(change the date) January31, 2008

Summary for I619Structural Bioinformatics

Name: Type Your Name!!!

Paper: Type Paper Title!!!


The instructions below are only one way you may want to summarize a paper. Feel free to modify as appropriate.

1)start with a paragraph stating what the paper is about and what is the most important message the authors wanted to convey. This should discuss the problem the authors are trying to solve or better understand.

2)continue with explaining details of the methods proposed and your detailed view of the experiments the authors performed (this should be about 50% of your summary). In short, explain what the authors have done.

3)finish with a critical view of the paper (just as if you were a reviewer of the manuscript). What is your opinion of the importance of the paper and what are the implications of the study; what do you think about methodology (scientifically sound, possibly biased, not careful...); what are strong sides and weak sides of the paper; is the paper focused and coherent; if there is a new method proposed, what do you think about it; are the authors’ conclusions supported by the data; is there anything that could improve the paper; etc.

4)if you are familiar with other work on the topic, feel free to put the paper within that context. This may be done anywhere in your summary, wherever you think it fits. References, if used, should be cited and listed using the appropriate style, similarly to what was done in the paper. You may use a separate page for the references.


Margins and font:

Use 1 inch margins for all 4 sides. Use11pt Times New Roman fontor 10pt Arialwith single spacing (just like it is in this template). Please check spelling and grammar. It is not required that you completely fill the page nor is it required not to go a little over. However, for most of the papers you will be able to fit everything within one page. Sheer length of your document will not necessarily improve its quality!

Important note 1: do NOT copy sentences from the paper into your summary. You must use your own words throughout the summary. Also, paper summaries are INDIVIDUAL.

Important note 2: always turn in a hard copy in class. If you cannot make it to the class, send an attachment to the instructor BEFORE the class meets.