President’s Workgroup


January 31, 2014 - 1:30 – 3:00


Scott, Joanne, Dennis, Terri, Stacey, Jeremy, Patrick, Rose, James, Karen

Scott introduced and welcomed student representative Jeremy Obudzinski.

Purpose today is to debrief from the Winter Institute and decide what/where we go from here.

Jeremy had organized the notes from the Winter Institute into categories of Who, Where, What, When, Why and How which Scott showed on the overhead.

Various ideas discussed.

Bullseye concept

Center – is employee

Next layer – office

Next layer – department

Next layer – division

Next layer – college overall

Need to have people reflect – do self-evaluation. How do groundskeeper or cashier or HR employee see their role in perspective of student success.


Needs Analysis

Design Plan


Where we are!

Define student success


At end we’ll need to have a product; part of performance management evaluations could include student success


Group discussions every month

Blogs (give people opportunities to build on other’s ideas)

Need to look through students’ eyes

Maybe not change culture to student success but strengthen student success. Maybe culture is here. Maybe we haven’t acknowledged it.

Provide more opportunities for cross-culture.

Lean Process – helped Student Services look at processes – could help with changing culture of YC

May be helpful to do survey – faculty; staff; students

Different departments (i.e. HR or Facilities may need more understanding/education for conversations around student success)

Two Tracks (Patrick will send out visual)

  1. Assess where are; best practices
  2. Engagement – ideas for activities; fill in gaps;

Two groups feed off each other.

Themes -- Values

At beginning of each month (or week) introduce a value on website. Start discussions in staff meetings, other venues on this value. Blog on this topic.

Tracks to address values (each group to cover some type of activity)


SLC have activity

Gift Center


Soft Launch in Spring

Kick off with a News Flash (maybe invitation from President to be part of the process)


Who – Everyone at institution; everyone on campus; grassroots interactions

When – variety of engagements

How/Where – website blogs; First Friday sessions; Brown Bags; specific activities directed to students

Faculty did Gecko process

Umbrella – Student Success


Open forums

Come back together for bigger plan


Dennis – go back through articles from Sandy and find principles/values

Patrick – will send out visual of tracks

Group – think about what the architecture of this plan is; Tracks; Brown Bags; Town Hall; Facilitated meetings