How to Succeed in Mr. Garza’s

Biology Class

Portable 101A (817) 547-6362

Class Schedule:

Period 1 / PreAP Biology @garza1hhs
Period 2 / PreAP Biology @garza2hhs
Period 3 / Biology @garza3hhs
Period 4 / PreAP Biology @garza4hhs
Period 5 / Biology @garza5hhs
Period 6 / Biology PLC N/A
Period 7 / Conference N/A


Mr. Garza’s website is a resource that will be used almost daily in this class. To get to Mr. Garza’s website, follow the directions listed below:

1.  Go to the Haltom High School website (

2.  Click on the tab that says “Faculty/Staff” at the top of the page.

3.  Scroll down to the “G” section and click on my name (Garza, Enrique)

Classroom Expectations:

1.  Be prepared for class.

2.  Follow directions the first time they are given.

3.  Food and drink put away.

4.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times.

5.  Stay on task during all work times.

6.  Use positive and appropriate voice tone, body language, and words when interacting.

Classroom Consequences:

1.  Verbal warning.

2.  Student conference or student/parent phone call.

3.  D-Hall assigned and parent/guardian/coach notified.

4.  If D-Hall is missed, then Friday Night Lights will be assigned by administrator.

5.  Referral

* Note: These consequences are for minimum offenses. We reserve the right to change our consequences to fit the offense at any point

What do I need for class?

Materials needed: Buff Binder (Required for ALL courses)

2 Paper Folders w/ Prongs

Composition Book

Paper and Pencils and Erasers (we mess up a bunch!)

4 Stack of Index Cards (2 for you, 2 for the class)

Index Card holder (i.e. rings, rubber bands, pencil bag, index card container)

2 Boxes of Ziploc Baggies - Periods 1, 3, 5

Clorox Wipes - Periods 2, 4

What does homework look like?

Homework is due at the beginning of class immediately to the correct period’s box. Late work will not be accepted for full credit after the due date. The following is the breakdown for late daily work.

1st Day Late = 30% taken off from graded work

2nd Day Late = 50% taken off from graded work

3rd Day Late = Assignment will not be accepted

LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED WITHOUT PENALTY FOR STUDENTS WHO WERE ABSENT BECAUSE OF ILLNESS OR SCHOOL EVENT. But it is the student’s responsibility to obtain absent work from “While You Were Out” Wall.

What if I need help?

Tutorials are held before school (7:00-7:20am) in room 101A and after school (2:45-3:30pm) in room 101A except Tuesday and Wednesdays.

In Addition, before and after school tutorials will be available in the Blended Learning Lab (Room 120). The lab will be open every Monday through Thursday, 7-7:25am and 2:45-3:30pm. There will be a representative from the Biology Department available on Tuesdays. During these sessions students will be able to work on assignments, make up exams, quizzes, or get help with any other questions they may have.

How do I catch up when I have been absent?

1.  Speak with Mr. Garza at the beginning of class when you return.

2.  Check the front wall on the blue wall shelf labeled “While You Were Out” under the designated day(s) you were absent.

3.  If you’ve been absent for more than a week, plan to come for a tutorial to get the work.

4.  Remember, catching up is YOUR responsibility! But if you need help in any way, ASK!

What is the lab fee?

Since Biology is a lab course, there is a $3.00 lab fee required. You may pay it to me by the second week of school.

Interested in joining Science Club?

Established in 2013, this club has quickly risen to be one of the best and most active academic organizations. In just two years they’ve been able to participate in many community service projects, raise their own funds, compete in academic competitions, and plan fun and exciting social events and field trips.

Join Science Club and you’ll be able to:

-Be involved with the school

-Set up fun experiments

-Go on cool and exciting field trips

-Have fun and make new friends

-Create irreplaceable High School memories

Science Club has an open-membership and hold weekly meetings in Portable 101A with Mr. Garza every Tuesday. Look for announcements during your Buff Time.

Remember...if you need anything at any time, come talk to me! I am here to help you be successful in school and life. That’s why I do this for a living...I care about you!

Dear parent/guardian:

This will be an exciting year in Biology! Please take a few minutes to read through the SYLLABUS paper copy OR on “Lessons and Assignments” page on my website:

Feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns you may have regarding my class or your student’s success. Also, to ensure the best communication between us this year, please complete the information below and RETURN IT TO ME as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for all you do. I’m looking forward to a great year!

Enrique R Garza

HHS Biology


Student Name:

Parent/guardian Name:

Relationship to student:

Preferred method of contact (circle one):

phone email either

Best contact phone # (school hours):

Best contact email (schools hours):

Lab fee (circle one):

paid $3 enclosed today will pay by 9/1/17

Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand the class information given to you and your student.

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature: