Roadmap of the School Financial Services Website

Main Link Areas on the School Financial Services Homepage:

- Three center sections (white background)

General Information

School Financial Services Team

Wisconsin Finance-Related Links

- Scan bar on the left margin (green background)

DPI Menu

School Finance Topics

General Information

·  Late Breaking Information – School Financial Services (SFS) announces new finance information under this link. When something under this link has changed, the data is updated. Usually, most recent entry is listed first.

·  Webcast Presentations – A library of SFS online media-site (video) casts. SFS staff discuss problem-area topics and offer explanations, solutions and advice. (Look for more webcasts to appear in this library.)

·  Upcoming DPI Webcast Presentations – A listing of upcoming webcasts to be presented by DPI staff.

·  School Finance Data Warehouse – A repository of school finance data. Users can view:

1.  District Profile - a snapshot of district information including membership (aid and revenue limit), state aid amounts (equalization, special education, transportation, etc.), and other miscellaneous statistics for the past 2 years.

2.  Standard Report - access the most-requested statistics for your district, all districts, and select others (comparative cost and revenue, equalization aid per member, millrate, revenue limit per member, FTE membership, etc.). Can also extract data by various groupings (assembly district, athletic conference, CESA, county).

3.  Custom Reports - design your own report, combining various data elements (i.e. equalization aid and millrate), for your district, all districts, and select others. Can also extract data by various groupings (assembly district, athletic conference, CESA, county).

4.  Data Download – for the high-end computer user. Comma-delimited data files containing complete report data for annual and budget reports for all districts. To be used in your spreadsheet or read into your computer program.

·  School Finance Reporting Portal (SAFR) - pronounced “sapphire” – This one is important! (Upon entry, select your district of choice. Passwords are not needed to view already-submitted, approved reports. Reports that are in-process of being submitted or checked by DPI are not viewable by the public. District may access with a password.) Each district has a data “home” with the following links:

1.  Introduction - short note from the Director of the School Financial Services Team.

2.  Status & Deadlines – webpage that lists SFS reports currently due and their respective status (i.e. received, amended, late, etc.) A must for keeping tabs on what is coming up!

3.  Financial Data Home – webpage that collects financial reports due to SFS. Come here to view/submit data related to: Aid Certification (1505 & 1506 AC), Annual & Budget Reports, Tax Levies, Debt Schedules, Referendum, Spec Ed Claim Forms. Various auditor finance-related reports are also collected here.

4.  Non-Financial Data Home – webpage that collects non-financial reports due to SFS. Come here to view/submit data related to: Summer, September, and January Pupil Counts, September and January Youth Challenge, Foster Group Home, Pupil Transportation, School Calendar, School Census. Membership Audit for Auditors resides here.

5.  FY 2006-07 Revenue Limit FTE Computation

6.  District Contacts - information on people DPI should contact at the district. If the report is closed, the contact person cannot be updated.

7.  Auditor - Information on the auditor and audit firm of the district and Special Education Licensure information for auditors.

·  Calendars, Important Dates to Remember – announces dates for aid payments, SAFR portal openings/closings, due dates for reports, dates for upcoming conferences.

·  Wisconsin School Finance System Overview – link to 2 papers written by the Legislative Fiscal Bureau papers that discuss the main aspects of Wisconsin School Finance.

·  District Budget Development & Planning – section devoted to providing analysis tools and longitudinal data to assist districts in projecting future financial activity.

School Financial Services Team

Mission Statement

Team Directory/Staff Assignments

WI Finance-Related Links

Links to Wisconsin school finance-related websites.

DPI Menu

Links to the Superintendent’s page, other team pages, directories (containing phone numbers, street addresses, and e-mail addresses), and a page to use to contact DPI.

School Finance Topics

Contains a variety of links to individual school finance topics.

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