Semester One / Semester Two
Term One
Australian Animals / Term Two
Colour Our World / Term Three
Fantasy / Term Four
7 hrs/wk / Unit 1: Explaining How a Story Works
Unit 3: Engaging with Poetry / Unit 2: Exploring Characters in Stories
Unit 3: Engaging with Poetry / Unit 4: Examining the language of Communication- Questioning
Unit 5: Retelling Cultural Stories / Unit 6: Creating Procedural Texts and examining Persausive Text
5hrs/wk / Number & Algebra
- Number and place value to 2 digit numbers
- Counting sequences of numbers
- Number sense exploring and representing the ‘teen’ numbers
- Solving simple addition and subtraction problems
- Time -use days and weeks to show duration
- Measurement - length
- Data
- Chance
- Number & place value
- Patterns
- Addition & subtraction
- Numbers to 100
- Fractions
- Money - recognising & describing coins
- Time to the hour
- Location and direction
- Shape
- Two digit numbers
- Number patterns
- Skip counting
- Money
- Addition and Subtraction
- Length
- Time
- Capacity
- Location/Direction
- Shape
- Solving simple addition and subtraction
- Patterns
- Working with number
- Fractions
- Time
- Data
- Chance
1hr/wk / Unit 1: Living Adventure
Make links between external features of living things and the environment where they are found. / Unit 2: Material Madness
Investigate and describe physical changes that can be made to familiar materials. / Unit 4: Light and Sound
Explore sources of light and sound and the senses used to observe them. / Unit 3: Changes Around Me
Compare and describe the changes that occur in the features of the day sky and landscape with the night sky and landscape.
1hr/wk / Unit 1: My Changing Life
How has my family and daily life changed over time? / Unit 2: My Changing World
What are the features of my local places and how have they changed?
1 hr/wk / Health: Unit 1
A Little Independence / Health:Unit 2
Good choices, healthy me / Health: Unit 3
We All Belong / Health: Unit 4
My Safety, My Responsibilities
½ hr/wk / Swimming – Water confidence / Gymfun and manipulative skills
Track and field skills / Track and field skills
Ball Skills / Swimming – Water confidence
The Arts
2 terms only
1 hr/wk / Visual Arts: Unit 2 Up, Down and All Around / Media: Unit 4 – Safe and Sound
2 terms only 1 hr/wk / Dance / Drama
½ hr/wk / Using rhymes, games and songs students develop their aural skills rhythmically and melodically. Students learn to improvise words and rhythms and play musical instruments. Students start to listen for (and notate) so & mi and ta, ti-tiza.
2 terms only 1 hr/wk / Design: / Digital:
½ hr/wk / Revise topics covered in prep.Logging on to a computer.
Introducing oneself. / Introducing “Language Perfect”
Translations of basic vocab / Recognising new symbols in the German alphabet.
Introduction of family memebers / Share reading experiences from “Language Nut” so that text/vocab can be inferred.
Create digital text introducing oneself.
Boondall State School 2018