialization.
  • From 1977 designed solar heating plants for sanitary water and biomass combinations for domestic and business purposes.
  • 1979- Began research into hydrogen and from 1990 member of Hydrogen Energy
  • 1979- Projected and constructed a photovoltaic solar plant in Uganda for the obstetrics ward in the town of Lyra.
  • From 1979 member of ISES (International Solar Energy Society) and from 1982 member of Commissions for Wind energy, Photovoltaic energy, Bio-architecture, solar and thermal energy.
  • 1980- Projected and directed two solar heating plants for the monastery of St Rita in Cascia with 54 and 58 panels.
  • 1980- Made and produced projects for the CVR company in Gubbio, and from 1980 founding member and actual president of the same.
  • 1982- Projected the reactivation of five hydroelectric plants on the (ASTA?) Metauro (Marches)
  • 1983- Participated in the Nigeria Conference on “Solar Energy in Agriculture” at the Agrarian Technical Institute of Bida
  • 1984- Reactivated the hydroelectric plant of Pian delle Rose in the Cagli district (Pesaro) from 252 kw capacity and with an average annual production of 1.250.000 Kwh.
  • 1984- Proposal of a project to the Gubbio council for establishing a combination cogeneration solar plant for the public swimming pool.
  • From 1984 to 1989 various projects and works in keeping with Law n° 308/92 regarding energy saving for public bodies, industry and the home, including hydroelectric, solar, and wind plants, electrical cars, cogeneration, photovoltaic and biogas plants.
  • 1998- Projected the application of renewable energy in prefabrications for the Prep spa company of Gubbio (financed by the Umbria Regional council).
  • 1988- Formed the cooperative “La Fenice” with students of the Institute working with waste disposal, environmental and energy consultancy, which is still active.
  • Proposals for urban planning, division into lots, geotechnical surveying, mineral and thermal water research and environment impact surveying.
  • From 1959 to 1070 projected and managed along with A.W. Fiorucci , surveyor, the Beniamino Ubaldo stadium for the Gubbio Youth Centre which was given a note of merit from Coni.
  • From 1969 to 1972 together with Franco Sandralini of the University of Engineering of Bologna, projected a ceramics industry in Sassuolo and an industrial complex for ceramics, bricks and prefabricated buildings in Durban, South Africa.
  • From 1970 to 1972 projected and then managed the construction of the Obstetrics-Gynaecology ward of Gubbio hospital.
  • 1972- Projected 2 bridges and containing walls for the Colaiacovo brothers’ Cement works on the Saonda river at the Gubbio cement factory.
  • 1974- Updated the Gubbio town hospital project. Managed the new Lepol kiln and the Recupol grid for theColaiacovo brothers’ Cement works.
  • 1976- Managed the arrangement of the Radiology department of Gubbio town hospital.
  • From 1978 to 1984 projected and managed the restructuring of the General Services of the Gubbio town hospital, with the construction of two underground floors for the emergency ward, autopsy room and radiology department, and the use of the attic space for new operating theatres, with a laminar temperature regulation system. Arrangement of archaeological remains in the basement with the assistance of the Perugia Archaeological Government office.
  • Civil and industrial projects, projects for hotels and town and country tourist structures, recycling and recuperationprojects.
  • From 1970 to 1980 projected and managed the general sewer system of the Gubbio district with water separation system and relative depuration plant.
  • 1978- Took part in the exhibition conference in Naples “Italy meets the Arab World” with solar parabolas as both ovens and concentrated photovoltaic generators and vapour generators.
  • 1979 and 1980- Promoted two exhibition conferences in Gubbio at the Istituto Tecnico Statale in Gubbio with the participation of Fiat and the TOTEN cogenerator, CVR and thermal solar panels and Lowara with American Solarex photovoltaic panels.
  • 1988- Participated in an updating course on compound material in Naples.
  • 1995- Participated in a course on compound material at the Istituto Tecnico Agrario in St. Michele all’Adige (Trento).
