Lifespan Handout

1. Piaget’s stages of development: Complete the table:

First Stage / Second Stage / Third Stage / Fourth Stage
Name of stage
Main indicator of Development

2. John’s two-year-old twins are constantly fighting over toys. This behavior is driving John crazy because the twins are hitting each other and pulling toys from each other. He decides to have a talk with them to explain that their behavior has to change. He tells each of them that the other one feels bad when being hit and that they should learn to share. To his dismay, the behavior continued as if he had not done anything. According to Jean Piaget, why might this be happening?

3. Jack is learning to understand algebra. He loves to discuss philosophical issues with his friends, and is exploring various religious beliefs. Jack is in Piaget’s ______stage.

4. Parenting styles

What type of parenting is most useful? Complete the table

Type of Parenting

5. "I don't care whether you want to wash the dishes, you will do so because I said so!" This statement is most representative of a(n) ______parenting style.

6. ”Here is what I would like you to consider…" This statement is most representative of a(n) ______parenting style.

7. “I don’t care what you do…" This statement is most representative of a(n) ______parenting style.

8. Most parents want to create a positive self-concept in their child.

What effect will this have? ______

9. Kolberg’s stages of morality: Complete the table


10. As your Dad ages, he may have difficulty learning something new or problem with abstract reasoning. This would indicate difficulty with ______intelligence. However, information he has known for years (old knowledge) would remain, indicating it was ______intelligence.

11. How might you know your Mother is developing Alzheimer’s disease?

12. Nina expects to leave home, go to college, get married, and retire about the same age as everyone else in the same culture. This indicates she is following her culture’s ______

13. You want to be very satisfied in your marriage or relationship. What would be the best predictor of this satisfaction? ______