Revised 1/08
Student’s Name: ______Date: ______
University Studies – 46-49 hours
I. Communication and Basic Skills – 9 hours
ENG 101 Composition 3 ______
ENG 102 Composition and Research 3 ______
COM 161 Introduction to Public Speaking 3 ______
II. Science and Mathematics – 13 hours
MAT 150 Algebra and Trigonometry 5 ______
CHE 201 General College Chemistry 5 ______
CHE 202 General Chemistry 5 ______
III. Humanities and Fine Arts – 12 hours
HUM 211 Western Humanities Traditions 3 ______
HUM 212 Humanities in the Modern World 3
* Elective______3 ______
* Elective______3 ______
IV. Social Sciences – 9 hours
CIV 101 World Civilization I 3 ______
CIV 102 World Civilization I 3 ______
EDP 260 Psychology of Human Development 3 ______
V. Foreign Language – 12 hours
Select courses within one language 12
VI. *University Studies Electives – 9 hours
EDU 103 Issues and Practices of American Educ. 3 ______
PHY 130/131 General Physics I or 4 ______
PHY 235 Mechanics, Heat and Wave Motion 4 ______
PHY 236 Mechanics, Heat and Wave Motion Lab 1 ______
Elective ______3 ______
VII. Professional Education – 29 hours
COM 372 Communication in Educ. Environment 3 ______
SED 300 Exceptional Children in the Classroom 3 ______
EDU 303 Strategies of Teaching 3 ______
EDU 403 Structures & Foundations of Education 2 ______
EDU 405 Evaluation & Measurement in Education 2 ______
SEC 420 Practicum in Secondary Schools 2 ______
SEC 421 Student Teaching 14 ______
VII. Required Courses – 41 hours
BIO 099 Freshman Orientation 1 ______
BIO 112 Field Biology 4 ______
BIO 115 Cellular Basis of Life 3 ______
BIO 116 Biological Inquiry and Analysis 3 ______
(Required Courses Continued)
BIO 221 Animal Form and Function 4 ______
BIO 222 Plant Form and Function 4 ______
BIO 320 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 5 ______
BIO 300 Microbiology 4 ______
BIO 322 Animal Physiology 4 ______
BIO 330 Principles of Ecology 4 ______
BIO 333 Genetics 4 ______
BIO 499 Senior Biology Seminar 1 ______
IX. Chemistry Co-Requirements for Biology Major – 7-8 hours
CHE 312 Organic Chemistry I w/ Laboratory 5 ______
CHE 320 Organic Chemistry II 3 ______
Student takes three Chemistry classes above or the three Chemistry classes below.
CHE 210 Brief Organic Chemistry 3 ______
CHE 215 Brief Chemistry Laboratory 1 ______
CHE 330 Basic Biochemistry 3 ______
X. Physics Co-Requirements for Biology Major – 4 – 5
PHY 132 /133 General Physics II with Laboratory 4 ______
Student takes Physics classes above or two Physics classes below.
PHY 255 Electricity, Magnetism and Light 4 ______
PHY 256 Electricity, Magnetism and Light Laboratory 1 ______
*NOTE: Check Undergraduate Bulletin for approved electives.
All Placements for student teaching are made the semester prior to the professional semester. Only students fully admitted to teacher education will be considered for placement. See below the Requirements for Admission to Teacher Education.
Teacher Education
In order to be admitted to Teacher Education students must:
1) Provide Teacher Education Services with scores of test(s) to measure general academic proficiency. A person shall not be permitted to apply for admission to the Teacher Education program without first providing evidence of meeting the general academic proficiency requirement through any of the following tests:
a) A minimum composite score of 21 on the American College Test (ACT); or
b) Scores established by the KEPSB for the Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST) Math (173), Reading (173), and Writing (172); CBT or C-PPST (computer based test) Math (318), Reading (320), Writing (318); or
c) Graduate Records Exam (GRE) minimum passing score of 400 in each area (analytical, Quantitative and Verbal) and writing assessment as required by the institution; or
d) SAT – The minimum score of 990 and required writing assessment; or
e) The state minimum scores on the Communications Skills (646) and General Knowledge (643) portions of the NTE/PRAXIS II (old Core Battery) tests reevaluated and approved by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (KEPSB). (PLEASE NOTE: This test in no longer given, but if you have previously taken these two portions of the old core battery, you may use passing scores as listed above for Admission to Teacher Education).
2) Have earned an overall undergraduate GPA of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale at the point of admission. This 2.50 minimum GPA remains a requirement throughout the teacher certification program.
3) Have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours with a minimum 2.50 GPA to include the following coursework:
a) ENG 101 or 102 with an “B” or better
b) MAT 117 (or higher level math) with a “C” or better
c) COM 161 with a “C” or better
d) EDU 103 with a “C” or better
4) An interview with major academic advisor or chair (or advisor may opt to write a letter of recommendation).
5) A review of the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky School Personnel and a Declaration of Eligibility (pink sheet) signed by the candidate affirming a commitment to upholding the code and acknowledging awareness of information required for state certification.
6) Have supplied TES with any other required information.
When all the above requirements have been met, the formal application (green sheet) can be submitted, accompanied by all required documentation. This includes GAP scores and a transcript showing all college work to date. Admission will only be granted following a successful review by the Admission to Teacher Education Committee of you college.
An official score report for the general academic proficiency exam must be available at the point of formal application.
NOTE: Students who have not been admitted to Teacher Education will be blocked from enrolling in specific upper level courses.
The following scores on the PRAXIS II Exams are required to be eligible for a teaching certificate:
Biology: Content Knowledge (0235) – Passing Score of 146
Principles of Learning and Teaching (0524) – Passing Score of 161
Teacher certification requirements are subject to change. Before registering for the test(s), please refer to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) website at for current requirements or contact Ms. Rice at 502-564-4606 or 888-598-7667.
Statement: Certification requires demonstration of computer competency to meet Kentucky New Teacher Standard IX. All teacher education students in P-5, 5-9, 8-12, or P-12 programs must demonstrate computer literacy prior to approval for student teaching and may do so through one of the plans described below:
Plan 1: Pass approved computer literacy exam administered jointly by the College of Education and the College of Business and Public Affairs.
Plan 2: Successful completion, with grade of C or better, of CSC 199 (03 credit hours) or equivalent.