  • June 1997- Organized a workshop in Gubbio together with ISES, ENEA, and ENEL on photovoltaic application in Italy and presented the “Peace March” from Assisi to Gubbio with the peace flame fed by hydrogen produced by photovoltaic cells and fuel.
  • calculations in c.a and steel for tanks, building structures, industrial buildings, support structures, bridges and tunnels.
  • Tested various private and public town structures.
  • Present during the 1960 calamity in Gubbio, in 1976 in Friuli, in 1979 in Valnerina, in 1980 in Irpinia, in 1982 and 1984 in Gubbio and the surrounding area, in 1997 inUmbria and the Marches.
  • From 1971 present in Valnerina, in particular in Cascia with projects, calculations and managed works in important buildings like the Monastery and church of St Rita and other private buildings damaged by the earthquake of 1979.
  • Present in 1976 inFriuli giving assistance.
  • 1980- Gave assistance to the communities struck by earthquakesin Irpinia with the Umbrian organization.
  • From 1984, following the damage produced by the earthquake of 29/04/1984, carried out reactivation, repair and rebuilding activities on town buildings, factories, castles, churches, and convents, along with other activities in the Gubbio district and surrounding area.
  • 1997- A ssisted the Gubbio Council and the PerugiaProvince together with the staff of his studio in the analysis and estimation of damage caused to buildings in the earthquake of 26/09/1997.
  • In accordance with building law n° 61/97, projected structural interventions for historical buildings, in particular Palazzo Ranghiasci, Villa Filippetti, the church and convent of St Agostino, the castle of Cipriano and the castle of Petroia in Gubbio, Franch house in Assisi and private town buildings like the palazzo Torlonia, private houses, Venanzi House and the Christian Pro Civitate building in Assisi.
  • Following law 30/98 on earthquakes, restructured the Christian Observatory and the Visitors’ structure of the Pro Civitate buildings in Assisi, Gubbio and Perugia.
  • January-March 1998- Specialization course on “Intervention methodology for buildings damaged by earthquakes” organized by the Order of Engineers and Architects of Perugia.
From 1996 officially qualified to evaluate and survey plants according to article 1, commas 1 and 2 of law N°46of 05/03/1990
  • 1997- Officially qualified according to Law 494/96 as responsible for security in building sites.
  • From 1997 projecting and management of works and safety coordinator in building sites.
  • 1995- Taught energy efficiency in buildings in bio-architecture courses.
  • Projected auto-energetic houses, energy-environment improvements in houses, offices and companies.
Enrolled in the Regional register of experts in Environmental assets and Territorial ordering, act 7827 of 03/09/2003
Officially named in the formal deliberation n°56/04 of the Fossato di Vico Council (PG) as environmental consultant in the Council Commission for Architectural Quality and the Countryside. Art. 4 L:R: 18/02/2004 N.1
  • From 1959 to 1969 member of the College of Surveyors of Perugia.
  • From 1969 member of the Perugia Province Order of Engineers, n°276.
  • From 1989 enrolled in the list of professional engineers according to the ministerial decree of 25/03/1985, law 818/84, with code 0065.
  • From 1967- Member and councillor of the Gubbio branch of the “Italia Nostra”Association, and from 2005, president of the same branch.
  • From 1978- Member of ISES (International Solar Energy Society) and HYDROGEN (international association for hydrogen research and application).
  • From 1980 to 1995 member of the Building Construction Commission of the Sigillo Council (Perugia).
  • From 1980 to 1995 member of the “Structure” “Technical plants” and “Environment” work groups.
  • From 1999- Member of GLIS (Seismic Proofing work group).
  • From 2002, year in which it was founded, member of H2it (national association for hydrogen research and application).
  • From 2002 coordinator of the work group of the “Environment” commission of the Perugia Order of Engineers.
From 1969 to 1994 teacher at the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale in Gubbio, teaching mechanics, machinery, electro-technology, mechanical technology and construction systems studies. Included in the teaching curriculum, he developed projects in the following subjects: respect for the environment, energy saving, the rational use of energy, the application of renewable energy and “Total Quality”.