Topic:A meeting inMobile Phone Company

Company Logo: AIKON

Character Relationships

Director(卢炤宇):Man who care about company’s profit

Product Manager(张凯):Group leader

Hardware Engineer(苏涵):Care about performance rather than cost

Software Engineer(徐彧超):Care about user experience more

Sales Manager(帥帆):Give feedback and advice

Project Background:

Our company is facing crisis!Our mobile phone company called AIKON isonce the world's leading mobile phone manufacturers.But now he's on the verge of bankruptcy.We planned to produce a new product to save the company. So today we hold the meeting.

Project content:total: about 25min

  1. Background introduction~1min
  2. Introduce Characters~1min
  3. Meeting role play~20min

3.1 PMChaired the meeting

3.2 D Introduce Company financial report

3.3 PM Provide solutions

3.4 SE Provide advices

3.5 HE Provide advices

3.6 SMProvide feedback

3.7 D Agree

3.8 The adjournment

  1. A video about Nokia~2min
  2. Acknowledgements

Project script

Product Manager:okay everyone,meeting begin. Today, we hold the meeting to discuss the present situation of our company and plan to develop a new product. Well,director will say something about our project.

Director: first of all,I must restate our company financial condition of the previous fiscal year,it is so pity that Our company's market share decreased year over year, net profit fell down in three quarters. look at the report(Point the ppt),In the first three quarters of 2014, the totalloss was about 4 billion.

Others: what a pity/awful/terrible….

Director: In order to solve this situation, weplan to produce a novel mobile phone into market. According to survey,the impression ofourcellphone is pretty gooddue to the accumulation and brand over years. So we believe that an innovative cellphone will gain a larger share of the market.

Product Manager:Any requirements?about cost、budget、Commissioning date?

Director: eh…we must be completed within six months,and more important,We have to control the price no more than 200 dollars.

Product Manager: well, According to the requirements and the basis of the previous generation of products, I conceive some details about the new cellphone. The new cellphone will be comprehensive upgraded, such as

Operating systemSymbian

CPUQualcomm APQ8064 SnapdragonS4 Quad Core Krait @ 1.50GHz

GPU Imagination Technologies PowerVR SGX543 graphics processing unit

M7 motion coprocessor

2GB RAM Random Access Memory

32GB of internal storage

Weight of 127g (grams)

Display 5.0 inches Resistive touchscreen 1920-by-1080-pixel resolution at 440ppi(pixels per inch)

Connectivity 4G(LTE)802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi Bluetooth 4.0NFC

Battery 1810mAh Talk time: Up to 14 hours on 4G

Okay, Any suggestions?(Look at software engineer)

Software Engineer(徐彧超): I think the details that product manager figured out is basically acceptable. It’s a big change for the new product, andas the heart of digital equipment,the software section also need breakthrough.

Product Manager(张凯):That’s right, no change no survive. (Fingerpoint to SF)

Software Engineer(徐彧超): So, in order to make the new product be more competitive in the cellphone market I suggest that we should use theAndroid operating system instead of the Symbian system. Symbian is out of date compared with the Android which is more smoothly in operation, developed,stable, open source, good compatibility.

Sales Manager(帅帆):yeah, I must say amounts of clients complained that our current system, Symbian, doesn't have a good-looking user interface. In the latest clients’ survey, 87% informants unsatisfied with our system, and more than half of them suggested that we should throw awaySymbian. As Xu mentioned androidwhich obviously has a better user interface is more acceptable by customer. According to the information earned from sales market, I believe android system will raise our sales and pull us out of this predicament.

Director: Not bad and using the Android system will not increase our costs.

Product Manager(张凯):Indeed,Android system wouldbe more appropriate. And what’s your idea? (to hardware engineer)

Hardware Engineer(苏涵): About the display,I think the capacitive touchscreen would be better. Instead of the resistive touchscreen,the new technology can provides the same or even better technical data.Ingeneral, the capacitive touchscreen could provide high accuracy and high Touch sensitivity. With innovations that deliver higher contrast, more accurate color at wider viewing angles, full sRGB colorstandard, incredible brightness and white balance.

Software Engineer(徐彧超): What’s more, I think using capacitive touchscreen will be a good choice,Based on the Android system, capacitive screen can support multi touch gesture that familiar to using, would bring a better user experience.

Director(卢炤宇):That sounds nice, and how much per piece of the capacitive touchscreen is?

Hardware Engineer(苏涵): About 75 dollars per piece, 50%more than the resistive screen.

Director(卢炤宇):What? No, it’s too expensive to adopt it.

Product Manager: Sorry sir. ButI think now we should pay more attention to performance, rather than cost. We need to improve our mobile phone’s performance to occupy the market, and then slowly to consider about cutting cost.

Sales Manager(帅帆):Yes, there is another defect reflected by customers is regarding to the terribleoperability of the resistive touchscreen. In addition, our primary opponents have already abandoned resistive touchscreen and used capacitive touchscreen instead, and that is a serious reason we fell behind other companies. I think it is high-time for us to step forward in spite of the cost, or we will be sifted out by the market.

Director( 卢炤宇):Well,Icompromise. Maybe you guys are right.

Product Manager: deal. Anything more? (look at sale manager)

Sales Manager(帅帆):Being the sales manager for the past decade, I think there are some virtues we should keep up. For instance, it is generally accepted that our productions are the stoutest ones in the market. I have met a customer who said his cellphone fell off the floor and fissured the tile. However, there are issues to be solved. Many customers suggested us to enhance our signal strength, they said our signal is not stable enough. What is more, I have heard a lot complaints concerning our production's stand-by time, I think we should do something to improve this situation.

Hardware Engineer(苏涵): OH, that’s what I will say, the new product will adopt the distributed antenna to improve the signal to noise ratio. And, we will use the new technology based on siliconto increase the battery capacity, the battery capacity will be doubled. Since this technology is matured, so itwill increase the cost of 2 dollars.

Director( 卢炤宇):It’s no problem.

Product Manager:We were one of the best cellphone selling companies in the world, and we once had the most popular production as well. Surely we are facing an acid test right now, but underourefforts we will overcome it. That’s all, Thanksfor yourcontributions.Wecanfinish there.


Financial report

Unit: dollar

Qoq:Quarter on quarter

Yoy:Year on Year